There's a lot you don't know about me

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We were finally at the movies and we were sitting behind a girl with long red hair and an other with short, black hair. Dallas was eyeing them the whole time. We were sitting like this: Dallas in the corner, Pony next to him, me, then Johnny. I would be lying if I said I wasn't embarrassed when he started talking dirty to the red haired girl.

"Are you a real red head?" He said to her, smirking. I rolled my eyes cuz he'd been going at it for a while now. 

"Ay dios..." I groaned

Dallas looked back at me and gave me the 'Watch and learn' face. I rolled my eyes again, but this time I did it so he can see it. 

"How can I find out if this is your real hair? If this is the same hair you have on your..." He looked down," These eyebrows." 

I scoffed loudly, "I'm going to get food." I said walking out of the row of chairs.  Imma get Dally away from her, this is so humiliating to watch and be around, I can't imagine how it must feel for her to endure. I knew exactly how to get him away, even if it risks me getting hurt. 

As I'm walking out of the row, I smack Dallas in the head and take off running. I was running faster than I've ever ran before. I looked back and saw Dallas running after me. I heard him yelling profanities and stuff from behind me. I can't even lie, I was laughing really hard. Well I was laughing really hard until... 

Narrator's Pov: 

Jazmine was running away from Dallas and she had some distance on him until she tried running through the area behind the concession stand and tripped over a rock and hit her knee pretty hard. She tried to get up but ended up falling again because she didn't give herself enough time to gather herself before trying to get back up and run again. 

"She's such an idiot." Dallas said to himself quietly, laughing a bit at her.

Jazmine was sitting down on the floor, also laughing a little bit, waiting for Dallas. 

"Stop laughing at me Winston" Jazmine said. 

"I wouldn't be laughing if you weren't such a dumbass" He says back, trying not to laugh. 

Jazmine was a little scared because she just pissed him off, but he seemed to be in a decent mood, stating the fact that he was laughing. 

"You good?" He asked her

"Yeah I'm alright I guess"

"Okay then get up, I'm missing the movie because of you." He said to her

"And by the movie, you mean that walking strawberry huh?" She said getting up. 

"What about her? You jealous of her or something? Is that why you hit me and ran off? To get me away from the most 10/10 girl I've ever met?" He said getting closer to Jazmine

"Don't flatter yourself Winston. I did that because that was embarrassing for everyone, including me." She said, leaning against he wall. Maybe that is why I did that, she thought. 

Dallas was just standing there, looking at her. She was looking at him back, both of them with their arms crossed. 

"So... what are we doing here?" Jaz asked

"I'm not sure, but..." He was looking at Jazmine, "Nevermind."

"What Winston?" 

"Nah, I'm just confused about something but it's whatever." 

"Okay??? Come on Winston, I think we are missing the movie." 

"Thats fine, the boys will let us know what we are missing."

Jazmine's POV:

Me and Dallas started walking back and were just talking until we heard a voice from behind us: 

"Hey baby!" We both turned around to see who the voice was coming from,

"Don't call me that" I heard Dallas say from next to me 

"Why? Is that what you call her now?" The black, curly haired girl said, motioning to me

"Whats it to you, Sylvia?" He said, poison in his voice when he said her name. 

I had heard of Sylvia but never met or saw her. She looked real trashy, she had a ton of makeup on, not like a normal "ton of makeup" but yeah, her neckline was lower than my sisters grades, and her shorts were shorter than my attention span. 

"Imma go..." I said, pointing over to the seats.

"No princess, you get to just leave," He said grabbing my hand, he squeezed it a little, looking at me with the 'please stay look'. He put his arm around me, on my shoulders. "WE will go over there" He said turning us around.

"Who's the bitch tho?" I heard the girl ask 

"The WHAT" I said, swatting Dallas's hand off of me and turning around 

"You heard me." The girl said, lighting a cigarette

I was walking up to her, angry, when I felt Dallas putting his arms around my waist, "Baby, no, she's not worth it" Dallas whispered in my ear, "I cant let her disrespect me like that, I've been disrespected enough today." I said back, pulling his arms off me, both of us remembering what happened earlier at the gas station.

"Oh so you do call her baby? Well listen here, he's going to run right back to me. You might have him now, but I'll have him whenever you don't, when you're not around, I'LL be right there for him to use" 

Dallas interrupted her, "Sylvia, please-"

And before I knew it, my fist made contact with the girls nose, making it bleed instantly, "DALLAS LETS GO!!!" I said grabbing his hand and running out of the drive-in.


"THERE'S A LOT YOU DONT KNOW ABOUT ME!!!'' i yelled back at the boy. 


"I wanna go to Bucks. Do you know what this is Perez?" He asked when we finally stopped 

"Yes WiNStoN I know where that is" I said slightly mocking him. 

And there we were, On our way to Bucks. 


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