Ms. Worldwide

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I saw him walk out of the house with someone.
Yo, he looks real familiar, OMG
"TAL?" I asked loudly
"Jaz?" The long haired boy asked back
"Hey man, how's it going?" I said getting out of the car, still shocked.
"It's been alright" he said smiling, pulling me into a hug.

Me and Tal had been friends ever since we were born. He had to move to another city when we were 8, so I hadn't seen him since then. He looked so mature now. He was like 5'8, but with a real nice build. His jet black hair was longer (think Matt Dillon in little darlings) and his bright blue eyes shined in the darkness.

"Wow you really grew up!" He said
"I can say the same about you!" I said giggling
He was real attractive now.
"Uhhh do y'all know each other?" Dallas said, lighting a cigarette.
"Yeah we used to be friends as kids" Tal said back
"So do you just know everyone Jazmine? Wanna smoke?" He questioned, offering me a cigarette
"Yes to both." I responded
"You gotta light?" I asked him
"Yeah, come here." He replied, getting closer to me.
He lit a match on the necklace he had. He handed it to me.
"Thank you" I responded
It was quiet for a second before Dallas interrupted:
"Oh Tal I gotta give you ya car back" he said, throwing Tal his keys.
I looked at Dallas confused
"Oh yeah princess, this ain't my car, it's Tal's" he said after noticing my face. 
"Wait, how the hell are we supposed to go home?" I asked
"Just trust me" he said
"You keep saying that, and I'm supposed to just believe you're A) a good person, B) I can-"
Tal interrupted me, "Jaz, he's going to get you were you need,  I promise" as he stuck his pinky out. I might be 16, but I will keep my pinky promises.
"Okay" I said,  going along with the pinky promise.
"Phhssh" I heard from Dallas behind me
"What?" I asked
"You're such a kid" 
I shot him a look "Yeah whatever"
"Bye Jaz, imma miss you dude" Tal said as Dallas and I were waking away, "yeah I'm going to miss you too man" I said back to Tal.
"Hey, let me get that for ya" Dallas said as he motioned for the blue and black back pack I had. It was on the front of me since I was wearing the other on my back.
"It's okay, where's your stuff? You said you had to 'grab your stuff' before we left." I asked
"I just had to give the car back, along with pickup a couple things that fit in my pocket." He said stopping me and taking the backpack off of me.
"Thanks man" I said sort of smiling.
"Yeah, no problem" he said smirking. It wasn't like an evil smirk or anything, it seemed like he don't really want me to see him smile. It was cute.

We were walking down the street, shoulder to shoulder.
By before we had left Tals, we were both finished with our smokes.
Dallas lit himself one, I looked at him, studying his features. "you want?" He asked
I shook my head 'no'
"Alright" he said
We were walking in silence. It was now about 2:40 in the morning.
"What have you heard about me?" He asked seemingly out of no where
"What?" I responded
"You said you've heard about me a few times from Two. What's he tellin you?"
"Well he's just told me you've got a bit of a record, that's all" I said with a slight chuckle.
"Mmhm" he responded with.
"Do you know anything about me? I'm not sure if Keith ever talked about me." I asked him
"Well the only thing I heard about you before this is that once Two took a train all the way to your house to see you. That's it though"
"Oh okay" I said back
Would my mom miss me? How is Alex going to be with out me? He seemed really hurt that I was leaving. Why did I have to leave? What does Ali have that I don't?
I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw red a blue lights and heard a siren from behind us.


Thanks for reading :)) stay safe :)

ʕ•ᴥ•ʔThanks for reading :)) stay safe :)

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Just trust me|| Dallas Winston FFWhere stories live. Discover now