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(TRIGGER WARNING: There is mentions of SA at the end-ish of this chapter, if this triggers you, please read this chap with caution. It is mentioned after the POV changes back to Jazmine's)

"Lets go cause some trouble!" Dallas said to me as he grabbed my hand and started to speed walk. 

"How good are you at seducing someone?" He asked me 

"Uhhh I dunno, why?"

"okay so" He turned and looked at me, "Ya see that gas station over there?" 

I nodded "Lemme guess, the cashier is a younger guy and you want me to distract him while you take stuff?"

"Bingo" He said, shooting a fingergun at me. 

"So, are you gonna wait outside and wait till I say some code word or something?"

"Get out of my head, princess. Have you done this before or something? Cuz I feel like you know too much already." He said with a giggle

"Yeah, maybe a few times." I smiled as I remembered the times me and Alondra would pull stunts like that. She was the seducer and I was the one with the quick hands. Then there was the times I would go out with my ex and do this too. I was obviously the seducer haha.

 Me and Dallas walked in silence for a little bit until he asked me about the scar on my cheek. 

"How'd you get THAT thing?" he said pointing at my right cheek.

"Oh ha, I got it in a fight a few years ago. Nothing too crazy. This is the gas station right?" I said looking away, trying to change the subject. I without even thinking, I covered the scar with my hand. I don't like talking about the fight, it was one of the only ones I've ever lost. I got beat up pretty badly. The person took my blade from my pocket and cut me in my face as a way to "leave their mark" on me. It was humiliating as hell. It was like the size of my pointer finger and stretched from the middle of my nose to the middle of my cheek.

Dallas was still looking at me "Yeah it is" 

Dallas was still looking at me after answering me. 

"Why are you staring at me?" 

He pulled my hand off my face, and held my hand a couple inches from my face. He stared at me, still holding my hand. He leaned his head in closer, still looking at me, his eyes went down to my lips, but he pulled away as quickly as he leaned in. (A/n: they didn't kiss)

"I don't know why I did that. I didn't mean to. I'm-" 

"Its okay," I said with a forced smile, slightly disappointed this didn't play out the way it should have, "It was a heat of the moment thing, thats all, no need to apologize. Lets go" I said as I was walking towards the gas station. 

Narrator's pov:

Things became slightly awkward between the two. They were both flustered as hell and didn't really know what came about them. 

Why did I do that? I mean she's pretty but like why? I almost let my emotions get the best of me. Two-Bit would kill me. He specifically told me, "Mess with her and I'll skin you". Dallas thought to himself

He should have just went for it, Jazmine thought to herself, I wouldn't have complained 

They finally talked over the plan, Dallas was going to wait by an open window and Jazmine was going to try and lead the cashier outside or the extra room and use some sort of excuse to leave when she heard the whistle, a long low whistle followed by a sudden high note, coming from Dallas.

Just trust me|| Dallas Winston FFWhere stories live. Discover now