A Coke

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When we got to Buck's, I automatically opened the door and pushed through the what seemed like hundreds of people, right to the bar.

"Hey Jaz, a Coke?" the older but taller man asked from behind the counter.

"Ya tu sabessss" I said, winking at the man.

"Don't do that" Dallas told me.

"Why not?" I asked, confused.

"Just because."

"Because whyyyyy?" I whined. I felt like i knew why, but decided to push Dallas a bit.

"You piss me off, ya know that" he said back to me.

I rolled my eyes at him and looked back at Buck.

I heard Dal walk away, and some guy approached me.

"Hey baby, you new here?"

I turned my head to see a tall man with his hair slicked back, and bright blue eyes. I had "met" him a few times when i would hang with Dallas sometimes, but he doesn't really speak to me when Dal's around.  When I'm not with Dal, he'll whistle at me or he'll try and hit on me. He'll give up if you ignore him for long enough.

I turned back around when Buck called me.

"Thank you Bucky" I said to Buck, grabbing the Coke from him.

"Hey baby, I know you're not deaf, answer my question," i heard the same guy say from behind me, "Hello???"
I still continued to ignore him, when he came up to me and put his arm around my waist,
"Aww Mr. New York isnt here to save you," he said as he put his face into my ear.

I pushed him off of me, pulling my blade from my pocket, keeping it hidden in my hand, "Tim, you're too ugly to be doing this to me, and you know good and damn well I don't need him to protect me."

He walked up to me and grabbed the hand I had my blade in. "You really think that would work against me?" He said, flashing a gun he had in his pocket with his free hand, "you better speak to me right, or I'll use this on you."

I yanked my hand from away from him and walked to where I thought Dally would be. I didn't see him by the pool tables, so I looked around trying to find him, and saw him walking up to Tim, who was trailing behind me.

I stopped when all of a sudden, a guy pulled me to dance with him. All I wanted was to be in the comfort of Dallas. I knew that when I was with him, I was safe. It was like that with Keith too. With most of the gang at that, but mainly Dal.

As I danced with this random man, I heard a commotion. I went to turn my head, but the guy I was dancing with pulled my face towards him, forcing me to stare at him.

For the first time, I actually looked at him, studying his features. He was a real fine man. He had really dark, shaggy, medium length hair. He had these beautiful green eyes, long lashes, and thick eyebrows. He was slightly tan skinned and on the taller side. We continued to dance together, looking into each other's eyes. I felt the same kind of safety that I would feel with the gang, with him. It was comforting.

I heard come from the left of me.
All of a sudden I felt someone grab my arm and tug me out.
"GOD PEREZ DID YOU NOT HEAR ME CALLING YOU??" Dallas yelled from beside me.
"No, honestly I didn't" I replied
"Of course not, you were too busy with Mr movie star on the dance floor." He said as he stopped walking, finally letting go of my arm.
"Look at me" he said. "Look at my face, see what I had to do, just to protect you from one of my dumbass 'friends'?"
I looked at him, like he said to;
He had a busted lip, and some bruises on his face.
"Yeah. Tim was messing with you, and you were too busy sticking your tongue down pretty boy's mouth, that you didn't even see that."
"Dal, nothing like that even happened, I'm sorry."
"It's whatever man," he said walking away from me, "Go home Jaz."

And I did just that. I walked home. Alone.

(A/N: THANK YOU FOR STICKING AROUND IF YOU DID!!! I've been so busy with school and my life that I lowkey forgot about this story 😭
Stay safe!!)

ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ(A/N: THANK YOU FOR STICKING AROUND IF YOU DID!!! I've been so busy with school and my life that I lowkey forgot about this story 😭Stay safe!!)

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