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Raven was lost in her mind as she followed Amara and Varitan through the forest. They had been walking the entire day and the entire night. Amara looked like she could fall asleep any moment now, but Varitan was alert and didn't give them any chance to rest.

"We're still to close by Emberguard," he kept repeating. "We want to be far away for us to rest." During the journey he had given Amara his cloak, since she needed it far more than he did. Winter was almost over, and even though it had been a warm winter, it was way too cold to be walking around in the school uniform without a cloak. Eventually Raven put Blaise on Amara to provide a little bit more warmth to her.

Raven dragged herself after the two. She kept kicking a rock forward as they walked, almost hitting Varitan's ankles. She had pulled the hood of her cloak, not really paying attention to Amara's and Varitan's conversation.

She didn't- really understand why Jisu hadn't come out of the castle immediately. Almost everyone had fled already, why had she gotten out so late? Had she been searching for something? What if she came out of the castle earlier, she probably could've been saved...? She would be here, walking right next to Raven. Walking to whatever their next destination was. But now she was dead... What if she was looking for Raven, thinking she was still in the castle and trying to find her to escape together?

Raven's eyes started watering again, as they had done for the past twenty-four hours. Her face basically felt sore from the tears that had ran down her cheeks.

"Hey," Raven looked up to see Varitan walking right next to her.

"Hey," she replied.

"How are you feeling?" he asked carefully. Raven scoffed, rolling her head.

"How do you think I feel?" Raven snapped.

"Like absolute shit." He replied. Raven nodded slowly. Of course, he knew how she felt. Skye had passed too, of course. "I'm sorry for being so blunt and rude, I was worried about getting you away from the castle. I should've been more considerate." Raven put her hair behind her ear, meanwhile wiping some tears away with her palm.

"It's fine," Raven mumbled. "I understand it, don't get me wrong. I can just-react a little- Y'know?"

"I know." Varitan laughed. He patted Raven on the back. "But try to talk Amara a little bit?" he suggested in a hushed voice. "I don't know her as well and I don't know how to help her..."

"You don't need to whisper she can hear you anyway," Raven laughed.

"Wait- what, what do you mean?" Amara giggled, turning around to walk backwards. She smiled at Varitan.

"Werewolf, remember?" she giggled, tapping her ear.

"Oh..." Raven smiled and shook her head. "Well, obviously I knew but I just wanted to test if it really-"


"I am very serious!" Varitan pressed on, taking a few big steps to walk next to Amara. Raven laughed and shook her head. She held her bow tightly in her hands, walking after the two.

Deep in her mind, Raven started wondering. If she didn't befriend Jisu, would she still be alive? Maybe if they weren't friends, Jisu would have fled earlier and would have lived a lovely, immortal life forever. Raven bit her lip, tightening her hands around her bow. Fuck- it was really her fault wasn't it...? They shouldn't have met. Raven pulled his hood even further over her head, wanting to disappear. Amara probably thought so too. She looked at the ground, biting her lip so harshly that it almost broke the skin. Blaise had turned around on Amara's shoulder, feeling the sadness of his master. But- she wasn't anywhere to be seen. They squawked, catching the attention of Amara and Varitan, who stopped in their steps. Raven stopped automatically, looking at the two slowly. She saw Varitan's face change to horror and he stepped toward him.

Raven Ashfury; the darkness approachesWhere stories live. Discover now