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Raven couldn't do anything but stare. She stared at Amara as she fell to the ground, as she gasped for air and gripped the spear that had pierced through her stomach.

         'No...' Raven whispered. Her legs had gotten wobbly, her stomach turning at the sight of her friend gagging up blood. 'No, no, oh god-' She dropped her bow and arrow and fell next to her friend. 'No! No, Amara, please!' She raised her hand, already thinking of healing the wound- but how? How on earth would she be able to heal such a wound?! I can't pull out the spear, she'll bleed to death before I can do something. But I can't leave it like this! She'll die as well, shit- Amara grinned at Raven, her head falling to the side.

         'Raven-' She whimpered. 'Please-'

         'It's okay!' Raven hurried to say. 'It's okay, I can fix it!' Raven grabbed the spear and pulled it out of Amara's stomach, erupting a scream from the girl. She pulled up her sleeve. I must do something. I am going to do something. Her hand started glowing and put it on Amara's stomach, almost on the wound. Amara hissed, slapping Raven's hand away from it.

         'Raven- please...' Amara's eyes had been squeezed shut, holing Raven's wrist with a strength that surprised Raven. 'It hurts, it hurts so bad.'

         'I'm sorry! I'm so sorry.' Raven cried. She pried Amara's fingers from her wrist. She looked at the wound. What do I do? What do I do? What did I learn at school, we did this so many times! Tears rolled down Amara's face, the pain too much for the poor girl. 'I'm sorry.' Raven cried, water pooling in her eyes. 'I can't- I don't-' Raven's heart was racing, mind blank. What- what do I do? Amara's beautiful brown orbs pierced Raven's.

         'I don't want to die.' Raven stared at Amara.

         'W-what are you talking about? You won't die!' Raven exclaimed. 'No! No, you'll be fine!'  Raven shook her head, trying to remember everything she'd learned in school. What do I do?!


         'Give me a second, I can't think.'


         'I know what to do, please, just give me-'

         'Raven...' This came out as a soft whisper. Raven whipped her head around to look at Amara. 'Raven, could you-' she gulped. 'Could you give my bandana to Rodyn? I want him to remember me.' Raven's breath hitched.

         'No. Because you're going to give it to him yourself.' She said in a tight voice. Tears rolled down her face. Amara looked so pale.

         'Please give it to him.' She begged. 'Raven, please- promise me.' She held out a shaky hand. 'Please.' Raven took her hand.

         'Of course, I'll give it to him.' Amara smiled. She raised her other hand to her neck and took the bandana off with ease. She handed it to Raven, her hands falling limply on her chest the moment Raven took hold of it.

         'Thank you.' Amara sighed. 'For being my friend, Raven. I'm so thank-ful for you and Jisu. I'm sorry- Tell Rodyn. I'm so sorry.'

         'No, Amara, please-'

Raven stared at Amara. The hand she was holding lost all her strength. She blew out of breath and her eyes fell close.

         'Amara?! Amara!' Her magic seemed to have returned and only now it started to work on healing Amara. She threw the bandana away and held her hand above the ugly wound, an attempt to keep the girl alive. 'Shit, shit, shit!' She felt the disturbance and she sent all her magic to the wound in an attempt to heal it. She watched how the skin braided together and pulled it together, only the faintest little stripe left behind. But even though the wound was together, the disturbance was still there, and it wasn't even little as well. 'Amara...?' Raven whispered. 'Amara, please.' But there was no response. Raven gulped and felt the artery on her neck. There was no heartbeat. Amara was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2023 ⏰

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