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The next morning, Raven had dance practice. The only problem was that she had a horrible headache. Tate reassured her that after a paracetamol it would be all fine, but that wasn't the case.
So, there she was, dancing like mad, out of rhythm and not finishing the moves completely, frustrating herself enormously. Tyler was looking from the doorway; he was the one who brought her there, and the one who would bring her back.
Raven cursed loudly when she failed a move for the third time. It was getting really frustrating at this point; it was such a simple move and she couldn't even do it right. It was the easiest dance, everything was easy; why can't she just do it.
The warming up already exhausted her, body tired and feeling as if she was breathing in charcoal.

'Are you okay?', the dance teacher asked after Raven cursed.

'Feeling frustrated.', she admitted.
Tyler chuckled. It was hilarious to see her frustrated.

'It is not that hard.', her teacher said. 'Follow me, alright.'
Raven tried to copy we teacher the best as she could, but after placing her leg wrong, she literally shouted out in anger.
'Are you feeling alright?', the teacher asked while placing her hand on Raven's forehead.

'I'm perfectly fine.', Raven lied.
Her head was still pounding and stinging like mad, but that just couldn't be the cause of this.

'You feel so hot!', her teacher exclaimed. 'Sweetie, I think you can better go home. This isn't right.'

'No!', Raven said quickly. 'I have to practice for our performance!'

'We don't have a performance in a month, it will be fine if your absent for the rest of this lesson.', her teacher said calmly - but the calmness of her voice made Raven even angrier.

'No!', Raven repeated. 'I have to stay!'

'Well, well, Ray, come on; we go home, and you can practice there.', Tyler said while he walked towards him. 'Nothing to worry-'
He laid his hand on her shoulder.
Raven's eyes change within the blink of an eye. Her bright blue eyes became golden and her pupil stretched out.
She turned instantly and glares at Tyler for less than a millisecond.

'Don't touch me.'
Everything happened at the same time. A weird sensation flowed through her fingers.
A loud BANG made the room shake, everyone got thrown off their feet and they flew in every direction. The room fell dark for a few seconds, but then the light came back on. Tyler hit the wall with a loud thud, and he slides down, just to fall on the ground. Raven's eyes widen. She turned around. Everyone who had stood, is now on the ground, laying still. The bang was echoing through Raven's head. Her fingers were shaking; the weird sensation made her fingers go numb.
With one single glance at Tyler, Raven ran.
She ran out of the dance hall, out of the building, onto the street. Her heart was pounding loudly, so loud that she could hear it in her head. It was pounding so hard that her chest hurt. She ran out of the street and crossed the road without looking. Some cars came with screeching tires to stop and cursed at Raven, but she didn't even look.
She sprinted as fast as possible back to her house. A loud bang sounded above her, and the first drops of rain fell out of air. Within ten seconds, the rain was so bad that Raven was already soaked.
She had a sting in her flank after a few seconds more; damn her and her lack of condition.

When she was almost at her house, a weird screeching noise distracts her. She stopped running and turns. A hawk flew in the air; a hawk flew right there in the streaming rain in London. Raven was sure she was dreaming. She rubbed her eyes and looked up. It was gone; there, she must be dreaming. She turned and ran towards her house.

She stopped.
The door hung obliquely in the hinges and the lights were out. Raven looked around, hoping she would see anyone. But that wasn't the case. So, she walked to her house and crawled through the opening of the broken door.
She straightened up and walked to the living room. It reeked, the smell was disgusting, almost causing Raven to gag.
She opened her mouth to call out for Tate, but when she saw her living room, she smacked a hand in front of her mouth.

Raven Ashfury; the darkness approachesWhere stories live. Discover now