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The next day at breakfast, Loona was gone. Varitan told her that, because she was a healer, she was on the move the entire day to help people who hurt themselves or people who are sick.

'She will be here in the afternoon, though.', he added. 'She will show you around this town and you can get some supplies from the market.'
He eyed Blaise nervously as he got closer to his hand on which his Nala was sleeping peacefully. When he got a little too close, he retreated his hand quickly, holding it close to his chest carefully.

'Have you thought of a name for him, dear?' Skye walked into the room, looking in interest at Blaise. Raven thought back about how she seemed almost afraid of him last evening.

'Yes!', Raven beamed. 'Blaise!'

'That's a sweet name.', Skye said, sitting down next to the girl. 'Have you summoned him yourself?' Raven nodded. 'That's something else...', Skye mumbled. 'You are young for a witch, most of the witches around your age wouldn't be able to summon such a rare familiar.'

'Sorry- a familiar?', Raven asked, not sure what to think at that.

'A familiar is a guide and an assistant that belongs to a witch or wizard.', Varitan explained. 'Most familiar will be summoned by the witch or wizard themselves, but they can also be in the family so they can get passed along the generations. Familiars have a special bound with their master and it's a very important part of their live. Most familiars can help the witch or wizard with their magic, or they have their own powers which they can share with their master.' Raven gaped at Varitan.

'What can you do, Blaise?', she asked, poking the leathery skin of her familiar. He just bit toward her finger as she did so.

'It's something you have to find out yourself.', Skye giggled, patting Raven her shoulder. 'But I am sure that he will love you dearly.'

'It's not like we can ask them if they love us.', Varitan chuckled. But after he said that he frowned and raised his hand up in front of his head, looking at Nala. 'Nala, do you love me?', he asked, making Raven and Skye chuckle. Nala looked at her master for a few seconds, but then laid back down on his hand. Varitan's face fell and he huffed.

'Do you have a familiar too?', Raven asked Skye. She smiled.

'My familiar is now from my grandson.', Skye told her.

'What for demon did you have?',
Skye just gestured toward Varitan, who was just standing up to go downstairs to his shop.
'Is Varitan your grandson?',
Skye nodded proudly.

'He's my only grandchild.', Skye said, pressing a hand to her chest. A smile curled up Varitan's lips, but he tried to hide it as he turned around and quickly went downstairs. Skye watched as Varitan disappeared out of sight, a sigh coming from her lips. 'And I will never have any other grandchildren...', Raven looked at Skye.

'Why not?', she asked. 'Doesn't Varitan have any nieces or nephews?' Skye stayed silent.

'His father was my only child.', Skye told her. 'He looks a lot like his father... Yes, he does. He was a warrior, just like his father. He has the same hair, the same eyes...' Skye was silent for a few seconds. 'But his parents passed away when Varitan was just a little wizard.'

'They- what?', Raven chocked out. Skye nodded sadly. 'What happened?'

'Like I said; his father was a warrior.', Skye told the young girl. 'He made enemies as he tried to protect the land and the families of the ones, he had to kill despised him. So, one day, they came to his house and murdered my son and his wife. Varitan saw everything... he was only six...'

'And he saw his parents getting killed?', Raven asked breathlessly. Skye nodded.

'My poor baby...', Skye said. 'After that, he had always been a lonely boy. He never liked talking to others. But he found himself, luckily.' She smiled at Raven. 'Why don't you go downstairs and go and look if you can help him.', Raven nodded quickly, scooping Blaise up and hurrying downstairs.

Raven Ashfury; the darkness approachesWhere stories live. Discover now