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It was Monday, again the first day of university.

A sigh left Yeosang's mouth as he kept staring at the huge building, standing in his white button up uniform and looking around as students started coming inside.

His heart was racing because he was nervous to be back after a summer break, and he was excited to almost be over with the university.

And it also raced because he knew that it's going to be a harder year, specially since it's the last one and he is studying law.

Definitely not a good idea. Yeosang knew it.

"YEOSANGGGG!" A loud voice yelled as the running sound was heard.

The male widened his eyes as he saw Wooyoung and San running towards him, making Yeosang widen his eyes as people looked at them.

Wooyoung was a few feet away from San even if he also ran behind him with huge smiles on their faces. He opened his arms and giggled as Woo hugged him back, literally almost falling down on his butt.

The male was giggling as he placed his head under Yeosang's chin, keeping his arms around Yeosang's waist as he opened the other arm to hug San.

San and Wooyoung were his best friends ever since middle school, and it followed them even to the university.

Even if the two males were in a relationship for almost 3 years now, Yeosang didn't mind it except for the face sucking sometimes.

Being the same age and very close friends was amazing, no matter how much they embarrassed Yeosang. He loved them.

"What's up baby?" Wooyoung asked like they haven't seen each other last week as he pulled away from the hug, cupping the blonde's cheeks.

Yeosang smiled. "Nothing much. The vacation back to Pohang was amazing, and i really want to go back."

Wooyoung let out a small 'aww' for some reason as he rubbed his cheek, but Yeosang really didn't want to know why he did that.

San smiled as Wooyoung kissed his cheek, and just as he was about to say something, he butted in.

"Sorry for being late. I had to wait for Jongho to come so we could go together, but that brat decided to ditch me and go with his new friends." San rolled his eyes.

Yeosang felt a small blush decorate his cheeks at the mention of Jongho.

The male has been Yeosang's crush for almost 4 years now, and no matter how much he wants to forget about Jongho and move on, he can't.

Jongho was your typical jock. He was on the football team and is known for fooling around the school and barely studying, and instead wasting his time on fucking girls around.

The way his heart fluttered the first time he was Jongho was there every time he saw him, no matter where. It was like a love at the first sight.

Yeosang knew he was an asshole who didn't think of anyone else except for himself, but he couldn't help and say no to his heart.

But waiting for Jongho? What the hell?

"Wait, what?" Yeosang asked.

San hummed in confusion as the male asked that in confusion.

"Jongho is coming to this school?" Yeosang asked again.

San nodded. "He is moving schools because he kept failing math, so they couldn't keep him there anymore."

So Choi Jongho is coming to this school? Ah shit. Yeosang really wasn't ready for that jump scare this early in the morning.

"Oh." Yeosang nodded slowly.

Wooyoung furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at him like that, then looking to San again before moving lightly.

"Is that him?" He asked as he pointed a finger to a guy in almost all black outfit, except the white button up he had to have.

He was followed by a crowd of muscular guys, all of them looking like typical bullies from American movies. They all wore black outfits with mainly leather jackets on top.

Yup, that was Choi fucking Jongho and his new stupid "friends".

He was popular in the school even if it was his first day. How did he even manage to have so much friends already?

"Yeah." San replied. "That brat just left for his new football gang. I really don't know why did our parents even allow him to be like this."

Yeosang didn't know what to answer as he watched Jongho who now ran his fingers through his hair and licked his lips, slightly turning his head to Yeosang and connecting their eyes as he walked.

The blush decorated his cheeks again as he moved his gaze away a second later, taking a breath and gulping lightly.

"What do you mean by that?" Wooyoung asked as he looked at San.

He shrugged. "He is failing subjects no matter what our parents tell him. That guy really just thinks about girls and football."

Yeosang knew that. He knew almost everything about Jongho, but no matter how much of an asshole he was, it didn't make him feel any less in love.

Was it even love? Yeosang wasn't sure. It's been years already.

"Yeah." Yeosang nodded. "I don't get it."

Wooyoung said something Yeosang didn't really catch, but he kept quiet and looked down to his used sneakers.

"Well, I really don't want to think about him." San replied.

"Let's go inside! Classes are starting soon!" Wooyoung exclaimed.

Yeosang followed the two of his friends to
the entrance, shaking his head and trying to forget about Jongho.

He knew it was hard, but he just has to.

►  ►  ►  ►  ►

"Sang! You wanna come over to Sannie's to watch movies and have a sleepover?" Wooyoung asked, wrapping his arm around Yeosang's shoulders as they walked.

The first day went by okay, and everything and everyone was chill since it's just a start.

Yeosang thought about it for a minute. He was over at Wooyoung's place a lot, but San's? He was rarely there. Every time he was there, Yeosang kept searching for Jongho. But he was never there. He usually came back a lot later, around 2 or 3am. Yeosang didn't know why did he even wonder about him when he knew Jongho doesn't even want to see him.

"Uh-.." Yeosang let out.

"Come on, you never have sleepovers with us!" San butted in.

Yeosang turned to him, smiling a bit at their behaviour and shaking his head.

"I have some jobs to do-" Yeosang was cut off.

"No job is more important than having a sleepover with your besties!" Wooyoung protested with a pout.

Yeosang once again laughed shortly and shook his head. He knew Wooyoung won't give up.

"I really have job to do, I'm not lying!"

"Oh yeah?" San said. "What job?"

Yeosang didn't know what to answer, or why he didn't even want to go to San's and have a sleepover. It's not like he will see Jongho anyway.

"I have to clean my room-"

"Oh my god, stop saying bullshit! We all know you hate cleaning and that's why you keep your room clean!" Wooyoung cut him off again.

Yeosang rolled his eyes. He knew he had no reason to say no, but just thinking he will sleep in the room next to his crush was insane.

He groaned. "Fine."

Wooyoung clapped his hands, wrapping his arm around his shoulders again and kissing his cheek even if Yeosang tried to avoid it.

"I knew you would say yes! Let's go!" He exclaimed as the took both San and him by the hands and started to run.

Yeosang shook his head. He knows he will regret this already.

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