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The next day, me and Akira took Yuki's car to school, her asking questions about us. "You both ready for the test? If you both pass, I'll let you both have a lil' wine." Yuki suggested. Akira chuckled softly. "I don't think Kenji would like wine, Miss. Yuki. Wine is for girls. But who knows?" She smiled. Yuki smiled back. "Ah, true. But, he can always try a little bit!" She replied. We arrived at school and Akira waved at Yuki before heading into school. She sat down in her seat beside me, studying quietly, as usual. Haru came up to her, grabbing her by the shirt collar. "Hey, Akira! Sit in your own seat! Get away from my friend!" He yelled, dragging her to her old seat. She pushed him off, tripping him over purposefully. She walked back to the seat beside me, not looking angry or frustrated even a little. "Hey, Akira? How come you never look so angry?" I questioned. She looked up from her notebook. "I don't let my emotions get in the way of education." She replied. "Oh." "Yeah. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some more things to write down before they slip my mind." A few hours later, we exited school and got back into Yuki's car. "Was the test good?" She asked as soon as we sat inside the car. Akira looked agitated, and took a deep breath before speaking. "We didn't do it." "Ah, you wrote down four pages and they didn't even do the test?" Yuki seemed agitated also, and the atmosphere became threatening. "Stay here, the both of you. I need to talk to the headmaster." She scowled. Yuki stepped out the car and headed to the headmasters office. Meanwhile, Akira was staring out the car window, her posture elegant. "Um...Akira? Are you okay?" "Mm. Yes. I'm fine. Hopefully those notes will come of use eventually." She replied. I sighed deeply, placing a hand on her shoulder to reassure her. She slowly turned her head to look at me. "What are you doing, Kenji?" She whispered. "Just trying to comfort you." I leaned closer to her. She blushed slightly, leaning slightly closer to me. I looked at her lips, and she looked at mine. She kissed me quickly, immediately looking out the window and acting like nothing happened afterwards. I blushed hard, placing my elbows on my knees and placing my hands on my face. I never imagine such an elegant girl would kiss me. "Sorry." She muttered. "Eh? What for? I liked it." "...Oh. I...I liked it too." She was clearly a nervous mess. Yuki eventually came back, immediately turning the engine on and speeding away from the school. "Ah! Miss. Yuki! Slow down!" Akira panicked. "Don't worry, sweetheart. Just a code red." After Yuki said that, Akira immediately calmed down. I stared out the window, trying to figure out what "code red" meant. I sighed deeply. "Um, hey, girls? What does code red mean?" "It means we killed someone." Yuki replied. My heart sank into my chest. Yuki really killed the headmaster? My head was racing. I couldn't stop thinking about code red and Akira kissing me. I wish she did it again.

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