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I woke up to the sound of Yuki in her office, arguing with someone. It wasn't Akira, though. She was still asleep in Yuki's room. I placed a glass against the door to listen in. "I don't know how you think I will keep you in this branch if you're just going to act like this. I will discern the other things you've been doing, too. Due to your ignorant actions and attitude, you have given me no choice but to dismiss you from ever working here again." She yelled. I quickly hid before the worker came out the other room. I heard Yuki sigh heavily before coming out the room. She caught me hiding, and she started chuckling. "What are you doing under there? Bed bugs?" She laughed. I crawled out from underneath the desk as she lended me a hand. "Now, what where you doing under there? You looked quite ridiculous." "I'm sorry, Yuka. I was just..uh..dusting!" I panicked. She laughed again, "That's quite a fatuous excuse, don't you think? Be honest with me here." She chuckled, leaning closer. I got flustered and starting stuttering. "I...I wasn't spying! I-I swear!" I started to sweat. "Gosh, you're quite impractical." She sighed. "I know you were spying, and it's OK. I was just arguing with an asinine colleague, that's all. I apologize if I caused a disturbance in your slumber. That was not my intent." She smiled. She sounded quite formal. She sighed again. "Well, to make up properly for my ignorance, how about I make you something to eat? Does kimchi sound good? I heard from Akira that's all you ever eat these days. Be aware, I do my kimchi quite different from what you eat." She offered. I nodded. The thought of kimchi made me drool a little. "Come along now." I followed her to the kitchen and she sat me down on the breakfast bar seat. Her movements as she cooked were elegant. She eventually placed the bowl of kimchi infront of me. It smelled amazing and looked very sumptuous. I took a bite and my eyes lit up almost immediately. "This is amazing! I could eat this all day!" I said happily, eating away. She chuckled. "Now, Now. Don't eat it all at once! You'll get hiccups~" She smiled. She checked her watch. "Oh...goodness, is that the time?" She looked up at me before sighing. "I apologize, Kenji. Will you be okay here as I go to my meeting?" She asked. I nodded and she smiled as she left. As I finished my kimchi, Akira walked in in the most professional clothes. She noticed me and smiled. "Well good morning. It appears you're enjoying my mothers kimchi." "Yes, it's delicious. Cant believe you told her about my obsession with it." She laughed lightheartedly. "Yes, your obsession is one of a kind." She replied. "Anyway, I've been looking for you everywhere!" She added. "Why? What's wrong, Akira?" "We're late for school again." I slurped my last noodle before heading outside in a hurry. We left quickly, coming to an abrupt halt in the school parking lot. She grabbed my hand and pulled me along to the classroom. I bursted open the door and we both quickly sat down. The school bully quickly came up to us, laughing at Akira. "Akira, is this your boyfriend? He's cuute~ can I have him?" She teased, poking away at Akira, but she didn't budge. "Unless you want a beaten, pulverized rib cage, I advise you walk away right now." Akira threatened. The atmosphere was frightening as Akira stared the school bully down. The school bully was clearly appalled and frightened out of her boots. "N..No way! Don't think you've gotten away with me so easily!" The school bully quickly stepped forward, trying to prove herself brave. Everyone quickly backed up into a corner, whispering to eachother. Akira stood up, walking towards the bully as the bully backed away. "Come on, hit me." The bully teased. How could she tease in a situation like this? Akira went ahead with it, punching her in the rib cage. Crack. Everyone stopped whispering, total silence forming in the room. It was not long until the silence was broken by the bullies screaming. "AH! MY RIBCAAAGE!" She wailed. Akira stood over her, showing no remorse. Akira pulled her knife out of her sheath. "I forewarned you that this would happen, but you don't listen, as per usual." Akira spoke, her tone cold and unwelcoming. Akira got on her knees, putting pressure on top of the bully. "OWWW! PLEASE STOP!" She screamed. She kept screaming until her wails went silent. I couldn't see what happened until Akira stood up. She stabbed her. Akira bent down and pulled the knife out of her chest, putting it back in its sheath. The puddle of blood grew out from under the bully. Akira walked away, dragging the corpse behind her.

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