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It was the end of the school day as Jia tiredly wipes her face with her hands. Too exhausted after having to endure an hour listening to that lecture. She quickly tries to clean her things up, putting her books and pencil case inside her backpack before making her way to the exit of the lecture room.

She was on her way out of the door when she stops walking. Surprised to see Yangyang standing outside as he waits for her patiently.

"What are you doing here?" Jia asks confused. The girl being able to see Yangyang look at her in disbelief as he pushes his body off from leaning against the wall.
"Did you forget? We were supposed to meet your family today?" He answers as she looks at him lost.

Silence as Jia tried to recall her memories.

"Oohhhh... it was today?" She says, no shame left in her.
"Oh gosh, you really need to get some sleep." He tells her as the two of them walks along side each other.
"I did get some sleep. I slept for like three hours today! I should be the one who should ask how many hours of sleep you've gotten."
"Me? I've slept for a maximum of thirty minutes since the last twenty four hours."
His answer making her snap her head towards his direction as her eyes widens in aghast.
"Thirty minutes?? How are you even living. You don't even look exhausted." She said.
"Coffee, coffee is the answer. Today was the day of our deadline and every minute counted, so I didn't sleep until I had like thirty minutes left to leave for class." He answers.

She was puzzled how he was able to look fresh and alive with only thirty minutes of sleep whilst she looked like a zombie who'd just survived the extinction of the dinosaurs.

"Oh by the way, look what I've found." Yangyang spoke as he took out a pair of car keys from his pockets as he happily shows it to her.
"Wow you finally found your car keys. Did you finally have the motivation to clean your messy floors?" She replies. Yangyang coughing in response as he looks away.
"No, my floor is still a mess. I was trying to get a midnight snack when something stabbed my foot, and when I looked at the item that I've just stepped on, it was my car keys." He explains as she let out an amused chuckle.
"You're unbelievable."


"Can we make a quick stop at the flower shop." Yangyang asks as he tries to find a parking lot to park his car.
"Why?" Jia answers tiredly. Her eyes fully closed as the fatiguing feeling got to her.
"I want to get a bouquet of flowers for your sister. It'll be fast." He says as all she could do was nod her head.
"Can I stay in the car though.." Her voice was barely a whisper now as she was slowly dozing off.
"Hmm, catch up on that extra sleep." Was the last thing he said before leaving the car. Making sure that the windows were a bit opened and the AC was on before leaving her alone.

He enters the flower shop. Seeing the usual flower shop that he used to visit often all renovated as a few flowers was left in stock.

"Finally, what took you so long?" Renjun's annoyed voice was heard as Yangyang could see him coming out of the backroom with a bouquet of flowers in his hands.
"You really made a lot of progress renovating this flower shop. It looks so different. No more turquoise walls filled with flowers. Everything now is just plain and white." Yangyang spoke as he couldn't help but to inspect the space.

The flower shop looks a lot more bigger now after he got rid of the majority of the plants that used to live here.

"You should've seen the look on Mrs, Yang's face when she saw the place. I'm trying to make the place look as different as possible." Renjun stated before he hands the bouquet of yellow tulips over to Yangyang.
"Don't want any memories of her?" Yangyang stated as his friend went quiet.

Yangyang knew Renjun well compared to the rest of his friends. These two were the best of friends growing up, so he understood how hard it was for Renjun to move on from his 'deceased' girlfriend.
Mrs, Yang, the women who used to own this flower shop was coming to the end of her job. She retired and handed the flower shop over to Renjun, she said that he could do whatever with the shop as long as he would take care of it. She was originally planning to hand the flower shop over to Lily, Renjun's girlfriend who used to work with them as a florist. But since she isn't here anymore, she decided to hand it over to Renjun. And his friend was currently in the process of renovating this whole shop into a café.

"I'm not erasing every memory I have about her pshhh. The menu is going to be mostly filled with her favourite food... I just hope that one day if she really is alive, she could come back here and taste the food." His friend says, sighing at the end.
"Don't loose hope injun." Yangyang patting his back as to reassure his friend who's been awfully depressed for the last three years.

"By the way, enough about me. Why'd you want to purchase a bouquet today?" Renjun questions.
"Oh, these are for Jia's sister. We're going to visit her family today." He answers as a teasing look appeared on Renjun's face. The lad nudging Yangyang's arms.
"You know I never really thought that I'd find the day where you're finally out with a girl. You were always so hopeless with them." Says Renjun.
"She's just easier to talk to and get along with because the two of us have a lot of things in common even though we're the complete opposite of each other. Besides, I've known her since Highschool but we've never really interacted until last year." He replies before giving Renjun his payment.
"I better get going out now. See you tomorrow Renjun.'
Bidding goodbye as he waves at him before leaving the flower shop.

As he got back in the parking lot, Yangyang could see that Jia was still fast asleep in the passengers seat. He couldn't help but to smile seeing her passed out state.
She looked so peaceful, the most peace that she's gotten ever since this whole mayhem and exams seasons had started.

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