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*knock knock

"Come in." Hearing her mother's voice and approval to come inside, Jia opens up the door to her sisters hospital room as she motions Yangyang to enter.

"Jia and, oh- Yangyang?" Her mother greeted. Surprised to see Yangyang walking along side her daughter. She wasn't expecting him to be her future husband.
"You know him?" Jia questions. Weirded out by the fact that her mother knew who Yangyang was.
"His mom is a friend of mines, but I've never really met him in person." She answers before motioning both Yangyang and Jia to come sit down at the two empty seats that were provided besides Jane's bed.

"His Mrs. Li, its nice to finally meet you." He addresses before looking over at Jane who's been staring at the two 'couples' for quite some time now with a big grin on her face.
"These flowers are for Jane. I thought I'd get her something before arriving here." He says and hands the bouquet of yellow tulips over to her.

The smile on the nineteen year old face brightening even more.

"I already approve of your marriage." The younger girl states as her sister gave her a quick glare.
"Jane." Jia groans, showing this as a sign for her to stay quiet. She knew that Jane might say some absurd stuff about her, and might accidentally spill about her previous crush on Yangyang back in highschool.

"So, how are things between the two of you?" Her mother asked. Smiling so softly and warmly towards the two of them. Yangyang had to squint his eyes because of how bright the older women's energy gave off. She was the exact same replica of Jia but a bit more put together.

Jia was quick to answer her mother's question.

"Great. Everything's great isn't it Yangyang?" She says, though her answer did seem a bit hesitant and unsure at first.
He looks over at Jia to see her smiling nervously at him. All he could do was nod his head.
"Everything's going fine. I think the two of us are getting a lot closer by each day. We're starting to understand each other a lot more. Besides, I'm glad that she's always around, she drives me away from insanity." Yangyang replies as he puts his hands over hers.
Jia's smile only widening at the sheer force and pressure. He had no reason holding her hands like that. I thought the buried feelings about him were buried deep down and had disappeared. Why were they suddenly coming back again, as if these feelings were going to explode at any given second.

"I thought my sister would only drive you closer to insanity. She's insane herself." Jane stated as Jia looks at her in total offence. Yangyang covering his mouth to hide the slight grin that made it's way on his face.
"But i haven't ended up in an asylum so that's all that matter." Jia grunted before pinching her younger sisters cheeks. The girl shrieking in pain as she tries to push her hands off of her.

"When's your wedding?" Her mother went back to asking.
"Like two days before the inheritance was going to be given out." Jia answers. The girl still trying to tackle Jane down.
"Oh that isn't a lot of time left." The older women mumbles.

"I want to attend the wedding!!" Jane exclaims as she manages to finally push Jia away from her. She had to beg Yangyang to sit in between them and take his psycho 'girlfriend' away from her.
"I don't think you can attend the wedding dear." Her mother states, making the 19 year old frown.
"But why??"
"Are you forgetting that you're still strapped to a hospital bed, you can barely walk as well." Says the older women.
"That's why wheelchairs exists. Please mom, I want to see Jiejie and Yangyang kiss."
"Ew Jane, you are so freaking weird." Jia didn't know whether she should cringe or be embarrassed. She hasn't even thought about kissing Yangyang. Well... maybe once back in highschool. But that was just a silly little thought. She never thought about it ever again, nor did she want too.
"We'll try to make it work somehow." Her mother sighs.

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