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Jia was conflicted. At times, Yangyang would pay attention to her, treat her like she was a princess, they'd spend time together. But those private moments between them were becoming restricted. All due to the fact that he prioritises fashion and his friends more then her. Of course she didn't mind it at first, but it was becoming ridiculous at the amount of times that he had dipped out of their dates to go and visit Renjun. Was she his wife or was it renjun? Or the time where he buried his head with his work. They had promised that they'd spend the night going to the cinemas, Jia though had a lot of work on her plate, had put her law assignment to the side to spend time with him but he had forgotten about their promise and chose to rather spend the next hours sketching new designs.

He had broken a lot of promises and she had gotten sick of it. Whenever he did so, she would always forgive him, but today was the final breaking point. The two of them had promised to take some time out of their busy schedule to visit Jane and her mother since today was the day that Jane was going to finally be discharged out of the hospital.

But of course, he had forgotten and left Jia waiting in their shared apartment for about 3 hours, as she waits for his arrival. She was getting fed up. Why was she the only one who was putting the effort in their relationship?


The sound of the front door closing could be heard as she could hear Yangyang's fast footsteps increasing as he reached the living room.

"Jia, I'm so sorry for arriving late, Renjun needed my help in the café and none of our other friends could help since they were all busy. I got carried away with the time. We still have time to head to the hospital -"
"No, enough." She interrupts him.

There, he goes again with his many excuses. Of course, his main excuse is always Renjun this, Renjun that.

"Jia, are you crying.." He asks when he was able to see tears in her eyes, her eyes glossy as it reflected the feeling of despair and frustration.
"What do you expect?! You left me hanging for three hours. How do you expect I'd react?? You know im starting to think that Renjun is more important than me." She stated through gritted teeth. Trying her hardest not to break down.

He was perplexed. Running his hands through his hair as he didn't know what to say.
"You're both really important to me, but you're more important, Jia. You're my wife -"

"Stop calling me your wife!" She exclaims, glaring at him with furious eyes as it startles him. He tries to reach for her arms as she quickly moves them so he won't be able to feel her touch.
"Why do you want me to stop calling you that when you literally are my wife?" He questions desperately.
"Because I'm not." Jia answers. Her voice breaking as she says that.
"You are by the law." He says as she lets out a yelp.
"I hate the law. That's why I'm like this. I'm not your wife because I don't feel like one. Instead I feel like a fucking mannequin that you could just put clothes on and play dress up with, someone who just lives with you for status and approval. I feel like a stupid trophy wife, Yangyang." She cries.

Her statement and sudden outburst catching him off guard.

"Jia you're not a trophy wife. You're making me seem like I'm a weird old man who has money." He says as she furiously shook her head, trying to wipe her tears away.
"Well that's how it feels like. I just.." She took a deep breathe before releasing the next few sentences that would somehow break his heart.

"I just need a break from all of this. From us. From you. I need time to sort out my feelings."
Panic circulated his system. Every nerve telling him to do something to make her stay and not say those words that he was fearing to hear.
"A-are you indicating that we should break up?" He instead asks. Wanting to so badly wish that he wasn't in reality. To wish that this was all a horrible nightmare.
"What I'm trying to say is that I need some time to contemplate whether I want to get divorced with you or not. I'm unhappy and obviously too unstable to be in this relationship."

"Jia you can't. You can't leave me. I need you. I'll do better, I'll treat you better. Just don't leave me, I don't think that I'd be able to deal with it." He pleaded. All she could do was just stare at him unfazed.
"What, you can't deal with the fact that you won't be able to impress your parents anymore." She let's out a bitter laugh as he looks at her in tragic.
"No!? Absolutely not, I stopped thinking and caring about my parents approval after marrying you. I don't think that I can deal with the fact that you're going to leave me because my heart won't be able to handle it. Jia I love you too much to let you go." He begs as the sides of her lips turned into a thin line.
"You should've said that ages ago Yangyang. Not at a moment like this." Was the last thing that Jia said before leaving him.

As he watched the front door close harshly, that's when it hit him. He'd just lost her. He lost Jia. She had left him, and it was all because of him.

"Fuckkk, what the actual fuck did I just do." He curses to himself whilst pulling onto his hair in agitation.

꒰ ♡🥛യ •₊˚

"It's really rare of you to just visit us alone. Why's Jia not with you?" His mother questions as she places a cup of warm tea in front of Yangyang.
He rubs his face tiredly. Angrily. Sadly.

"Jia won't be coming here anymore." He mutters as it confuses his mother.
"What do you mean?" Tne older women raises a brow as Yangyang let's out a long distressed sigh.
"Mom I fucked up. Jia...." He took a deep breathe before speaking. "Jia is reconsidering getting a divorce. I-i fucked up. I fucked up big time, I didn't pay her any attention, I broke promises, I made her feel unwanted, and I didn't realise any of it until she left me." He struggled to speak, tears brimming his eyes as he faces the ceilings so his tears wouldn't fall.

"She what?!" His mother exclaims. Out of all the things that her son could have said, Jia wanting a divorce because he wasn't treating her right wasn't one of them.
"I don't know what to do. I don't want to loose her. I also don't want to force her to stay with me because she wanted a break, I don't want to be annoying to the point that it'll only give her an even more reason to leave me." He wails.

"So you're just going to give up and not try to get her back? If you love her that much then you wouldn't have given up that easily." She stated as he looks over at her with crystals in his eyes.
"She hates me." He reasons.
"No she doesn't."
"Yes she does. She probably doesn't want to see my face anymore, it'll probably give her a worser headache."

All his mother could do was shake her head in disbelief as she let's out a sigh.

"Yangyang I did not raise you to be a quitter." She sat down besides him.
"Do you want to know something Yangyang? Remember when me and your father brought up the topic of putting you in an arranged marriage." His mother says all of a sudden.

He looks at her in annoyance.

"Mom this isn't the time for you to pair me up with that arranged marriage girl. Me and Jia aren't even divorced yet, and I don't plan on getting married to anyone besides her." He said bitterly. His mother only rolling her eyes at him.

"The girl that we were planning to introduce you to was Jia." She finally says as his eyes softens.
"Me and her mother were planning to introduce you two, since she said that she felt as if Jia needed someone who'd take care of her since she wasn't able too." She explains.
"That's why when you told us that Jia was you girlfriend, I was really surprised and also happy. Since that saves us from having to introduce you to each other."
"You're joking right?" He laughs hysterically, tears running down his face just thinking about it.
"You two were already destined from the beginning. So don't give up on her Yangyang, I know that you can get her back. So cheerup ok?"

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