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"Fuck, I hope I wasn't too late." Jia curses as she breathes heavily from having to run all the way to the studio where Yangyang was holding his first fashion show. The traffic was horrendous, so she left the taxi and ran all the way here. She just hoped that she had managed to make it in time.

"I see that you haven't changed this horrible habit of yours of always being late." Renjun stated as she glares at him.
"It isn't my fault that the traffic here sucks?!" She argues.
"By the way, you aren't late. His fashion show is just about to start. Let start heading inside, it's hot out here." He says and motions her to follow him inside the studio.

The two of them were now seated front rows. She felt a bit nervous. It wasn't like she was the fashion designer, so she had no reason to feel nervous. She just felt a bit skeptical to see him again.

"What if he doesn't want me to be here." She whispers to the lad sat besides her.
He looks as her as if she was stupid.
"Then he wouldn't have sent you that text asking you to come, you dumbass." He says as if it wasn't the most obvious explanation ever.
"But still, he said that he wanted to meet to talk about the divorce." She stated.
"Do you want to carry out with the divorce?" He questions her back as she was quiet for a second.
"No... I'm willing to give him a second chance." Jia answers as he smiles at her.

The lights had turned off as only the light to the runway was on. Slowly, the models had started to come on stage as they modelled and posed his newest designs. Seeing his work getting applause and appreciated made her happy. He finally made it. She thought to herself. He was finally able to achieve his dreams of becoming a fashion designer.

---ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁
The show had come to an end, and it was finally time for the fashion designer himself to go on stage.
There, she saw him for the first time after their separation for two months. Yangyang standing there tall with a bashful smile on his face.

"Thank you all for coming to my very first fashion show. I truly appreciate your attendance and support, each and every one of you." He firstly thanks everyone in his speech.
Yangyang still hasn't realised that Jia was amongst the crowd as he continues to speak.
"To be honest, I can't even believe it myself that I'm able to show the world my very first fashion line. I never really gotten the support whilst doing this, so I guess that's why I didn't think that this dream could have turned into reality. But as I kept going to pursue a career in fashion, I met someone along the way. She was always there to support me, she always complimented my work, even if it's the most hideous of a sketch she'd tell me that the designs I made were beautiful. She became an inspiration for my latest designs, there isn't a day where I don't think about her when I'm designing something new, because whenever I think about something, the first thing that comes up in my head is; "oh wow, she'd really look good in this dress." I don't think that I'd be able to get here without her..." His eyes trails off to the audience as he finally made eye contact with Jia.

The look of surprise plastered on Yangyang's face as Jia looks at him so fondly, it felt as if there had been no problem between them.

"Jia.." He mumbles, trying his best to not show the amount of emotions that he was feeling right now.
"Carry on." She mouths out before grinning at him.

"So once again, I'd like to thank everyone for coming and enjoying this first fashion show of mine, may many more to come. I hope you've enjoyed seeing my first line of clothing. Thank you very much." He ended his speech there as a roar of applause eroded throughout the studio.

꒰ ♡🥛യ •₊˚

"Congrats on your first fashion show-" jia had entered backstage, but before she could even finish her sentence off, she was abruptly pulled into Yangyang's embrace. The lad hugging her so tightly as if he was afraid that she'd leave him again."

"Yuck, couples. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." Renjun gags before leaving the two of them alone.

"I-I didn't think that you'd come." He says.
"Well, Renjun convinced me a lot to come. So here I am." She says before he let's her go.
"I... I've missed you a lot Jia." He confesses, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment as she smiles at him.
"I missed you too, and I'm sorry for leaving you. I took some time to think about it and I'm officially.."
He waits nervously for her to continue her sentence.
"Putting off the thought of getting a divorce. I'm willing to give you a second chance, and I feel as if during the last two months, our schedules were primarily the problem and I was stuck in the state of stress that the first thing I thought off when I was distressed was divorce. I'm sorry for worrying you." She answers as a relieved sigh left his mouth.
"You don't know how happy I am to hear that. I promise I won't disappoint you this time. From now on, let's be a real couple. No more pretending."

𓂃꙳⋆ ˖

Thank you to those who were able to make it this far. I'm sorry for taking so long to complete this, I'm blaming my inactivity on uni 😁

Tbh I wanted to talk more about Yangyang and Jia's background and how they met in highschool. But I felt that if I kept putting that off then I'd never be able to finish this book off. So I'm sorry that the last few chapters seems so rushed BECAUSE THEY ARE HSKWUSISM.

Idk what else to say besides thank you for reading and to those who are kind enough to give my books a vote, ilysm. See you in the next book, I'm sure people are looking forward to it bec it's about everyone favourite character 😓

This has been derysaurus 🦋

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