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"What song do you want to sing next?' Sena asks once she was done singing. Earning a total point of 95, not bad on her part.
"Red flavor!" Jia exclaims in excitement as she took the remote away from her friend hands.
"Red velvet again? This is like the third red velvet song that you're singing tonight." Sena replies as she shook her head in disbelief before letting out a laugh.
"Their songs are the easiest for me to sing. Now hushh Sena!!" She says and got ready to sing.

"--빨간 , 궁금해 honey!"

Sena couldn't do anything but just cheer for her friend. There was no stopping her between her love for the group red velvet.


The Japanese girl looking down to see Jia's phone ringing. Her mother's icon on display as she tires to call her daughter.

"복숭아 juice, sweet and sour mix mood-"
"Jia your mom's calling you!" Sena interrupts her moment as Jia looks back at her confused.

"Finish the song off for me please." She thrusts the microphone into her friends hands before leaving the room to pick up the call.


"Hello mom, Why'd you call?"
"Jia could you come over to the hospital?"
Hearing that immediately alerted her as she got anxious.

"Did something happen to Jane? Is she all right?" She bombarded her mother with questions. Worried that her sisters condition might have worsened. But instead she was replied by a soft giggle from the other side of the line.

"I'm fine jiejie. Geez didn't I tell you to stop worrying about me?"
"You scared me. I thought something bad happened to you." Jia letting out a relived sigh at the end.

"Can you come to the hospital please? Grandma's will was finally revealed, and it kinda has something to do with you." Jane answers.
Her eyes widens.
"Me? Why does grandma's will have something to do with me?" She asks confused.
"Just come here! Mom would explain it to you!" Her younger sister spoke before hanging up.

Um rude?

Jia then made her way back inside the karaoke room. Seeing Sena jumping up and down in glee as she points at the big number 100 that was shown on the screen.

"Look who scored perfect points?" Her friend squealed, making Jia jump in exhilaration as well.
"See? Red velvet is the song to go. You could never go wrong with red flavor." Says Jia as she went over to the table to clear her things up.

"Are you already leaving?" Sena asks, a frown displayed on her face when she sees that Jia had to leave early.
"Sorry Sena, I'd love to stay a bit longer but my grandma's will came out." She said as she places her phone inside her purse.
"No shit. Good luck on whatevers on that will."

"I'll be leaving now. Would you be alright being by yourself?" Says Jia as her friend nodded her head whilst twirling the microphone that was in her hands.
"Don't want to waste our three hours reservation here. I'll spend the next hour singing my heart out." She replies.
"Alright then. I'll let you be alone. The next time i see you, you better not be a kpop idol just because you scored a point of 100 in karaoke!" Jia bids before leaving the room.

She looks down at her watch, seeing the time nearly hitting 6pm. Shoot, the next bus is in six minutes. She needed to get on that bus or else she won't make it to the hospital in time.

Jia then starts to run. Running through the hallways as fast as she could. She was never really good at sports growing up, but she did know how to run! She might have become a really good runner from having to rush to her classes all the time because she was always late hehe...
As she was running through the hallway, she couldn't help but to recognise a familiar person walking towards her direction. She only glanced at him for a few seconds before running past his figure and disappearing into the hallways.

It was Yangyang. Something about him looked intimidating when she ran passed him. He looked angry. It was the first time that she'd ever seen him that mad. But to be fair she'd never really seen him that often on campus or literally anywhere. So it was a bit of a shocker to see him showcase any other emotions besides stress.

꒰ ♡🥛യ •₊˚

"I'm here! What's the-- what did the will say?!" Jia exclaims as she bursts through the door, startling her two family members.
"Jia sweetheart come sit down first. You look like you got chased by someone." Her mother tells her as she took out a seat and placed it down besides her.
"I had to run here because I missed the last bus!" She replies in hysteric before sitting down. Her mother handing her a cup of water to drink.
"Why didn't you just use the taxi or oder a cab?" Her sister questions.
"They're too expensive, and I'm short on money."
"But weren't you just at the karaoke?" Jane questions.
"Yeah, but it was Sena's treat. She paid for the reservation. I used my last saving to pay for your hospital bill." Jia answers as her sister frowns.
"Oh... I'm sorry I didn't know that."
"You don't need to apologise, it wasn't like you asked to be stuck in this hospital." Says Jia as she patted her sisters head.

"Are you calmed down now?" Her mother asks as she nods her head. Waiting for her mom to tell her what was written in the will.
"Your grandmother's will stated that she'd hand down the inheritance to one of her first two granddaughters." Her mother started.

"Ok that's easy. That's between me and misa right? But how are they going to decide who'd get it?" Jia spoke.
"The inheritance was going to be handed down to the first granddaughter who gets married." Her mother ended it there as Jia nearly slips out of her chair.

"M-MARRIED? Who wants to get married in this economy?!" She exclaims, making her mother cough as she glares at her daughter. Jane had to cover her mouth to stiffer a laugh from escaping.
"That's what the will says." The older women chanted before sitting down.

"I'm screwed aren't I? I don't want to get married. I'm too young to get married. I've never even thought about settling down and starting a family... but we need the money." Jia mumbles as she ran her fingers through her locks of messy hair.
"You don't have to marry someone just to get the inheritance jie.." Said Jane as she held onto her sisters hands.
"But Jane, we need the money to pay for your hospital bills. Me and mom's job don't cover even half of it." She tells her little sister.
"Ahh i hate this. I hate how I'm the reason why our family is like this, and why dad's gone. I wish I didn't ask dad to drive me to the carnival or else none of this would have happened and he'd still be here with us. It's all my fault." Her sister started to cry.
She smiles at her sister softly before pulling her into a hug.
"It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself."

"Jia, if youre considering to take over the will and you haven't found someone yet, I can find you a suitable partner. I know you've been busy with finals and everything." Her mother offers as Jia shakes her head a no.
"You don't have to mom. I'll think about the will and if I'm ready, I'll find someone soon. Just how long do I have?" She answers.
"Approximately three weeks."
"Oh god that's until my finals end. I think I'm going to faint."

I just realised whilst writing this, that it is the fourth person that I wrote of someone or a family member being dead 😭 first it was Lily, then Jieun's mother, Kisaki's mom, and now Jia's dad. I need to calm down 😭😭

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