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"I'm sorry again for leaving yesterday. I know that you wanted to celebrate my birthday with me, you even prepared the cake and everything." Yangyang apologises as he fixes the threads on the dress that Jia was currently wearing.

You could say that she was his real life mannequin because he'd ask her to try on the clothes that he had created.

The girl was quiet as she stands there. Letting Yangyang do whatever he needed to do to fix the dress.
"Hmm it's fine, you don't need to feel bad about it. Besides, we ate the cake together in the morning, so it doesn't really matter." She answers him.
He gulps. Feeling the sense of guilt crawl up his body.

But it does matter to you Jia.
He thought to himself, wanting to say that to her so badly but chose not to.

"If you say so. There, the dress is all done." He says before letting her go, leaving Jia to stare at herself in the full body mirror as she twirls around to look at herself.
"I feel really pretty in this dress." She chimes as he couldn't help but to smile at her.
"You look really pretty in anything." He says as her face started to heat up. His words somehow able to make a crowd of butterflies erupt in her stomach.

Get it together Jia, his compliments doesn't mean anything. Don't take it to heart.

She blowed some air in her cheeks as she glares at him.
"Shut up."
"Just give me a few minutes to get ready and we can head over to my parents place." He spoke as she nodded her head and went out of his office. Going over to the kitchen to get herself something to drink.

A sigh left her mouth. She's been living with him for over three months now and whether she wanted to admit it or not, she had started to fall for him again. Down bad this time.
Maybe it's due to the fact that they're living together now and that she could interact with him a lot more compared to when they were in highschool. But she knew that falling in love with him wasn't a good choice. Was it really a crime to develop feelings for someone? She knew that by doing so, it'll only result to her getting a heartbreak at the end. It was apart of their agreement when the two had decided to get married; 'no developing feelings'. Jia was only getting herself into trouble.

But it wasn't wrong for her to want him to return the same feelings right?

"Jia I'm done. We should get going now." Yangyang's voice snapping her out of her zoning out as she snaps her head towards the direction of his voice. Jia being able to see him already dressed and ready.
"O- Oh yeah. Let's get going."

꒰ ♡🥛യ •₊˚

"Dear I'm always wondering where you get your dresses from. Whenever you and Yangyang come to visit, you're always wearing something so magnificent, its making me want to have the same pair." Yangyang's mother asked. The two women in the living room as they caught up with each other.

"Oh these dresses? I didn't buy them. They're all actually designed by Yangyang. He usually let's me wear them after creating it all." She answers. Her answer surprising the older women as she hadn't thought about the fact that her own son bad been the one who'd been creating all these beautiful dresses that Jia has been wearing.
"I need to give him a lot more credit with his work and ambition. Before he married you, I never really took his love and dreams of being a fashion designer seriously. But now... I can finally understand why he loves fashion so much." The women stated as it brought a warm smile to Jia's face.
"All Yangyang ever wanted was for his work to be recognised and complimented by you. He really wants the acknowledgement from the both of you." She explains. Making his mother flash a guilty smile.

"You know Jia dear, I'm glad that you're the one that Yangyang ended up marrying. You seem to really understand him a lot, and you've become his support system. Thank you so much for understanding and taking care of Yangyang when I couldn't." His mother thanks her all of a sudden as a thin smile appears on her face.
"All in a duties work."


Yangyang and Jia were now back in their apartment (*penthouse). The two of them deciding to spend time together as they shared a drink and drank their worries away.

It was getting past ten pm, and Jia had gotten a lot to drink. She was probably trying to get rid of the feeling of sorrow. She wasn't one to get drunk easily as she had a high tolerance to alcohol, but this time, she wasn't cautious of how many bottle of beers she had consumed.

"Jia are you ok? This isn't like you to drink so much." Yangyang asks, though he himself was drunk as well but wasn't in a bad condition as Jia.
"I'm trying to get rid of this... this feeling. I want to feel numb." She answers honestly. Her mind not processing well.
"What feeling." He continues to ask as she finally looks up at him. Putting the can of beer on the table as she stares at him intensely.
"Sadness. I feel so lost. I sometimes question what I'm doing with my life and if the decisions I make are worth it. I can't even think straight with taking law, hell that's not even the worst of my problem. I worry about this, this fake marriage. About us, about my feelings. As the day progresses, I catch myself falling for you even more then I should've. I know its bad because you don't even like me- I'm just setting myself up for-" jia going on a full ramble as her hands began to shake.

He started to get concerned. He'd never seen her in such a panicked state.
Yangyang took hold of her hands as he pulled her into his embrace.

"You don't have to worry about anything, Jia. I know that the choices that you've made are what you think is best for you. And hey, this isn't a fake marriage. You don't have to think that far, and to the point where you think that I don't care about my own wife."  He spoke, reassuring her that she didn't need to worry about anything.
He took hold of her chin so that she was looking at him. The lad caressing her cheeks tenderly as he smiles at her.

"The feelings are not one-sided. You're not the only one that's been falling for the other." He says as she opens her mouth in confusion. "What?"
Her question was answered by Yangyang's kiss. Maybe it was the alcohol that made him say all of that or made him act this way, but if Jia could be selfish for one day, she'd like to savour this moment.

They broke apart, the two of them sat there breathing heavily as they stared at one another.
"Could I sleep in your room tonight? I don't feel like sleeping in my own room today." She asks bashfully as a sheepish smile appearsd on his face.
"Of course you can. It isn't my room in the first plac. It belongs to the two of us." He stated. Darn it, she didn't know why her stomach felt all fuzzy right now.
"Are you this drunk, because the normal you wouldn't be saying all of this." She teases as he grins.
"Aren't you the one who's more drunk than me?" He says and pulls her into another kiss.


Jia had just woken up with the worst hangover EVER. Her head was banging so hard and she couldn't even think properly. She dreamt of kissing Yangyang last night and then it led to another, with him telling her that he felts the same way for her and that he'd never leave her. She rubs her eyes to gain consciousness to find Yangyang sleeping in the same bed as her, SHIRTLESS??

OK maybe none of that was a dream after all.
She lays there as she stares at Yangyang's peaceful figure sleeping. He had his hand wrapped around her waist, so she didn't feel like moving at all or even intend to wake him up.
Seeing him look so peaceful made her feel at ease. At least he was finally getting some sleep.

She could feel him shift in his sleep. The lad pulling her closer to him by the waist as her eyes widens in aghast.
"Were you awake this whole time?" He asks tiredly, his voice raspy as you could tell that he was still half asleep.
Gosh if only she  could listen to his mornjng voice everyday.
"Nope, I woke up a few minutes ago." She answers him as he snuggles closer to her, enjoying her warmth as he he buries his face in the crook of her neck.
"Can we stay in bed longer. I don't feel like getting up just yet." He asks.
She plays with his hair. Liking how clingy he's being.
"Hmm, stay in bed as long as you want."

She wished that they were always like this. Genuine and affectionate with each other. But of course all happy moments should come to its end. Happily ever after doesn't exist.

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