chapter 7

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more trauma for barty anyways unloading more of my own trauma on this boom bye
tw- sh

no matter how much they wernt fond for eachother, They were deeply in love and had been together for many years

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no matter how much they wernt fond for eachother, They were deeply in love and had been together for many years.

As the winter air settled around Hogwarts , students eagerly anticipated the upcoming Christmas break. Barty, Evan, Pandora, and Regulus, along with their classmate Dorcas, gathered near the Hogwarts Express.

The train's vibrant red exterior and the steam emanating from its mighty engine created an atmosphere of excitement and nostalgia. The friends, grateful for being able to spend the holidays together, embarked upon the Hogwarts Express, searching for an empty compartment where they could settle in for the journey back.

As they entered a compartment near the rear of the train, the friends found familiar seats and eased themselves into their assigned spots. Their laughter filled the air as they discussed what they would do together in that house alone.

The train whistle blew, signaling their departure. As the Hogwarts Express picked up speed, the landscape outside transformed into a dazzling winter wonderland, enchanting the travelers inside the train. The full moon shone bright, casting a luminous glow on the snowy scenery.

a knock came upon the door of there compartment. barty opended the door to blaine then shut the door in his face. "who was that?" evan asks

"your rebound bae, why?"

"oh why dont you shove off" evan says pushing past barty and opening the door

blaine smiles as he opens the door "hey babe"

blaine smiles as he opens the door "hey babe"

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the break-up had been rather difficult. for barty atleast. barty so deply loved evan, even if he didnt love him back. and maybe that was the worst part about it.

Evan was a charismatic and enigmatic guy who had captivated Barty's heart from the first moment they met. but that captivation faded iver something barty couldnt even control.

Barty had tried his best to heal his wounds and move on. life had a funny way of helping him tho. by that he means that life never really worked for him, or helped him in the wall he needed it too.

Blaine was short, with a warm smile that could light up the room. He was gentle and caring, and it didn't take long for him to make a place in Evan's heart. it was like barty and evans love story with a less traumatized barty.

However, many hours in the compartment had passed, Barty's joy started to waver, replaced by a bitter feeling of jealousy. He couldn't help but compare himself to Blaine, analyzing his own qualities against what he perceived as Blaine's perfection. Barty couldn't bear the thought of Blaine making Evan happier than he ever could.

his mind clouded with jealousy and self-doubt, he saw Evan and Blaine hand in hand, beaming with joy. Their happiness seemed to intensify Barty's own pain, as he felt even more invisible than before.

Deep down, Barty knew he had a choice to make. he could survive the miserable winter break with blaine and evan, or he could take blaines man with no remorse..

 he could survive the miserable winter break with blaine and evan, or he could take blaines man with no remorse

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barty and regulus take there trunks inside and sit them down in there rooms. theres was 5 bedrooms and some other people were coming later, so they wouldn't sleep alone. dorcas had a bedroom to herself, so did regulus and pandora, and evan and baline of course had a room together. so barty would have to sleep alone.

barty being the cool person he was, was sitting on his very comfortable bed thinking. he was specifically thinking that he was getting better, but really he was distracting himself and bottling everything up because he didnt know any healthy coping mechanisms. so now hes overthinking everything and about to punch the wall.

barty shakily reaches into his bag and hesitantly grabs the raggedy blade. he roughly drags the blade across his arms letting the blood drip to the floor. barty stops, when he felt it was enough. he sits there letting the blood flow to the towel below him.

he felt as if he had a huge weight trapped on his chest, and it made bim feel suffocated and trapped. he wants to cry and scream  and let everything out.

he hears a faint knock from the door. "barty do you want some limited edition jojo siwa mac and cheese"

"no" barty says his voice breaking

"are you okay? im coming in" evan opens the door and his eyes fill with worry

"oh barty, here lemme go get the first aid kit i'll be right back"

barty says something incoherent  and lets evan go wherever. he was barley conscious from all the blood we must've loss. barty comes back to the room and shuts the door.

the blond boy sits in front of barty and gets to work on cleaning his arms. "im sorry"

evan looks up at barty genuinely caring so much about him. "im just glad your okay"

(genuinely bawling my eyes out while writing this)

evan wraps the bandage material around his arms not too tight. "you should get some sleep"

"can you stay with me? i dont wanna be alone"

"of course"

850 words honestly what im like super scared of is that when school starts i'll prolly be doing what barty js did

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850 words
honestly what im like super scared of is that when school starts i'll prolly be doing what barty js did. get help please if you need it. im here to talk :)

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