Canadian Lovers (pt.2)

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Smii7y's POV

It's been a week and I've been the happiest I've been in a while.

Matt's been staying over every night. I think the rest of the guys are getting suspicious. Well except Puffer since I told him what happened a couple of nights ago. It's been a blast just hanging out during the day with the guys and getting to be with Matt at night and do random shit. We haven't done anything sexual since that night, but just being around him is enough. He genuinely makes me happy. The guys caught their flight back home about 3 hours ago and Matt and me are just sitting on the couch cuddling while watching tv. "We should go on a real date" Matt says out of nowhere. "What? Really?" I ask and look up at him. "Yeah. Why not? Let's go out somewhere and do something. Just the two of us". I sit up and smile. "Well what did you have in mind?". "We could go see a movie, go play some hockey down at the rink, go to a bar, or eat dinner. Whatever you want" he says smiling at me sweetly. "Dinner sounds nice. I'm starving". "Ok well we need to find out where to go. Ooo how about that new place that opened up. God I forgot the name. That new fancy place". I can't stop smiling thinking about me and Matt on an actual date.

A relaxing evening.

A REAL date.

-about an hour later-

Matt pulls up to this really nice and expensive looking restaurant. "Oh this place with the name no one can pronounce. Isn't this place really expensive?" I turn to him and he smiles again. "We are YouTubers. We make plenty enough to eat somewhere nice. Plus you deserve it" he says getting out of the car. I feel butterflies in my stomach as I get out and close the car door.

This is the first date I've been on in a while. I thought I should mention that.

We walk up to the front doors and Matt opens the door for me. I walk in and immediately get nervous. "This place is so fancy. I feel underdressed and I'm in my best clothes" I chuckle. Matt comes up behind me and puts a hand on my hip "you look great". A waiter comes over to us and leads us to a table. He hands us some menus and asks us what we want to drink. "I'll have-" Matt cuts me off. "We'll have some wine please. White". The waiter nods and goes to get the wine. "White wine?" I ask and he looks up at me. "What? It's a date and red wine sucks". I shake my head while smiling and open the menu. A few minutes later the waiter brings our drinks and sets them down. We order our food and sit comfortably waiting. Matt reaches over and lays his hand on top of mine softly. "You don't know how happy I've been this past week. Being with you is the best". I feel myself blush. I open my mouth to say something, but get cut off by the waiter bringing our food. We thank him and start eating.

-after dinner-

Matt's POV

We made it back to Smii7y's and I don't think I'll be able to eat for a long time. "God that was so good, but I'm fucking stuffed" I sit on the couch. "Yeah it was probably too good" he says sitting next to me. I think for a second and take a breath. "Smii7y. I gotta ask you something" I turn towards him. "What is it?". I inhale deeply. "Would you go out with me?" he blushes. "You really asking me that?" He chuckles. I look at him puzzled. "You beat me to it you fucking asshole. Yes I'll go out with you" he says laughing. I smile as big as I've ever probably smiled and pull him into a kiss. We pull apart and lean our foreheads together.


I kiss him again this time I move my hands to his hips. He smiles into the kiss. He puts his hand on my thigh and rubs it softly. I blush and deepen the kiss. This time Smii7y reaches down and grabs my ass. I moan into the kiss. He shoots his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues fight for dominance and he wins. He pulls away from the kiss and locks eyes with me. "It's my turn now~" he says with a slight growl. I feel butterflies in my stomach. We get off the couch with our lips still locked and kick off our shoes. We walk backwards together towards the stairs. We break our kiss and I run up the stairs giggling. Smii7y runs after me. I go into his room and take off my socks. He comes over to me and grabs my hips. He pulls me into his chest and kisses me passionately. I pull away and we both take off our shirts. "Oh how the tables are turning~" he says with a smirk. "Oh yes they are" I bite my lip. "Master~".

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