Help me

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Matt is in trouble.

It's been days of me just laying here. No one has come for me. Why hasn't anyone come yet? Do they even realize I'm gone? What about our plans? Our recordings? I just didn't show up. Doesn't that cause some sort of red flag? Do they just not care? No. They do care. They probably think something came up. What about Smii7y? We were supposed to meet up today. Maybe he'll come and find me.

I can't move.

My body is limp.

Why did he do this?

Why my house?

Why me?

Doug has been laying beside me and I can't even pet him. He seems so worried. He keeps meowing at me telling me to get up.

I've cried multiple times. Doug looks so scared. I hate seeing him like this.

This is just what I needed. First she left me and now I'm laying on the floor letting my cat watch me possibly die.

Please...I don't want to die yet.

I didn't get to say goodbye.

My family and friends are my life.

I have to say goodbye or I don't know what will happen.

" me".

I hear a knock at my front door. "Matt?! Hey it's me! Are you home?! You didn't show up at the rink and you didn't answer your phone!" Smii7y yells muffled by the door. Doug gets up and runs to the door meowing as loud as he can. "Doug? Is that you?" Smii7y sounds concerned through the door and turns the knob.

Finally hope...

Smii7y opens the door and bends down to pet Doug. Doug runs back over to me. Smii7y drops his stuff and runs over to me. "MATT! Matt? Matt!? Matt look at me please! Oh fuck! Hang on! I'm calling help! Don't close your eyes!". Smii7y takes out his phone and starts calling for help. My eyes start to get really heavy. Smii7y drops back to his knees and leans over me. "DON'T CLOSE YOU EYES MATT! PLEASE! I NEED YOU HERE! THEY'RE ALMOST HERE PLEASE!" Smii7y yells while crying.

My eyes close.

Everything is black.

There's nothing.

No light.

No sound.

Just darkness.

Until a bright blinding light overtakes my vision.

I look around what seems to be a hospital room. I look over and notice Smii7y asleep in a chair. Pain is overwhelming my body. I can't move. "S-Smii7y..." I say, but he doesn't hear me. I take a breath and try again. "S-Smii7y" I say a little louder and finally Smii7y shoots up in the chair and looks over at me. "Matt?". "So much pain..." I struggle to say. "Ok hang on I'll get the nurse!" Smii7y says as he jumps up and runs out of the room.


I was about to feed Doug when I heard something outside. I made sure my door was locked and checked out the window and saw nothing. I shrug and feed him. I go back upstairs and continue editing. I hear a noise downstairs again, but brushed it off thinking maybe Doug was messing with something. I feel something rub against my leg and look down to see Doug right next to me. He meows sweetly and I smile. I hear the noise again and now I realize that it's not Doug because he's right here. I stand up and make my way downstairs. I look in horror as my front door is wide open. "Hey!" I hear someone yell behind me. I turn around and see a guy with a bat. I try and run, but he runs after me. He swings the bat and hits me right in the ribs. "AH!". He knocks me down and continues to hit me over and over. My vision starts to blur until I completely pass out.

I wake up to Doug meowing in my face. The front door is closed. He must've closed it. Why? Maybe he didn't have a reason and it was just...I don't know. I hear my phone ring upstairs. I try to move, but I can't. I need help, but I'm stuck here on the ground. I see a puddle of blood on the ground next to me. Did he hurt me that bad? Am I going to bleed out? Is this how it's going to end? But I'm not ready. I'm not ready to die. I'm still young. I'm not finished yet...

"Matt?" I hear a voice say. I slowly open my eyes and see Smii7y, Puffer, Soup, Pezzy, Droid, Grizzy, and some many more faces. I feel tears fall like a fountain down my face as I remember seeing Smii7y's face when he found me. I remember the days of laying on the ground. I jump up and pull Smii7y into a hug and start balling into his shirt. He wraps his arms around me. I can't stop crying. Smii7y starts crying as well. My body starts shaking. Smii7y just hugs me for what feels like eternity.

Once, we gather ourselves we pull away and everyone else exchanges hugs with me. "How long have I been out?" I ask and Puffer speaks up. "2 months". I feel my heart sink. "I've been asleep for 2 months?". "Yeah. You were in very bad shape. You've healed a lot and your mom went and got Doug. She's been taking care of him" Smii7y says. "They caught that bastard that did this too. He tried to break into another house that same night and found the bat he tried to get rid of. He tossed it in the woods like a mile away. Matt we're so sorry we didn't realize what happened. I-". "Stop. You guys could've never realized that I was there. No one knew that I was attacked. It's no one's fault". "But we should've realized something was wrong when you didn't answer the phone for 2 days" Grizzy says and I look at him and see tears prick his eyes. "Nelson...come here". Grizzy walks over to me and I pull him into a hug. I just rub his back as he cries. "We could've lost you man" Grizzy says softly. "But you didn't. I'm still here Griz. I'm not going anywhere. Not if I can help it. I'm just glad you guys are here now. And that Smii7y showed up when he did. If he didn't I probably wouldn't be here". Smii7y smiles and Grizzy steps back. "You're like a brother to me man. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here". I smile and the doctor walks in. "Good you're awake".

Man I'm lucky to be alive.

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