High, can we kiss? (pt.2)

384 12 13

_28_ObViOuSlY_ for you :3

Soup's POV

I wake up for the 1000th time tonight. I sigh in annoyance and rub my tired eyes. I see my phone light up on my nightstand so I lean over and grab it.

Text from Ethan? Why is he still up?

I tap the notification and read the text:

Eth: You up?

I feel my cheeks heat up and I quickly type back.

Dal: Uh yeah? Why?

I facepalm myself and wonder if he think I'm being a dick or not. He texts back.

Eth: Just wondering if you couldnt sleep either. You said earlier that you wanted to sleep early so you could wake up to fish

I gulp and sigh in relief.

Dal: Nah I can't sleep. Idk why. I'm tired, but I can't get to sleep

Eth: Well what do you wanna talk about?

I feel a slight shiver down my spine for no reason. I shake my head and think for a sec.

Dal: I got nothing. I'm gonna be honest

Eth: Well you're no help lol

Dal: Well you think of something when you're put on the spot

Eth: OK. How was your day?

Dal: That's the best you got? Basic ass

Eth: Stfu and answer dickhead

Dal: fine. My day was pretty good wbu?

Eth: Pretty boring up until you called

Dal: Wow I cheered you up that much?

Eth: you always do

Eth: I mean because you're my best friend

Dal: God you're cringey. Jk. You're my best friend too Ethan

Eth: Dont make this weird, but I love you man

I feel my chest tighten and my face get hot.

Eth: Its getting pretty late. I'm gonna try to sleep. Gn

I set my phone down on my nightstand and lay my back staring at the ceiling.

Did I overreact? He means as a friend so of course you did Dallas you idiot. Wait. I LEFT HIM ON READ!

I quickly sit up and grab my phone. I quickly text back.

Dal: I love you too man

Dal: Forever

I suddenly realize how I MADE THAT SOUND. I try to delete the last text before he sees it, but I'm too late.

Eth: Forever sounds great

Eth: Cheesy ass. Jk.

Eth: Forever Always. Gn Dal

Dal: Gn Ethan

I feel my nerves finally calm down as a take a long deep breath in relief.

Holy shit I almost blew it. Phew....

I set my phone back down and get comfortable in my bed. I yawn and fall asleep to the soft calm beating of my own heart.

Ethan's POV

I stare at my phone. Fully awake and now sitting up wondering if I should send a text or no because it might come off as weird.

Is it ok for me to send him a good morning text or is it weird?

I shake my thoughts away and just do it.

Eth: Good morning. How's the fishing going?

Dal: Morning. I just left. Nothing wanted to bite today and its starting to get fucking hot. Me and Rebel are heading back to the house.

Eth: I just woke up

Dal: How'd you sleep?

Eth: pretty good. Wbu?

Dal: same. I just wish I could've caught something. Shit kinda bums me out

Dal: Hey are you doing anything today?

Eth: Nah I have 0 plans. Why?

Dal: Wanna hang at my place? We could get high again and maybe have a few drinks

I snicker to myself as I type.

Eth: If you promise not to kiss me again

Dal: I promise. You have my word. No funny business

Eth: good. I'll be there in like an hour

Dal: ok

I set my phone down and start to think to myself.

What am I gonna eat today? Wait...what am I gonna wear?

Eventually after think a little too hard, I sigh out loud.

I'll figure something out...

Hi guys :3
Just wanted to say that I know this is a short part, but I have some plans. This is probably gonna have like 2 more parts and I wanna try and make them big. Its like a 'sorry for not writing for a while and a little of 'I need to finish parts before starting other so quickly'. I have a slight problem lol

Bare with me •//_//•'

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