Separate HAU/HAU 2

510 11 3

I have ideas.....sometimes 🙃

(Some are still the same or just minor changes because it just fits them man 🤷 fight me on it)

Blarg: Long hair black Cat (🐱like Doug or even Froggy Matt 👀🐸.....or goose because honk 🪿)

McNasty: mountain lion/cougar (🐱bigger cat McNasty :3)

Dooo: short hair black cat (🐱Dooo just gives off both cat and dog vibes so in this one he is kitty)

Soup: golden retriever (👹)

Smii7y: snow leopard (🐱❄️.....or moose 🫎...I'm sorry lmao)

Kryoz: Swan (🦢pretty ❤️)

Puffer: Puffer fish (🐡)

Grizzy: Grizzly bear (🐻)

Pezzy: bunny (oooo or fox 🦊)

Droid: Grey Cat (🐱like his Youtooz)

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