Need (pt.1)

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Have this pic of a wild loaf I spotted in the park before work like 3 weeks ago :3

Its lopsided, but...yea LOAF >:3

Blarg (Matt) x Smii7y x Kryoz (John)

Blarg's POV

Me, Smii7y, and John were playing games when we all got bored. Smii7y shoots up off the couch and starts running to his room. "I GOT SOMETHING WE CAN DO!" He yells as he runs. Me and John look at each other. Smii7y runs back and flops on the couch after tripping on his own shoes that were on the floor. "OOF- here. Look at these" Smii7y smirks while holding the plain looking box. "What is it?" John asks and I nod. Smii7y opens the box and it's filled with tiny squares of what looks like chocolate. "Chocolate?" I ask and Smii7y smirks at me. "Not just any chocolate. It's a special kind of chocolate, but I'm not gonna spoil the surprise. Just eat it". Me and John look at each other and back at Smii7y. "Idk if I trust you man" I say and John just goes for it. He grabs a chocolate and opens it. He eats it with no hesitation. Smii7y and me look at him in shock. "What? It's chocolate. Hopefully weed chocolate". "Well your only supposed to eat half a square, but I guess we'll just see what happens" Smii7y say and I look over at him. "Why wouldn't you tell us that- never mind". I look down at the box and hesitantly grab a piece and open it. I break it in half and put the other half back in the box. I take a bite. "Pussy" John says and I roll my eyes. I put the rest in my mouth and chew. "Yea we'll see who's the pussy when this shit kicks in". Smii7y goes to close the box, but I stop him. "Nope. It was your idea. You eat the chocolate too". Smii7y smirks. "Well I may have already done that. I was too excited to resist". I face palm and shake my head.

-a few minutes later-

"Uhhhgggghhh...when is this shit supposed to work?" I groan and look over at Smii7y. A light blush dusts his cheeks. "J-just give it a minute". I look over at John and see him shifting in his seat with a red blush across his face. "Smii7y what was in that chocolate?" John asks and Smii7y just hums. He starts shifting in his seat as well. Suddenly I get a very horny feeling take over my body creeping slowly. I feel so hot. I'm starting to sweat.

John's POV

My whole body is like 1000°. I start panting without realizing. Matt looks over at me with a beat red face and a look of concern. "Smii7y seriously what was in that chocolate" Matt asks and Smii7y still doesn't answer. Smii7y gets up and walks over to the wall leaning over. Matt gets up and follows him. Matt grabs his wrists and pins him against the wall. "God fucking damnit...WHAT WAS IN THE CHOCOLATE!?". "Ah~" Smii7y moans loud enough for both of us to hear. Matt stares at Smii7y. Smii7y's legs start to tremble. Matt lets go of Smii7y wrists and Smii7y falls to his knees. "F-fuck I d-didn't think these th-things would actually w-work! Ah~ fuck~". "W-wha-at was I-it?" I ask. "S-sex ch-chocolate". Matt sighs. "God fucking shit Smii7y". My jeans feel like they're restricting my movement. I close my eyes and grip the couch. Smii7y makes his way over to me. "Th-this was a s-stupid idea. I sh-should've never did this p-prank. J-John? Are you o-ok?". I shake my head. "I'm too hot" I say as my panting starts turning into hyperventilating. I open my eyes and see Matt and Smii7y looking at each other in concern. They start taking off my clothes. "W-what are you...". "Hang on you'll feel better in a second" Matt says. Once I'm in only my boxers, I feel the cool air hit my hot body and sigh in relief. My breathing starts to calm down.

Smii7y's POV

I sigh sitting next to John. I shift in my seat feeling myself get hard. I try my best to cover it, but Matt notices. "That's karma by the way. Getting a boner in front of us is your fucking karma for this shit". I sit for a minute before a new feeling hits. My brain feels like mush. I don't have full control over my body. I slide my hand down and place it on John's thigh. He tenses a little. I squeeze very lightly and he bucks his hips. "Fuck~" he moans. Matt looks over at me and I can tell the feeling has hit him just as hard. He places a hand on John's chest. "Well we might as well not let these go to waste I guess~" Matt slurs his words slightly. I start slowly rubbing John's thigh. "Ah~" he moans lightly.

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