Wet Dream (pt.1)

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King Of The Fall by: The Weekend

P.s. sorry some things are taking longer than expected. Some ideas come and just appeal more to my monkey brain.

Straight to the point lol

Puffer licks all the way up his stomach and next to his ear softly while gripping his hips ferociously. He growls as the other moans with a deep sigh of pleasure. Puffer grinds against them eagerly. They reach down while smirking and grip his ass earning another growl but then a deep moan. Puffer looks down at them with a look so full of lust it made them shudder drooling a bit at the sight. Puffer slowly leans down inching closer to their lips. He feels their hot breath hit his lips before......

Puffer sits up quickly jolting awake bucking his hips forward, biting his lip hard, and closing his eyes with a dragged out moan. He opens his eyes after a minute and starts trying to catch his breath panting. He places a hand on his chest with the other on his cheek staring across his room at the wall. He catches his breath and set his hands on his lap. He feels his hand get damp so his lifts his hand looking at his blanket. He looks under his blanket and notices his boxers are completely covered in an ungodly amount of semen. He looks with wide eyes completely shocked. "D-Did I really cum th-that much?". He sets his blanket back down and stares at the wall thinking about the dream. Flashes of random scenes from the dream play in his mind. He stares deeply down at his blanket swallowing hard. He shakes his head and gets out of bed with a sigh as he starts to clean up his mess.


Puffer explained the whole thing to his best friend Grizzy. Grizzy swallows and smiles. "Oh that kind of dream". Puffer looks at him confused and Grizzy continues smiling. "I've had a dream like that. Could you see who else was in the dream? Who was your partner?". Puffer shrugs. "I don't know who it was. It was all a blur man". "Oh well maybe this is a bit different than my old dream" Grizzy chuckles as he rubs the back of his neck. "I immediately saw who it was when I had that type of dream so I don't know what you should do. Ummmmm....is it a chick? Is it someone we know you think?". Puffer looks at him annoyed. "Ok first off I don't think it was a chick if I said 'him' Grizzy. Second, I don't know". Grizzy thinks for a sec before shrugging his shoulders. "Well then I don't know man maybe imagine it's someone you know until it feels right and if they're single then just ask them out or something". Puffer sighs looking down with a concerned look. "I guess that could work. Thanks Griz". Grizzy waves goodbye before smiling. "I gotta go but no prob".

The call ends...

Puffer sighs before going into his room once again. He looks at his phone and it reads 1 am. "Damn we talked for a good while. I didn't even realize that it was still night when I woke up". He climbs into his fresh sheets and sighs staring at his ceiling.

"Maybe I should try and think of someone before I go to sleep" Puffer says to himself. He thinks for a second before his mind lands on Pezzy. Puffer blushes. "Really mind? Pezzy? Ok I guess...". Puffer turns to his side and closes his eyes. He doesn't know when he fell asleep, but suddenly he's back in his dream from before.

Puffer licks all the way up Pezzy's stomach and next to his ear softly while gripping his hips ferociously. He growls as Pezzy moans with a deep sigh of pleasure. Puffer grinds against him eagerly. Pezzy reaches down while smirking and grips his ass earning another growl but then a deep moan. Puffer looks down at Pezzy with a look so full of lust it made him shudder drooling a bit at the sight. Puffer slowly leans down inching closer to Pezzy's lips. He feels his hot breath hit his lips before......

Puffer sits up and sighs waking up from his dream feeling extremely uncomfortable with his current situation. "Nope not Pezzy....ok who else?". Puffer thinks to himself.

For the next few nights, Puffer has been trying to figure out who was in his dream imagining his all of his friends in place of the faceless figure, but ultimately he just starts to feel frustrated and uncomfortable.

"WHO THE FUCK WAS IT!?! WHY CAN'T I FIGURE IT OUT!" Puffer yells and lays in his bed. Puffer sighs as he lays on his back staring at the ceiling. He was about to try and imagine his last friend on his list. He gulps. Puffer has had a dream about this particular friend before, but pushed it away because they were just friends and they were both in relationships at the time. Now that Puffer has been single for a while, he's starting to feel desperate. He can't stop this dream from happening. It's even taken over his day dreams. He just wants to figure out what it means and who was the mysterious man.

Puffer sighs again turning over about to give in to the sleep that was trying to consume him before he hears a knock at his front door. He sits up confused and listens making sure he heard right. He grabs his phone and looks at the time. 2 am. He hears another knock that's louder than the last one. He throws his blanket off and walks downstairs. He get to the door and cracks it open looking outside to see a very familiar face. Matt. He swings the door open and looks at Matt surprised. "Matt? What are you doing here? Why-". Matt cuts him off by pulling him by his shirt collar into a very heated kiss. Matt pushes him into the house making Puffer walk backwards. Matt uses his foot to push the door closed behind him. Puffer's eyes widen as he places his hands on Matt's chest pushing him away. "M-MATT! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He yells. Matt just looks at him with lust filled eyes. "Chris~ please~ please fuck me~ I need you~". Puffer feels his face go completely red. "W-what has gotten into you? Y-you still haven't answered me. Why are you here?". Matt walks closer to Puffer and gets on his knees in front of him. Matt looks up and him and places his hand lightly on his leg. "I need you to fuck me please~ I'll do anything you want~ I'll do ANYTHING~". Puffer locks eyes with the Arab man and feels his heart skip a beat.

Is this really happening?

This has to be a dream.

But I'm awake...aren't I?

Puffer was taking too long for Matt's liking to answer so Matt took matters into his own hands.

Matt softly tugs at Puffer's boxers. Puffer stares intently as Matt slowly pulls his boxers down. Once they're fully off and tossed aside, Matt wraps his hand around the base of Puffer's cock and bites his lip. "You're so big Chris~ so sexy~". Puffer swallows as he stares down at Matt still a little confused about the whole situation.

I've had thoughts about this happening before, but now that it's actually happening I don't know what to think of it.

Matt licks his lips before wrapping his mouth around Puffer. Matt slowly lowers his hand making his mouth the only thing on Puffer's cock. Puffer bites his lip. Matt slowly moves his head back and forth bobbing slightly. "Matt~". Puffer is hesitant, but interlocks his fingers into Matt's hair tugging slightly causing Matt to moan around him. Matt starts to speed up going deeper and deeper each time. "F-fuck yeah~" Puffer thrusts his hips forward and Matt moans. Puffer starts to forcefully thrust into Matt's mouth. Matt never stops him letting him know that he's completely fine with this. Puffer starts to feel a knot form in his stomach. "Matt I'm close~". When Puffer reaches his limit he tries to pull out of Matt's mouth, but Matt grabs his hips and holds him in place. "A-ah~". Puffer cums down Matt's throat. Once Puffer is done, Matt pulls off of him and looks up. He locks eyes with him. Matt swallows the rest of what was left and licks his lips. Puffer feels a rush of adrenaline and lust flow through his body as Matt stands up. "Now that you've gotten comfortable~ fuck me Chris~". Puffer pulls Matt by his shirt into a heated kiss. Matt immediately opens his mouth letting Puffer explore every last inch. Puffer picks Matt up like nothing and makes his way upstairs to his room. He softly lays Matt on his bed and takes off his shirt. He tosses his shirt to the side and Matt starts unbuttoning his jeans. Puffer takes Matt's shoes and socks off. Puffer helps Matt slide his pants and boxers off tossing all of that to the floor. Matt takes off his shirt and tosses it away revealing his nicely toned body. Puffer nearly drools seeing how fit Matt is. "Wow you've really been pushing it at the gym huh?" Puffer says and Matt smirks. "All just for you baby~". "Good~".

Suddenly Puffer's phone starts ringing. Puffer's eyes shoot open and he sits up. He quickly grabs his phone and answers. "H-hello?". "Yo are you still on for Warzone?". "What?". "Warzone. We were supposed to record today. You're late. Are you coming or do we need to just start without you?". He finally wakes up and realizes it's Matt on the phone. "Oh sorry. No I'll be on in a sec. I forgot". "Ok see ya then". "Bye...". Puffer hangs up the call and sits on the edge of his bed. He puts his face in his hands.

So it's Matt...


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