All Tangled Up

924 13 2

HAU :3

Droid had made a huge mistake by setting a sub goal on one of his streams which immediately got hit within a very short time because of what he had said.

"It's ok because they won't reach it. Don't worry guys"

Big mistake buddy.

Within like 2 minutes the chat had reached a sub goal of 1000 gifted subs which means that all of the boys now had to do the challenge.

Twister With The Boys!

Enjoy :)

Droid stares at his screen in disbelief. His chat had done it. He could see his mods spamming chat asking why he thought that was a good idea, but he was too stunned to speak. That was the fastest his chat had ever gifted even close to that amount of subs. He clears his throat and looks at his camera before his phone starts ringing. He picks up the phone and answers it. "Hello?". "DROID YOU ARE NEVER IN CHARGE OF VIDEO IDEAS EVER AGAIN!" Pezzy yells while laughing through his phone speakers. "I DIDN'T THINK THEY WOULD HIT IT! ESPECIALLY THAT FAST HOLY FUCK!". Pezzy suddenly busts into his room and continues laughing like a maniac. His tail swiftly moving from side to side showing his amusement. "Puffer and Grizzy are gonna kill you. I hope you know that". "Hey they agreed to it. Plus its not like we have to do it on stream". Pezzy and Droid turn off the now pointless call on their phones since they are in the same room. Droid's phone goes off again, but this time its with a ton of texts into their group chat. Droid looks down at his phone.

Puff: I hate u

Grizz: Your chat was quick with that one lmao

Puff: This isn't funny Grizzy. You know you have to do this too right?

Grizz: I forgot about that part

Pez: Lmao

Droid: Y'all said it was ok so there's no going back now. Chat is freaking out. We have to do it now

Puff: Tell chat to fuck off. I want subs too

Griz: Me too. Then I'll think about it

Pez; Y'all are some whiny bitches bro

Puff: Pezzy I will beat tf out of you

Griz: Fight fight fight!

Puff: Grizzy stfu

Griz: Way to kill the vibe

Droid: Are y'all still arguing about this shit? Calm down ladies

Puff: Lock your doors tonight Jaime

Droid: Woah man. That's sus Tiger~

Griz: That's my que. Ttyl

Droid looks back up from his phone completely forgetting about his stream. "Oh shit. I forgot I was streaming for a sec. They said that they'll do it. We will have to find a good time to actually do it.

Droid was so lost in his phone that he didn't even notice that Pezzy left to go back to his stream. After a little bit more time talking to his chat, Droid shut down his stream and the rest of his set up.

-A few days later-

Droid sets the box on the table and sits down on the couch. His tail laying beside him as he nervously waits for Grizzy and Puffer to show up. Pezzy walks over and sits next to him. "There's no need to be nervous Droid". Droid turns to him. "I know. I don't know why I'm so anxious right now". Pezzy smiles softly as his tail swishes lightly. They hear a knock at the door and Grizzy and Puffer make their way inside. "What up boys? We brought booze because....I don't actually know, but we got it" Grizzy says showing off the bottle of what looks like some sort of tequilla. Droid's ears go back a little and his face shows disgust. "Why did you bring straight tequilla? Are you trying to kill us and did you bring any chasers?". Pezzy's head drops down as he shakes his head with a snicker. "It was what I had already and yes we brought chasers" Puffer says as he sits down next to Droid. Grizzy picks up the bag that Puffer left on the floor and sets it next to his on the kitchen counter. "You left your bag on the ground. The counter wasn't that far" Grizzy says with a chuckle. "Well I got lazy" Puffer says while shrugging his shoulders. Grizzy just rolls his eyes and sits next to Pezzy. "So when we getting started? Lets get this shit over with" Grizzy says and they all agree.

-Short set up time-

Once they all get the cameras set up and the game itself after listening to Puffer complain about his bad knees for like almost 10 minutes, They decide that it should be a 2v2. The teams that were decided are Pezzy and Puffer vs Droid and Grizzy.


Droid and Puffer are up first. Grizzy spins the wheel.
"Puffer right hand red" he says and Puffer bends down and places his hand on red. Pezzy spins the wheel next and it lands on left leg yellow. Droid stands right in front of Puffer and smirks down at him. "You better move to that spot over there or I'll punch you in the dick" Puffer says and Droid moves. "You thought I was going for that spot you weirdo". They all chuckle and the game continues.

-A little while later-

"Ok Droid left hand yellow" Pezzy says with a snicker. Puffer decided that he wasn't cheating if he was sitting down as long as he was still on his spot so he thought he was safe until Droid had only one place he could go. Droid places his hand right next to Puffer's duck and stares down into his eyes. Puffer blushes slightly and stares trying to fight the urge to quit until Droid loses his balance and falls face first into Puffer's chest. They both fall and Pezzy laughs as Grizzy yells. "DROID! NO!". "Yes! Our point fuckers!" Pezzy yells with his hands up. Droid still lays on Puffer's chest as he laughs. Puffer blushes again, but shakes it away as he pushes Droid off of him. "Ok your turn give me the spinner" Puffer says and grabs the spinner from Pezzy. Droid stands up and dusts himself off. "Holy fuck this is harder than I thought". Puffer spins the wheel. "Ok Grizzy right foot blue". Grizzy puts his foot on blue and the game continues on and on.

-A few rounds later-

The game is tied with Puffer and Pezzy at 3 and Grizzy and Droid at 3. Game point!

Grizzy and Pezzy are trying their best. "Ok Pezzy. Left foot green" Droid says. Pezzy steps his left foot back and accidentally trips over his own foot and falls backwards. Grizzy quickly lunges and reaches over. He grabs Pezzy's hand and stops him from falling. "GRIZZY! WE WOULD'VE WON!" Droid yells and Grizzy snaps over to him. "I wasn't just gonna let him fall! There's a table that way!". Puffer cheers and points down at Grizzy's right foot which was moved in the process. "WE WIN FUCKERS!" Puffer yells in excitement. "Goddamn it!" Droid yells as he throws the spinner to the ground. Grizzy let's go of Pezzy's hand. Pezzy smiles. "Thanks Griz" Pezzy says. "No problem".

-After some clean up and end recording-

"You shouldn't have gotten that first point. You sat on your ass literally Puffer" Droid says taking a drink of his beer. "Whatever you agreed to count it" Puffer says cockily. "Only because we thought we were gonna win no offense, but the MY KNEES! Shit had us thinking we would be guaranteed a victory" Grizzy says with a laugh. "Pezzy carried because he's small and more flexible than me so blame him". "What the fuck?" Pezzy says quickly. They all laugh and enjoy each other's company for a while as the night goes on.

Short, but nice and also sorry this is kind of shit lmao

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