HAU GxP (Pt.1)

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HAU = Hybrid AU

GxP= Grizzy (Grizzly Bear Hybrid) X Puffer (Tiger Hybrid)

After a game of truth or drink with Pezzy and Droid, Grizzy is helping a very drunk Puffer to his house. now you think that this would be an easy task seeing as Puffer lives literally right next door to Droid and Pezzy, but boy would you be wrong...at least at this point in time. It turns out that Puffer's audience has it out for the man and decided to ask questions that they know he will not willingly answer on camera meaning that the man would have to drink the alcohol. Which brings us here with Puffer halfway to his house and halfway on the ground while Grizzy laughs and tries his best to help the man home for the evening.

"Come on Puff I'm trying to help you get home man and I can't do that when you won't move you legs. Do I need to carry you or what?" Grizzy asks with a chuckle. Puffer falls right on his ass with his legs out in front of himself. 

He's sat like a toddler.

Puffer looks up at Grizzy with a cheeky grin and his long tail swaying from side to side slowly. Grizzy sighs shaking his head with a smile. Puffer raises his arms and makes grabby hands at the younger male. Grizzy rolls his eyes before grabbing the older man's hands pulling him to his feet. Puffer groans in annoyance before Grizzy wraps his arms around the back of Puffer's thighs throwing him over his shoulder and starting to walk to Puffer's house. Puffer lets out a small yelp and starts to try and wiggle trying to get Grizzy to let him down because he is afraid that Grizzy will drop him on his head. Grizzy lets Puffer down on his feet again and tilts his head. "Are you gonna walk now? or-". Grizzy get cut off by Puffer wrapping his arms around his neck. Grizzy immediately gets ready for what is coming and braces himself. Puffer jumps up and wraps his legs around Grizzy's torso. Grizzy is surprised by how light Puffer actually is.

I mean he is a tall and bulky dude, but Grizzy is a beast. 

Grizzy grunts heaving Puffer up a bit so he can get a better grip so he doesn't ACTUALLY drop him. Puffer lays his head on Grizzy's shoulder and closes his eyes with a smile. Grizzy starts walking the rest of the way to Puffer's house which was only like a few feet. Grizzy turns the knob after a few minutes of struggling to unlock the door and kicks the door open softly. He stops once he's fully in the door and uses his foot to back kick the door closed and turns to lock it. "I'm gonna help you to bed and then I'll go home once you are ok. Alright?" Grizzy asks earning a nod from Puffer. Grizzy makes his way up the stairs all the way to Puffer's room where he pulls the comforter down with the top sheet. He softly lays Puffer on the bed and covers him with the blankets. Puffer groans in annoyance as Grizzy starts to walk away. "Griiiiizzyyyyyy" Puffer whines out loud. Grizzy turns around and walks back towards Puffer. "What? You want the trashcan? some water? Do you need to use the bathroom?". "Stay with me? Please" Puffer asks and Grizzy's face gets slightly warm. Grizzy thinks for a second before sighing with a soft smile on his face. "Ok. Scoot over then" Grizzy says and Puffer does. Grizzy climbs under the covers and sighs before feeling Puffer lay his head on his chest sighing in comfort with a smile on his face. Puffer snuggles into Grizzy's chest again and finally opens his eyes looking up at Grizzy. "You comfortable Tiger?" Grizzy says with a small chuckle. "Yea...sooooo warm...." Puffer says as his eyes slowly close. Grizzy reaches down with his free hand and takes off Puffer's glasses before setting them onto the bedside table. He does the same for his own. Puffer's tail curls around the top of them holding Grizzy closer than before. Grizzy leans down and places a small and light kiss onto Puffer's forehead before closing his eyes.

Grizzy doesn't know why he did this, but for some reason it felt....right.

Slowly the night passes as both men sleep peacefully until the sun rays shining through the bedroom window slowly awakens them.

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