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Puffer's POV

Me and Matt are sitting in my living room bored out of our minds watching random shit we find on tv. I feel the pit in my stomach getting deeper by the second. My stomach growls slightly loud. Matt turns to look at me and I lock eyes with him. "Well I guess I don't have to hide it anymore. You also hung?" Matt says and look at him confused. "What?". Matt laughs. "I meant hungry! I didn't finish my word!". "Man you need a brain check. They need to update your software" I say with a snicker. "I mean maybe my brain is onto something" he says and I shake my head. "You wanna go get something to eat? Grizzy, Pezzy, and Droid already ate and they won't be done streaming for about another hour". Matt shrugs. "Sure. I'm at the point where I feel like my stomach wants to eat itself so let's get food before that happens". I get up and roll my eyes as I grab my keys off of the kitchen counter.

-A while later-

Me and Matt's conversation was cut short as my phone starts to ring. I answer the call and move it to my Bluetooth on my radio. "Yo what's poppin?" Grizzy says and Matt visibly perks up when he hears Nelson's voice. I smile. "Just on our way back to my place. We went and ate food. We decided to take the backroad home so we're about another 20 ish minutes away. What're you doing?" I ask. "Just got done with the stream. I'm waiting for Pezzy and Droid to get here so we can chill. Y'all still gonna pull up?". "Hello Gribby!" Matt says in his goofy ass voice. Grizzy giggles. "Hi Matt" he says. "Yeah we're still coming. Go ahead and get set up and we'll be there in a few-". "PUFFER!" Matt yells as bright headlights over take my vision. I quickly jerk my steering wheel to the right, but the back of my car was still hit. We run through a barbed wire fence and through a field. As I reach my foot for the break, we hit a big ass rock and the car takes flight. All I can hear is Matt screaming and Grizzy yelling through the phone. Suddenly my vision goes black.

Grizzy's POV

We were having a normal conversation until I hear Matt screech. "PUFFER!". All I hear is Matt screaming, Puffer breathing heavily like he's hyperventilating, a ton of banging, a splash of water, and then nothing. I yell into the phone. "GUYS?! GUYS! CHRIS?! MATT?! WHAT HAPPENED?! GUYS!?". I feel like my heart is going to explode. My front door swings open and I see Pezzy and Droid wide eyed as they rush in. "Grizzy?! Are you ok? We hear you yelling" Pezzy says and I stand up and rush into the kitchen. I grab my keys and run towards the door. "I think Puffer and Matt were in an accident! Are y'all coming?! I know what road they took! Let's go! Call the cops and ask for an ambulance!" I run towards my car. "WAIT WHAT ROAD!?" Droid yells. "That one long back road with the pond and field. Fuck...umm...FLETCHER! Fletcher road! Go now!".

Matt's POV

I giggle as Grizzy talks.

I love my friends man. This was a great idea for a break. It's been nice staying with Puffer and hanging out with the guys.

I suddenly get blinded by a pair of headlights. I reach over and grip Puffer's jacket sleeve and yell as loud as I can. "PUFFER!". My memory goes in and out. I see flashes of us going through a fence, hitting a rock, and then nothing. I feel like I can't breathe. I can't open my eyes. I can't....

Puffer's POV

I wake up surrounded by water. I reach down and struggle to unbuckle my seat belt. I look over and see that Matt's not moving at all and my mind kicks it into high gear. I push as hard as I can on my belt until it pops off and I get free from it. I grab my keys out of my dash where they were stuck against a part of the fence that's through my windshield. I use the little tool I have on them to break the car window and make my way out of the car. I swim to the surface and cough up a lung (almost but not really). I take a few deep breaths before diving back down into the water and making my way over to Matt's side of the car. I try to open the door and luckily it opens just enough where I can undo his belt and pull him out of the car. I struggle to swim to the surface. My lungs feeling like they could just collapse at any second. Right before I run out of air, I reach the top and gasp for air as I try and keep Matt as close to my body as I can. I swim over towards the shore and start pulling Matt's limp body onto shore. "Matt! Wake up Matt! Matt please!" I yell as I lay him down on his back. I hear tires screech as I feel around for a pulse. I don't feel a thing so I start cpr. I press down rapidly onto Matt's chest and blow air into his mouth trying to get him to breathe. "PUFFER?! MATT! ARE YOU GUYS HERE?!" I hear Grizzy yell. I ignore everything around me. My entire body shakes as I start to cry. "GUYS! OVER HERE!" Droid yells. I hear the guys run down the small hill towards us. They stop next to us. I feel them staring down at me. "Come on Matt...Please...I love you...I can't lose you...". I feel a hand on my shoulder. "Chris...I think it's ti-". I cut Grizzy off. "No! H-He's not d-dead!" I yell and shake his hand off of my shoulder. I lean down and try one last time. I feel Matt twitch and I lean back up quickly. Matt coughs violently and gasps for air. The guys quickly drop down next to me and help me turn him over. Matt continues for a few minutes trying to catch his breath.

No one's POV

Matt opens his eyes and looks around. The flashing lights and sirens shake him to his core. He locks eyes with Chris. Chris shakes as he cries. Matt sits up and finally realizes what happened. He engulf Chris into a hug. Chris grips onto Matt soaked clothes. Chris leans back up and pulls Matt into a deep kiss. Matt kisses back as the paramedics begin making their way towards them.

Maybe this accident helped reveal something deeper.

Idk what I'm doing. Love y'all 🥰

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