Just "fucking" around (Pt.1)

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The goons all having a....fun time ;)

McNasty's POV

I wake up to the sound of my doorbell ringing and Millie losing her shit. "I'm coming! Millie chill out!" I yell as I rush downstairs. I open the door and rub my eyes. Once I stop I see Soup, Blarg, and Dooo standing in front of me. "Damn took you long enough" Soup says with a chuckle. "Yea we've been out here for like 30 minutes" Blarg says and Dooo just nods. "I was asleep" I say. "More like hibernating. You didn't hear us at all? We tried to call and text you when we all landed" Dooo says in a slightly annoyed tone. "Nope". "You're a jackass" Blarg says and I roll my eyes. I step aside and let them walk in. Millie immediately runs up and starts sniffing them. Dooo squats down and pets her softly. Soup just smiles and Blarg turns to me as I close the door. "So where's your roommate?". "He had some shit he had to do so he's out of town for a few days" I say and stretch. I get a quick hug from each of them. "You guys thirsty or something?" I asks and they all shake their heads no. I shrug and walk over to my couch. I sit down and Dooo sits next to me with Millie on his lap still petting her. "I think she likes Dooo" Blarg says sitting down next to Dooo. Soup sits next to me. Millie rolls over and let's Dooo pet her belly. "Damn she really likes you Dooo. She won't even let my roommate touch her stomach" I say and Dooo smiles. "So what're we doing?" Soup asks and I shrug. "Idk we could order food and chill here, or we could go to a bar, go out to eat, or whatever you guys feel like". "I don't really feel like going out. Idk about y'all" Dooo says. "We could go and buy shit and just chill here" I say and they look at each other. They all shrug. "Sure" Blarg says. "Ok well let's go find a store to get random shit then" I say standing up.


Dooo's POV

We all walk through the door carrying bags of random shit. McNasty and Matt got some beer and other drinks while me and Soup got snacks. We spent hours just talking, drinking, and eating. McNasty even brought out some weed that they all begged me to try. I eventually said fuck it and tried it almost dying in the process. After a couple of minutes though, I was feeling pretty good.

I kinda like it.

As a joke I move over and sit on Matt's lap. He laughs, but doesn't tell me to move so I just sit there. He wraps his arms around my waist. "You look comfortable Dooo" Soup says and I nod. "I am actually. Hang on" I say as I move to a different position. I lay my head on Matt's chest and curl up into a ball. "That's better". McNasty takes a picture. "You will never live this down". "I'm ok with that" I say with a chuckle. "You're so light Dooo. It's like a small dog in my lap" Matt says wrapping his arms around me again. After a few minutes, I move off of Matt and sit next to him. I got a little cold so I grabbed a small blanket off the side of the couch. I covered up and McNasty immediately made fun of me. "Aww you cold?" He says in a baby voice. "Yea. You have the AC on max". "You're a little baby" Soup says and I roll my eyes. We continue to drink and talk about random shit. Matt slides a hand sneakily under the blanket and lays a hand on my thigh. I'm wearing shorts and they slid up a bit so he put his hand on the bare part of my thigh. I look over at him and he just keeps talking to Soup. I shrug and look at my phone. Matt lightly squeezes my thigh sending a shiver down my spine. I swallow slightly getting a little nervous. He starts to slide his hand up my thigh going a little too close to my dick. He stops right before getting to my dick and just stays there.

Is this some kind of joke?

Matt's POV

I decided to play around because I got slightly bored. I've been messing around with Dooo for a few minutes now and I can tell he's getting nervous because I can feel him tensing up under my touch. I sneak a look over at him and I see his cheeks are slightly pink. I smile to myself and look back over at Soup and McNasty. Those two are actual idiots. They're just looking at memes and laughing like maniacs. I start moving my hand up and down slowly on Dooo's thigh. I feel him tense even more and he lays a hand on mine. "You guys wanna see something cool?" I say still looking at Soup and McNasty. They both cock an eyebrow at me. I smirk and stand up off the couch taking my hand away from Dooo. I go over to the other side of him and sit on my knees. He looks over at me with slight fear in his eyes. I put a hand on his cheek and lean in. I kiss him softly and I feel him tense up, but after a few seconds he kisses back. I look over at McNasty and Soup and see there jaws dropped. I move my hand down to Dooo's cock and grope him through his shorts. He gasps into the kiss and I take my opportunity and shoot my tongue in. I close my eyes. I explore every inch of his mouth. When I pull away he almost follows me instinctively. A string of saliva connects us, but I wipe it away and open my eyes. I stand up and look down at Dooo. He sits there with a beat red face just frozen in place. I look back over at Soup and McNasty who both have light blushes across their faces. "I-ok first of all...what the fuck was that? And second of all, why was that one of the hottest things I've seen in a long time" McNasty says and I chuckle. Soup doesn't say anything. I look over at him and he gulps. I smirk and make my way over to him. I sit next to him and put a hand on his thigh. "What's the matter? Too stunned to speak? I wasn't expecting it either. It was just a spur of the moment thing" I say and he still remains quiet unable to think of what to say. Dooo finally speaks up. "W-what do I even say after th-that?". I get closer to Soup's face and look into his eyes. McNasty just stares at us. I stare into Soup's eyes for a good amount of time. "Are y'all gonna kiss or what?" McNasty says out of nowhere. Soup catches me of guard by putting a hand behind my head and pulling me into a sloppy kiss. I feel my face heat up. I kiss back. We kiss until we have to pull away for air. I sit there stunned. "That's how you kiss someone" Soup says and takes a drink from his beer. McNasty scoffs. "That was ok, but this is better" he says and stands up off the couch. He goes over to Dooo and leans over him. He pulls him by his shirt into a very heated kiss. Dooo instantly kisses back. McNasty pulls away and Dooo once again sits stunned.

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