Hybrid AU Lmao

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They all live together in this AU. They live in a cabin in the woods. In an undisclosed place (aka I just don't care enough to think too hard about it rn). I hope you enjoy :)

- How They Normally Act:


He likes to keep to himself a little and gets mad when the others try and smother him. At least that's what he wants them to think. He secretly kind of likes the affection and he really likes it when its Grizzy who shows him the affection. He tends to stay near Grizzy when he's not by himself. He will not hesitate to growl, yell, or even get in your face if you piss him off. He will more than likely knock your fucking lights out :]


Grizzy is like what you'd expect. He chill until you piss him off, but he controls himself a little better than Puffer when angry and just lets the shit sort itself out if it can. He does sleep a little more than the others...well except the cat men. He likes to hang near Puffer, but will not hesitate to be near anyone else because he's just here to vibe ya feel? 


He's here and he is a cat mans. He likes some affection in both forms. He loves to curl up in people's laps and get pats or pets. Mostly Droid's or Matt's laps because they give the best pets. He's chill most of the time. He also like to hide in places where people can't find him because he thinks its funny.


Energetic Dog Mans is here. He loves to run around outside and explore. He loves to try and play with the others. He acts more like a dog than a human sometimes and the others find it funny. He loves to do normal dog things like take people's stuff so they will give him attention. You can sometimes find him curled up with Pezzy because Pezzy knows how to calm him down a bit. ADHD Doggo :3


Big ole pouncer. He likes to pounce. Like a lot. He loves to curl up with John/Kryoz his bff. He's kind of just a big house cat tbh. He loves when it snows. idk


Cat man just vibin' He just vapes and vibes tbh. He hangs around Smii7y the most.


Like his fellow Canadian Mr.Smii7y, he just hangs out, but he can be very energetic. He also probably has undiagnosed ADHD or ADD. He does normal cat things......yep. His favorite thing to do outside is frog searching.


Soup has energetic moments because he is Soup after all. Other than that how I think he is normally. Like chill. He's chill until someone like McNasty brings out his childish self. He has a favorite spot near the window in the living room because that's where the best place is for a nap because of the nice subtle sunlight.


He's a little anxious, shy, maybe timid when it comes to his wolf form and his human form. He usually just watches from a  little ways away. He thinks that keeping his distance means that he wont cause any harm, so he isn't excluded but rather off to the side a bit. He really likes when he can make someone laugh. He tries his best, but somehow almost always ends up as the star of the joke.


He's a big ole chunky mans. He loves to takes naps. He sort of hates it when people hug him or even touch him really. He just doesn't know how to act when it happens so it pisses him off. Resting Bitch Face.

- Roomates:

Matt and Dooo

McNasty and Soup

Smii7y and Kryoz

Droid and Pezzy

Puffer and Grizzy

Give me more ideas lmao...........


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