Unexpected (pt.1?)

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Grizzy x Blarg

Idk what imma do with this one yet, but I'll let y'all know :)

Grizzy's POV
Me, Droid, Pezzy, and Puffer make our way out of the airport. "Yo! Boys!" Matt yells waving at us. We all walk over and exchange hugs. I'm the last to walk up to Matt. He looks over at me and smiles his signature goofy smile. I pull him into a hug chuckling a little while the others start loading their stuff into the rental car. Matt decided to meet us here so he could show us to our hotel. We let go of the hug and start talking about random stuff while I put my suitcase in the trunk and close it. We talk about random shit the whole 20 minute drive. Once we get to the hotel, we all hop out and grab our suitcases. Matt hands Puffer, Droid, and Pezzy their keys. Droid and Pezzy decided to share a room while Puffer got his own. Me and Matt are also sharing a room. I mean he asked and I said yea because idc. We all part ways and make our way to our rooms. Matt leads the way and I follow smiling. We get to the door and Matt slides his keycard through the slot and the door unlocks. He we both walk in and I set my suitcase aside and walk over to one of the beds. I flop on the bed and sigh in relief. "So fucking comfy bro. Omg feel how good this bed is" I say and Matt chuckles coming over and laying next to me. "I already know since that one over there is mine and I slept in it last night dork" he says and I look over at him. "You called me a what?" I say laying a hand on my chest playfully sounding offended. "You a dork Nelson" he says and I look back at the ceiling nodding slowly. "Ok I see how it is" I chuckle and close my eyes taking a nice deep breath letting it out slowly. "Well at least all there is to do today is get here and wait until everyone else is here as well. We can nap if we want to" he says turning over on his stomach hugging a pillow. "Great" I say with a yawn and before I know it I'm out like a light. I jolt awake at the sound of my phone ringing. I quickly answer it and rub my eye. "Yo" I say and I hear a bunch of talking. "Yo Griz finally! Are you and Matt coming? We're going to the restaurant" Puffer says and I remember suddenly. "Damn it's time already? Sorry we were napping. Yeah we'll just meet you there" I say sitting up. I feel the bed move slightly as Matt turns over in his sleep. "Ok see you in a few" Puffer says hanging up. I set my phone down in the bedside table and flick on the lamp. I look over at Matt and smile softly admiring him.

He so cute when he's asleep.

My face gets hot and I shake my head wondering why I thought that. I shake away the blush and reach over. I shake him lightly and he hums opening his eyes slightly. "Hey everyone just left to go to the restaurant. You coming with me?" I say and he stretches. "Yea" he says with a raspy voice. I feel myself blush again so I shake it away and we both get changed.

We spent a good couple of hours at the restaurant just eating, drinking, catching up, and talking about all kinds of other stuff. Me and Matt decided to leave when we felt like we were both getting a little too wasted. Everyone agreed and went their separate ways to their hotels or air b&b. Whatever they were staying at. Me and Matt walk in the door after trying to open it for like 5 minutes. We stumble in giggling. We kick off our shoes and socks. We set our stuff in random places and walk back toward each other still giggling. Matt almost falls so I grab his hand and pull him towards me and he trips over something. He bumps into me and we both fall on his bed. Matt lands on top of me and laughs. We both laugh for a second before he gets off and sits next to me smiling softly while staring out the window at the night sky. I sit up and move next to him looking out the window. "The sky is so pretty huh" Matt says and I nod. "Yea it's nice". I look over at Matt and admire the way the mixture of city lights and moonlight lays elegantly on his face. I feel myself blush slightly. He looks over at me curiously. We lock eyes and stare for a good minute. Without realizing we both start to lean in. Our eyes slowly close as we get closer. We meet in the middle kissing softly.

Matt's POV
My eyes shoot open and I sit up looking around the room. I feel around my chest and notice I'm still wearing clothes. I sigh and gulp. I look over and see Grizzy fast asleep in his bed. I get up and get in my suitcase and pull out some fresh clothes. I make my way to the bathroom and close the door softly so I don't wake him up. I set the clothes down on the counter and look into the mirror. I stare at myself and think about last night. The images of me and Grizzy pop into my head, but I don't remember too much. I blink and shake my head. I start undressing and toss my clothes on the floor. I turn the shower on and hop in letting the hot water run down my body. I stop and think again. "Wait that did happen....holy shit that happened! Will he remember?! Will he be mad?! Wtf did we do?!" I whisper yell. I put my fingers up to my lips and touch them lightly. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "It's gonna be fine. He probably doesn't remember as much as me. He won't remember the kiss. It'll just brush it under the rug" I whisper to myself and continue showering. Once I get done, I reach out and grab a towel off of the rack and start drying off. I get dressed and head out of the bathroom. I walk around the corner and see Grizzy sitting on the edge of his bed. He looks up at me and we lock eyes.

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