Chapter 1

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Third person pov

It was yet another suceess for the famous idol Park Jimin. His latest album "Face" was globally super hit. The album was so popular that one of the track "Like Crazy" was even ranked 1st in bilboard hot 100. And another track "Set Me free pt 2" was just as much popular.

The album was released barely few days ago and was continously breaking the different charts of music records. Jimin was overwhelmed with the love and support of his fans. But what his fans didn't know that the hidden gem of the album was yet to come.

Today his concert was held. And it was huge sucess. Jimin has performed on "Face" songs. So his fans have gone haywire. All the fans were continously chanting his name and singing along with him to cheer.

"Jimin" and "Vmin" can be heared contiously as the idol's best friend Taehyung aka "V" has come to his concert to support his best friend who himself was an idol. The concert was finished as the ending moment of Jimin jumping on Tae like a Koala while hugging him tightly which made his fans more crazy shouting for their favourite ship "VMin".


After the concert, Jimin has to attend the sucess party of the album. But he was not at all interested to go in it. His best friend and his hyungs were also invited. But they were not attending, that's why he was not in a mood to join.

Jimin was continously whining and begging to his best friend.

"Taetae please come with me to the party. What I will do without you?" Jimin said to the taller

"I know Minnie. But I have shoot for my new album. I am helpless." Tae said to the smaller

"Then please convince your director to arrange it on some other day but please come with me." Jimin begged

"Did you really think that I didn't talk? But he won't budge as after my shoot the other group's shoot will be hold. I am sorry baby but you have to go alone." Tae said

"Then I will also not go cause You have a shoot, NamJin hyungs and Sope hyungs are out of the Seoul. Then what I will do alone there? You know that I don't have any friends except five of you guys." Jimin said

It was true. Jimin had only 5 friends in his life. He is shy to make any friends. His life was revolved around his family and his 5 friends.

He and Tae were best friends from childhood. They both called eachother soulmates and both dreamt to be idol. They both were selected because of their immense talent. Whereas Tae joined "Bighit entertainment", Jimin joined "Hybe corporation."

Jhope was Jimin's manager, Yoongi was his producer, Namjoon was his lawyer and Jin was his doctor. Still he consider them as his hyungs. Other then them Jimin had no friends.

"Please baby try to understand. If you will not attend this party then it will be not good for your reputation. People will think you are arrogant and irresponsible which you are absolutely not." Tae said

Still Jimin was not agreeing to go. He was hesitant to go alone. His intuition was telling him that something bad is
going to be happen. There was a naging feeling going in his heart.

Tae himself was feeling bad for sending his soulmate alone but for the sake of professionalism he instited Jimin to go to the party. It was Jimin's own success party. So he must attend it. Jimin knew his soulmate was right so with heavy heart Jimin went to attend his sucess party.


Jimin was driving his Porsche in rather hurry. He was being late as he spent most of the time in begging to his soulmate to join with him and then dressing up.

On the way his car broke down in the middle of the road. So he immidiately call his assistant and driver. Jimin facepalmed himself. But he didn't dare to come out. It may possible his fans would recognize him. It was good that some what the road was deserted because he knew once he will come out the crowd will be gathered. He immidiately put on his oversized hoodie which he kept for the crisis like this and covered his face with the hood.


On other way Jungkook was coming back after finishing his work at his lawfirm. He was humming while remembering his beautiful fiance.

He saw a black Porsche was broken down in middle of the road. But no one coming out of the car. But soon 2-3 cars approached behind a broken car hence making little bit traffic jam. Even Jungkook's own car stuck behind those cars.

"What a careless and lazy person is this! Whoever is driving don't even want to come out and check the problem." He thought

So he got out and knocked on the Porsche's window glass.

The driver rolled down the glass but just a little. Jungkook was only able to see the pair of eyes and two small hands holding on glass window. It seems the owner was trying his hard not to show his face.

"Hey you are creating a traffic here. Atleast come and check out what is the problem with your car." He said

"I can't come out because it will create more traffic. I have called my assistant and driver. They will take care of it." A soft and melodic voice from inside the car said

Before Jungkook can say anything further, two men hurriedly reached to Porsche.

"Jimin sir you go. We will handle it from here." One of the men said

A really tiny boy came out from the car wearing an oversized hoodie. Jungkook was not able to see the boy's face clearly because the boy had covered his head with the hood. And his eyes was covered with shades. Jungkook was able to get only glimpse of the boy. But that glimpse was enough. His breath hitched. The boy was really beautiful. He was etheral.

Jimin bowed down again and again without looking at Jungkook while saying "I am sorry sir I didn't want to create ruckus. But it just happened."

As Jimin was saying this, few people recognized him.

Oh my god he is The Park Jimin.

Isn't he Jimin?

Baby Mochi "Saranghae"

The shouts can be heard. So Jimin marched up from there hurriedly. It wasn't like that Jimin didn't want to greet his fans but he was already late and it would create more problems.

"I am so sorry sir. But I have to go. Please forgive me." He said and went away from there.

"Atleast the boy was polite enough." Jungkook thought

And with that he returned to his car. After half hour the traffic was cleared. So Jungkook was able to go home.


Jimin was now again feeling hesitation to go to the party as now even his assitant and driver are not here with him.

So he called his Hobi hyung.

"Hyung Please I don't want to go this party." He said

"But Jiminie it's your own album's sucess party. How it will look like if you yourself won't attend it?" Hobi reasoned with him

"But hyung nobody will be there with me. I...I am scared actually hyung. I am feeling that something bad will happen." He said sighing

"Calm down Jimine. Nothing will happen. Do one thing attend the party for half hour atleast. Then leave immidiately saying you are tired because of your concert." Hobi said

"That's the good idea. Thank you hyung. Ok so I will go there and leave immidiately." Jimin said

And with that Jimin hung up the call and reached to the venue of the party.

What Jimin didn't know that even these 30 mins will turn his life up down completely. Only if he has listened to that nagging feeling going in his heart!!!

Okay dears. So this is the 1st chapter of the story. I hope you all will like it.

Please vote and comment on it. And if possible recommend it to others.

Thank you. ❤💜💛❤💜❤💛❤💛💛❤💜

PS : I know Bighit is a former name of Hybe itself but I didn't want to choose any other's company name.

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