Chapter 13

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Jimin can never hurt a single soul.....

If the accident was caused by him there must be a reason behind it.....

Try to find that reason.....

Try to find that reason.....

Try to find that reason.....

Manager's words were constantly roaming in Jungkook's mind. So Jungkook decided he will find the truth by himself. So he took the help of his friends. Taemin, Mingyu, Kai, Eunwoo.

Though Taemin was doing the investigation in the favour of Jimin and collecting the proofs against Yong because only him knowing the actual truth.

Whereas Jungkook and his other friends were trying to collect the proofs that can prove Jimin is guilty.

But neither Taemin nor Jungkook and his friends couldn't find any luck to collect any single proof. Because Taehyung has destroyed every proofs which can prove that Jimin was involved in Sung-hoon's accident.


"Boss that lawyer is meddling to much." One of the Yong's man said

"I know that already. This time not a single mistake should happen. I won't tolerate it. Get rid of him the moment you see him." Yong said

"Boss I think someone is supporting that lawyer. Because when we attacked him last time few men came and saved him." Another man said

"Must be that Jimin. Who else can be! If not then find the person and get rid of him too. Don't leave any kind of proof which can prove my link with Jimin in that accident." Yong said

"Boss I think that lawyer is not ordinary. I had information that cop Lee Taemin is a friend of his and about idol Jimin helping him I have doubts because that lawyer tried his best to prove him guilty but couldn't because verdict came in Jimin's favour but lawyer don't miss any kind of oppertunity to bother or insult Jimin." Yong's man said

"Hmm. Whatever. I don't want my involvement with Jimin in that accident. Do one thing. Get rid of that lawyer, that cop, one who is supporting that lawyer. Kidnap Jimin. I want to have my ways with him. Then we can get rid of him too." Yong said evily

"Yes Boss!" All his men said in unison


Jimin and Taehyung decided to spent his time in Busan. Jungkook and his friends who were collecting proofs against Jimin decided to follow them.

Yong's men had the golden oppertunity since their main three targets Jimin, Jungkook and Taemin were at the same place.

Jimin and Taehyung were resting in their house. Taehyung has gone to purchase necessary things so finding this oppertunity, Jimin was kidnapped by Yong's few men and brought to the deserted island.

At other way Jungkook and his friends were also being chased by Yong's other men. They were also brought to the same island where Jimin was kept.

But what the Yong's men forgot that Taemin was cop and easily knew how to escape from such situations. So by Taemin's lead they were able to escape from their clutches.

While they were running away, Jungkook came across Jimin who was tied to a chair with a rope and gaged with a cloth in his mouth. Bruises can be seen on hud beautiful, delicate skin. Jungkook was surprised seeing Jimin in such condition. He thought whenever he was attacked, Jimin must be behind it. But seeing Jimin in such condition he realized that there was someone else behind this. He immidiately went to rescue him. He took out cloth from Jimin's mouth.

"Kookie. You came for me! Save me please. Please take me away from here." Jimin said eyes brimming with tears

Jungkook was taken aback by the sudden endearing name. Jimin loooked so vunrable, so fragile and tiny. He cut the ropes with tiny knife he always keep with himself and freed Jimin. Jungkook held Jimin's hand and ran away.

In haste when they were running, they made lot of noices which alerted Yong's men. And Yong'spulked men started to chase them down. While they were escaping, they all got seperated.

Yong's men were continuously firing on them. At one point it even happened that Jungkook was about to get shot but Jimin immidiately pulled Jungkook towards him behind the tree thus saving his life. When Jimin pulled him for a moment they both lost in each other's eyes. But soon came to senes realizing in how much danger they were. While running Jimin's feet got swollen.

Fortunately Mingyu was able to steal the keys of the cars while escaping. So they took two cars and escaped from there. Jimin and Jungkook in one car. Taemin, Eunwoo, Mingyu and Kai in other car. Again they seprated due to rash driving. Jimin and Jungkook because of being born in Busan were immidiately able to reach in nearby villege.

One of Jimin's fan recognised him. And allowed them to stay in his house. But Jimin who was phyically abused and his feet being swollen, wasn't able to walk because of weakness. Jungkook always carried him in bridal style. And he literally took care of Jimin for few days feeding him food and medicines, nursing his wounds, making him asleep.

Jimin's feet was still swollen. So Jungkook still carried him. In such a condition one time Jungkook was making seat Jimin on the bed. All the time Jimin was staring at Jungkook without blinking. Jungkook felt Jimin staring at him. He didn't realize when he moved forward.

Soon their lips met. Unlike every time this kiss was tender and full of warmth.

Jungkook took care of Jimin and they spent their time together for few days untill their friends came searching for them. Jimin happliy ran to his friends. And hugged them tightly one by one. Sope and Namjin hugged Jimin warmly. Which made Jungkook envy of them. But his blood litreally boiled when Jimin clinged onto Taehyung like a Koala. Taehyung laughed heartily, ruffled Jimin's hair and kissed on his forehead.

Jimin waved slightly at Jungook but Jungkook who was jealous completely ignored him. Jimin sighed. Both parted their ways with heavy heart.

Okay so this the 13th chapter.

I hope you guys will like it. 💛❤💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04 ⏰

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