Chapter 6

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Jungkook harshly pushed Jimin. Due to that he stumbled and was about to fall again but before that Taehyung caught him in his arms.

"Behave yourself Mister. We are not any ordinary people that you are behaving like a trash with Jimin. We are reknowned idols." Taehyung said angrily

"But in my eyes he is a murderer. Nothing else. No matter how much of a big celebrity he is, I will make sure my deceased fiance will get justice." Jungkook said

"I swear I didn't want to kill him. Believe me please." Jimin whispered tears falling from his beautiful eyes.

"Jimin don't speak a nonsense. You didn't kill anyone. You weren't even driving the car." Taehyung said panicking

"That's what I wanted to hear it. But sadly your crocodile tears won't affect me. You mighty people think that you are above then us common people then you are wrong. You think that you can do anything and get away but it won't happen this time." Jungkook said

"I am telling you the truth. I didn't want to kill him. just happened." Jimin said

"I will make sure you will rotten in the jail Park Jimin for your remaining entire life. You will be punished by the low for the crimes you have done. The name is Jeon Jungkook don't you ever forget that." Jungkook said

"Look Mr. Jeon, Jimin isn't in his right mind now. He felt guilty that due to his car your fiance was dead. That's why he came here. So he can give his condolences. But now we would like to go." Taehyung said

As if to prove his point Jimin kept on chanting "I am sorry. Please forgive me" while still staying in Taehyung's embrace without even looking at Jungkook crying badly.

Jungkook looked at Jimin. Jimin was so tiny and adorable. But now he was looking so lost like a puppy, broken and vulnerable.

For a moment he thought did he really hear Jimin's voice that day?
The boy looked too fragile to hurt even a fly. Could it be true that he didn't kill his Sung-hoon!

"No no Jungkook come out of your dreamland. You heard his voice. It was clear. It was him only. This is just his facade." Jungkook thought

"Get out from here. And never show your faces again. If you think that with distroying proofs you are going to win then you are wrong, I myself is lawyer, I will collect the proofs myself and prove him guilty." Jungkook said

"Oh is that so? Did you ever hear about Kim Namjoon? If you think that you are a big lawyer, then don't forget that Joonie hyung is our lawyer." Taehyung said smirking proudly

Jungkook was speechless. Kim Namjoon was his senior in his college. Jungkook considered him as his role model. Namjoon was the top lawyer of Seoul. Rumor was that Namjoon has never lost a single case. Thus making him the best lawyer.

"Whatever. Just get out from here." Jungkook said


Jimin was crying non stop the moment he saw the hatred towards him in Jungkook's eyes. Taehyung, NamJin, and Sope were worried about him.

"That's it. Hobi hyung cancel all the schedules of Jimin. I am taking him to the Busan. He will feel good after meeting his parents." Taehyung said

"I think that's a good idea. Whatever has happened was wrong but till when our Jimin will suffer!" Namjoon said


Jimin was feeling a little relaxed after visiting his home town and meeting his parents. Currently he was sitting at the beach in Busan. Enjoying the soft and cool breeze.

Still he was somewhat sad. So to cheer him up, Taehyung playfully dragged him to the shore and throw him in the water. Soon water fight started between the soulmates. Both were having the time of their lives.

As both were tired after playing in water, Taehyung rushed to bring their towels.

But unknown to them a pair of eyes was watching them with hatred, rage and jealousy.


Jungkook couldn't believe. He had came to his hometown here in Busan for the peace of his mind. Because his deceased fiance's thoughts would always occupy his mind. Everyday he would remembering his dead fiance untill he cry to sleep.

But seems luck wasn't in his favour. Right now he was watching two males playing in the water. Ofcourse how he can forget! Jimin was known as the pride of Busan. His fists clenched and eyes were blazing fire.

Jimin has came out from the water. A wet Jimin was looking like a "wet dream". He was looking breath taking. Clothes were sticking to his physique. Waterdrops were kissing his pillowy plump lips making them more red. His chest was heaving up and down due to how breathless he was feeling.

Jungkook gulped hard. For a moment he forgot to breath. But soon he came to realization.

As soon as Taehyung left the shore, Jungkook marched towards Jimin. He picked up Jimin in bridal style and brought him deep into the water. Untill water didn't reach their head level. He then threw Jimin into the water. All the time Jimin struggled to come out from his grip but his all attempts were futile.

"You must feel what my Sung-hoon must had felt when you decided to kill him. Now you will know the fear of death." Jungkook said while swimming back to the shore

He knew Jimin didn't know how to swim. That's why he had pulled such stunt. Jimin was struggling to save himself. He called for help but no one listened. He shouted desperately and loudly for his soulmate untill he came running. Taehyung immidiately dove in the water and saved him.

"Minnie baby why did you go deeper? You don't know how to swim still you went so far! What I would do with you?" Taehyung said while hugging his best friend and craddling in his arms.

Jungkook was watching this entire scene with clenched teeth. He didn't like the tight hug that two best friend shared. But gulping his anger he went away from there.


Jimin was returning to his home alone. He had requested his Taetae that he wanted to spend some more time alone at the beach. So now he was going back. While he was walking he felt sudden movements behind him. The goosebumps arose on his skin. The hair on his neck stood up. A sudden panick arose in his entire body.

Before he can understand anything he was pulled in dark alley. There stood was the man of his dreams or you can say worst nightmares. The Jeon Jungkook.

"Do you really think you can run away from me Park Jimin? From now onwards wherever you will go you will always find me in your way." Jungkook said

With that Jimin's lips were captured in brutal, possessive and punishing kiss.


Okay guys so this is the 6th chapter. I hope you guys will like it.

From starting this chapter dark romance will be started between JiKook. So collect your tissues.

Plz enjoy the chapter. Thnk u. ❤💜💛

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