Chapter 9

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"Mr. Jeon please leave me. How can you do this to me? How can you treat me like this? Leave me leave me please Mr. Jeon." Jimin said pleadingly

With all his might Jimin pushed Jungkook away. He was breathing heavily. The older and taller groaned loudly. He didn't like that the younger and smaller pushed him away.

Jungkook observed the smaller. The younger looked really beautiful breathing heavily like that. His whole face was red. Cheeks flushed. His tiny button nose was flaring. Lips forming pout. Tears were about to fall from his crescent eyes. Lips swollen and red.

Jungkook couldn't help himself but he thought how the younger would look writhing under him complety at his mercy being a moaning mess when he would make a sweet love to him.

But then reality stuck to him. Jungkook was horrified at his own unholy thoughts about Jimin. How he can think about his fiance's murderer like this! This was seriously absurd.

For a moment they both stared at each other intensely. Then Jimin broke their trance. He didn't waste any second and ran away from there.


Jimin just ran and ran. He didn't know where he was going. All he wanted to run away from Jungkook the man of his dreams. The man who can't be his in this lifetime!

Tired and exhausted from crying and running Jimin set under the tree in nearby park. His knees hugging his chest. He continued to sob while keeping his face on his knees.

Jimin continued to sob untill someone cleared his throat. Still Jimin didn't dare to look up. He didn't want anyone to see him like this in this condition. If any will recognize him this will be huge scandal.

Jimin sniffling silently trying to wipe his tears with the sleeves of his shirt. The said person offered his handkercheif to Jimin. Without complaining Jimin take it from the stranger.

"Please don't take me wrong but can I ask you why you are alone and crying?" The stranger asked

Jimin didn't speak anything for a while he continued to sob while hiccuping. Still the stranger waited for him to calm down so that he can speak. What Jimin failed to notice that the stranger has started the audio recording in his mobile.

"I killed someone. And worst past is that I can't accept the crime. My innocent driver is suffering because of me." Jimin said

Jimin didn't know why he was confessing his crime infront of the stranger! But he felt like he can trust this stranger. The stranger gasped at the sudden confession of Jimin.

"Are you really saying that you killed someone and your driver took the blame for it? Then why don't you go to the police station and tell the truth?" The stranger asked

"The problem is that if I will confess the crime, not just me but Stephan and my Taetae also will be found guilty for giving false statments and destroying proofs. And I don't want that. Everyday my conscience is killing me. I really want to go to jail but I can't. I seriously feel helpless. Believe me I can't even face myself in the mirror." Jimin said

"Your Taetae?" Stranger asked

"My bestfriend. My soulmate." Jimin said smiling fondly through his blurry vision

"Aren't you afraid that I will tell everything to the police?" The stranger asked

"Don't know hyung but I really have felling that you won't say this fact to the single soul. Still if you decide to tell the truth I will feel relieved cause my Kookie and his fiance will get justice." Jimin said sighing

"Your Kookie?" The stranger asked

"Yes. Jeon Jungkook. He is the fiance of the man to whom I killed. I didn't know that. I fell for Kookie the moment I saw him." Jinin said choking lump forming in his throat

"Btw tell me from the start how did the accident happen!" The stranger asked

So Jimin told him everything from the start to end.

" I don't think that you are the only guilty here. You are also victim here. Now sorry but I have to go. Please excuse me." The stranger said

"Thank you for your kind words but I know I have done the crime and I can't get away with that. By the way I am..." Jimin said

"I know you are the famous idol Park Jimin and your Taetae is the another famous idol Kim Taehyung right!" The stranger said smiling

"Yeah right. Of course we are famous. So now tell me about yourself hyung." Jimin said

"I am Taemin. Lee Taemin." The stranger said

And with that the stranger went away collecting the proof for which he had decided to follow Jimin.


For a moment Jungkook stared in the direction where Jimin had ran away. Then he punched on the wall in anger and frustration. He then about to switch off his camera but realized that the recording was still going on. So he immidiately stop it.

He was shocked as he saw the whole video that was captured. How he was possesively kissing Jimin in a punishing way. And Jimin's futile attempts to come out from his grip. How beautiful he looked after their kiss. Their intense stare. The innocence held in Jimin's eyes.

Everything about Jimin was screaming innocence. But Jungkook knew the reality. So Jungkook decided if law can't punish Jimin then he himself will punish him.

So the 9th chapter is up. I hope you guys will like it.

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Thank you. 💜❤💛

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