Chapter 7

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Jimin struggled to keep out from Jungkook's hold. The more he struggled the more Jungkook's grip is tightened. Jimin started to beat Jungkook's chest with his tiny little fists. But still He kept on kissing harshly to Jimin.

Tears rolled down from Jimin's eyes. It was his first kiss. He didn't imagine to happen like this. Of course he was attracted towards Jungkook as soon as he saw him. But he didn't imagine it to be so painful. He had dreamt of his first kiss to be most sweet, caring and romantic.

Jungkook felt something wet and salty on his lips. Soon he realized they were Jimin's tears. The boy was so shaken and tormatized. His lips looked swollen and face red. He was looking the epitome of beauty.

He couldn't help but kiss the boy again. Jimin's lips were so soft and tasted sweet.

"Mr. Jeon leave me please. You are hurting me." Jimin said crying

"Are you feeling hurt Jimin? Good then you should feel it. You should feel what my Sung-hoon must had felt." Jungkook said

"If you want to hurt me Mr. Jeon, then hurt me physically not like like this. Because it hurts right here." Jimin said by taking Jungkook's big hand in his much smaller hands and putting it on his own chest where his heart belongs

For a moment Jungkook couldn't speak anything. He was totally speechless. They both stared in each other's eyes deeply. But then Jungkook cleared his throat.

"Good. That's what I want. You should also suffer. I want to see you in pain." Jungkook said

"Then slap me, hit me or kill me. But don't do this or don't punish me like this." Jimin said

"What it would matter then? Everytime I try to punish you your so called boyfriend comes and saves you." Jungkook said

Jimin wanted to cry in agnoy. How can he explain to this man that Tae wasn't his boyfriend. Instead he himself was the man who had captured his heart at the very first sight. But sadly Jungkook belonged to someone else. Jungkook would never like him in lifetime.

"Mr. Jeon please have some decency. I am human being. You call yourself lawyer and here you are manhandling me. This was my first kiss. How can you take it away like this?" Jimin said

Jungkook was shocked. Jimin wasn't kissed before! Don't know why but he felt happy. The beast within him took a pride at this. But still he sidelined it.

"Really and you call yourself human? If you are a true human then you would have confess your crime not hid it. If you have any shame left Park Jimin then tell the truth." Jungkook said

Now it was Jimin who was left spechless. Jungkook was absolutely right.

"Now don't you have anything to say? Confess your crime. Let see your fans that how much vile of a person you are. You kill the the person without any mercy and act like nothing has happened without any shame." Jungkook said

Jungkook's each and every words were stabbing Jimin's heart. Yes he killed someone innocent and now his innocent driver was taking blame for him and here he was living his life peacefully.

"Please I am not a vile person. Please don't say such harsh words. Believe me please." Jimin said crying badly

"Believe and you! Not untill you decide to say the truth Park Jimin. No matter how much you try to escape. I will always come in your way. I will punish you again and again." Jungkook said

And again Jimin's lips were captured in sheer punishing kiss. Jungkook kept kissing Jimin again and again untill beast within him satisfied.


"Taetae I am gonna confess it. I can't see lothing in his eyes Taetae. The way when he looks at me with pure hatred in his eyes my heart shatters everytime. Guilt is killing me alive. Because of me one innocenet person is killed and another is in prison. How can I leave peacefully happily." Jimin said

"But Minnie baby then after this your fans would hate you. Other people who love, adore you would judge you, hate you. Will you able to bear it?" Taehyung asked

"But atleast then I will feel relieved. I will be at peace, Mr. Jeon would be happy. You know he wouldn't stop untill I say the truth." Jimin said

"Minnie baby don't trust your soulmate?" Taehyung asked

"I trust you the most Taetae, from the bottom of my heart." Jimin said

"Then Minnie please give up upon this idea." Taehyung said

"I can't Taetae. Rather than living in guilt, I would definitely accept punisment ordered by law." Jimin said

"Whatever you say Minnie. I will support you no matter what." Taehyung said


"What? Jimin will confess his crime! Are you made Tae? How can you allow him to take such a step?" Hobi screeched

"Calm down hyung. My ears will bleed. I didn't want to. But Jimin is firm in his decision." Taehyung said

"The boy is not in his right mind. Joonie you talk to him. He would definitely listen to you." Jin said

"I hope he will listen to you hyung. The way he speaks about that lawyer, I am sure he is..." Taehyung said

"Definitely in love." Yoongi completed his sentence

Taehyung nodded his head slowly. A tear dropped from his eyes.


Jimin went to Jungkook's office. He informed to the reception that he wanted to meet Jungkook.

Jungkook was shocked. He didn't expect that Jimin would visit him.
So he immidiately called him in his cabin.

"So what do you want Park Jimin? Jungkook asked

"I am here to say the truth. The truth you want to hear." Jimin said


Okay guys so this is the 7th chapter. I hope you guys will like it.

Thank you so much for your votes and comments. 💜❤💛

Please enjoy the chapter. Thank u. ❤💜💛

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