Chapter 2

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Jungkook just reached to his home. He freshend up and called the love of his life. His fiance. His Sung-hoon.

Jungkook met him in "EatJin" cafe. Sung-hoon was orphan and worked as waiter there. They both instantly clicked and fell in love. For Jungkook it was love at first sight and as for Sung-hoon the lawyer's kind nature has melt his heart. Despite being the sucessful lawyer, he took interest in orphan like him. They both were engaged and about to marry in two months.

"What my baby is doing?" Jungkook asked

"Nothing. Just like always there is so much rush here. Since the owners Jin hyung and Yoongi hyung are friends with the famous idols Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung, people always come here so that they can get glimpse of them. So I am very much busy." Sung-hoon said

"Don't stress up yourself with to much work baby. Otherwise my groom will look a ghost on our wedding day or I don't want him to faint on our wedding day." Jungkook joked

"Hmm. Don't worry. Did you reach home?" Sung-hoon smiled inwardly at his fiance's concern.

"Hmm I reached. But baby why don't you leave that job. You know I can provide for both of us." Jungkook said

"Never. Even if I am given chance elsewhere or I will given millions of won, I will never stop working here. Because when others treated me like the dirt just because I was orphan these two hyungs didn't only give me job but also treated me nicely." Sung-hoon said

"Are they really that much nice? Because I don't believe people are this much kind now a days. Specially celebrities." Jungkook

"No Kook they are really nice. They both are excellent cooks. That's why they both open the cafe. Do you know Suga hyung himself is reknowned record producer and works with Park Jimin still he decided to give the name "EatJin" to their cafe just because Jin hyung is older between them. And Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung both are so humble and down earth." Sung-hoon said

"Did they ever mistreat you?" Jungkook asked

"No never. Both idols frequently visit here. But they never mis treat anyone always talk politely. Though they prefer their privacy and always surrounded by bodyguards but they always greet the people warmly. Once I asked for autograph they not only just gave autograph but also took a selfie with me." Sung-hoon said happily

"Ok ok. I got it. I got it. Now do your work. And when you will leave the cafe plz call me ok! Bye love you." Jungkook said

"Cya. Love you too Kook." Sung-hoon said

And with that he cut the call smile never leaving his face.

After talking with his fiance Jungkook decided to search about Park Jimin. Because this perticular name has taken place in his heart and mind from the moment he saw him.

He started to watch his videos but one perticular video took his attention. He couldn't take the eyes of him. It was Jimin's performance on "I Need You". The boy look so cute and etheral in white outfit. The fallen angel from heaven. So graceful with his dance movements. Jungkook's heart skipped a beat after watching the video. He didn't know how much time has passed as he kept on watching the videos of Jimin untill he got tired.


As Jimin reached to the party someone from the crowd called someone else.

"Boss he has arrived here alone. As you have predicted our first part of the plan is sucessed" that someone said

"That's good. Now keep an eye on him. I knew he would definitely come. He would be fool if he don't come to his own success party. Now wait for my next command." The person from the other side said


Jimin has already greeted his staff and crew members. But now was alone and feeling bored. So he decided to take a drink and leave the party.

He ordered a soft drink for him and started to sip not knowing a pair of evil eyes was watching him keenly.

When Jimin was enjoying his drink he heard the voice from his back.

"Well well well. Who do we have here? The most beautiful Park Jimin!" The voice said

"What do you want Yong?" Jimin whispered irritably

Yong was another idol. Who has malicious intentions towards Jimin. In past many times he had tried to assult Jimin sexually. But everytime Jimin was saved either of his friends or bodyguards. Mostly by Tae. Many times Jimin has escaped from his advances but the man has never learnt to take no.

"Straight forward aren't we! I like it. Of course you know it. I want you." Yong said

"That's never gonna happen. I hate people like you." Jimin said angrily

"Oh babyboy. Who is asking for your choice? I get what I want!" Yong said slowly while calling his men with his hand without being noticed by Jimin

While Jimin was purposely kept engaged in conversation, what he failed to realise that his drink was spiked by one of the man of Yong.

"Get out from here. How many times I have to tell you that I despise people like you." Jimin said

"Soon Jimin you will be mine." Yong said and with that he went away.

Jimin soon finished his drink and decided to leave. So he bid farewell and left the party.

When he was about to reach his car in the basement car parking, one man blocked his way. And soon few more men circled around him.

"Who are you? Why are you blocking my path?" Jimin asked feeling scared

"They are my men Jimin. You see this time you can't escape from me." A voice said from his behind

A chill spread down in his spine. Now Jimin realised why there was a nagging feeling in heart. Only if he had listened to it.


Okay. So this is the 2nd chap of the story. Plz enjoy.

I hope you like it. Plz vote and comment if possible. I hope you will give the same love to which you given my previous book.

The names Sung-hoon and Yong I have taken randomly from google. Cause I wanted to create original charcters not real life persons. Still if they resembles with any one then I am really sorry.

PS : Vmin are only bestfriends or soulmates but not lovers in this story.

I will update "The indecent Proposal" tomorrow.

Thank you. 😇😇💜💜❤❤💛💛😇😇

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