Chapater 10

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"So what's the news?" Yong said

"Boss that lawyer is meddling to much. Give us the orders. We will take care of him." One of his man said

"Finish him then." Yong said

"Okay boss." Hus man said

"Hyung did you get any information from him? Did he tell anything to you?" Jungkook said

"No Kook he told me the same thing. He didn't kill your fiance." Taemin said

"Are you sure hyung? I...I don't believe it." Jungkook said

"That's the reality Jungkook. You have to aceept it." Taemin said

"But I heard his voice when my Sung-hoon was killed." Jungkook said desperately

"You must have heard wrong Kook. Now please withdraw your obessession with Park Jimin. Focus on your work. From his face itself one can say that he can't commit such crime. If Your Sung-hoon would have present here he wouldn't like to see you being depressed." Taemin said patting Jungkook's shoulder

"I am sorry Jungkook. But I can't punish an innocent person for the crime which he did unknowingly. I can't punish a person who himself was a victim first then guilty." Taemin thought

And with that Taemin went away. His mobile clutched in his hand tightly. The recording was secured in his phone with applock.


Jungkook was frustrated. First he wasn't able to find any proof against Jimin. His each and every attempts were becoming futile. On top of that the verdict of the Sung-hoon case was done. The verdict has in the favour of Namjoon. Stephan, Jimin's driver got only year sentence. That made Jungkook more mad.

Jungkook was driving back to his home. Unknown to him a black car was following him. Before he can even reach his home that car stood in front of his car. Jungkook came out of his car.

"Hey why did you stop your car like this? Are you drunk driving or what?" Jungkook asked

Before Jungkook can say anything more the car came towards him with full speed tring to crush him. Jungkook immidiately move away. But then some goons came out from the car and started to beat Jungkook brutally. But before they can do more harm, some men came to his rescue and beat them back, after chasing them away they admitted him to the hospital. Just like Yong Tae was also keeping his eyes on Jungkook.

"Boss. It's good you told us to keep an eye on him. We were able to save him on time. We already admitted him to the hospital." One of the rescuer said

"Good job. Now do a thing. Inform the guy named Lee Taemin that Jungkook is in hospital." Tae said

"Jeon Jungkook. You are fortunate enough that my Minnie loves you. I am doing it just for his sake. You are alive because of me but reason is My Minnie. If you are hurt, then he will be hurt, and if he will be hurt then I'll be hurt." Tae thought

Jungkook got his conciouness back.

"How are you feeling Kook?" Taemin asked

"What can I say hyung? I was about to get killed by someone. So that I can't find the truth. I can't believe Park Jimin can stoop so low." Jungkook said

"First of all the attack on you was done by Yong's men. Jimin is nowhere involved. I have already done the investigation. So don't blame on him. Now if I think then I think this Yong somewhere is involved in this case. Now come on sleep well Kook." Taemin said


But Jungkook wasn't able to sleep properly at night. He had a restless sleep. On the top of that he had dreamt about Sung-hoon.

"Jungkook please let it go. Even if you want a justice for me, then I am telling you myself that please let it go. Don't be so presistant baby. You are hurting yourself. You are not yourself anymore. You were not like this before." Sung-hoon said

"I can't let it go baby. My heart won't be at peace. I won't be happy untill that Park Jimin will be punished. He killed you mercilessly and went away with that." Jungkook said

"Kook baby. Put your hand on heart and please tell me honestly. Do you really think that Park Jimin can kill without any mercy?" Sung-hoon asked while taking Jungkook's hand and put it on his heart

"I..I don't know baby. His eyes always hold so much innocence in them. I can tell that he can't even hurt a fly. But Sung-hoon baby. I know the reality. He is the one who killed you. I heard his voice." Jungkook said

"Forget about what you heard Kook. Just tell me what your heart says. Please follow your heart Kook. And please forget about me and find yourself a new lover. If you will not be happy then my soul won't be at peace. You mean so much to me. You are my life Kook but please move on and be happy for me." Sung-hoon said

With a jolt Jungkook woke up. The dream felt so real. After few days he got didcharged. He again went to Busan to take some rest.


Jimin was also in Busan. He had a concert in here. He was feeling nostalgic to perform. So he was practicing extra hard. He was singing and dancing beautifully. Unknown to him the love of his life watching him intently with some what admiration and some what anger.

Jimin was so immersed in his dance that he didn't heared the footsteps. Soon he got distracted by the sound of loud clapping.

"You killed some one with cold blood. Now you have audacity to dance and sing without any care in the world." Jungkook said

"Mr. Jeon. Oh my god. What happened to you? Did those wounds hurt a lot?" Jimin asked worriedly caressing Jungkook's wounds

Jimin's touch was so soft and feather light. Jungkook couldn't help but feel relax at his touch. He leaned more to seek the warmth. Unconsciously his eyes fell on Jimin's lips forming a sad pout. They were looked so inviting. Without any thought Jungkook captured those sinful lips in his own. But this time he was kissing him gentally and lot of care.


So the 10th chapter is up. I hope you guys will like it.

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