Chapter 12

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Jungkook was disappointed that he visited the orphnage here. And he got to see these two men. He wanted to spend his time here in peace while reminisces about his deceased boyfriend. Every people knew him here. Because he and Sung-hoon has visited here frequently.

But what was the surprising him that what was these two were doing here! His mood has already spoiled. But what can he do now. He was already here!

What the surprising thing was the staff of the orphange and kids of the orphanage. They were so normal about it. As if there were normal citizens not famous idols. Jimin and Taehyung were playing games with the kids.

Jungkook decided to talk to the manager of the orphanage who is a middle aged man and  had known him since Jungkook and Sung-hoon oftenly visited here.

"Aren't they are the famous idols Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung!" Jungkook asked

"Yes they are." Manager answered happily

"They must be here to shower you with the charity so that they can show of to the world how much generous they are." Jungkook said bitterly

"What are you saying Jungkook! Jimin and Taehyung both are not like that. They both hate the attention. Specially Jimin. He doesn't like any kind of attention on him. Infact he like to stay away from any kind of scandel. On the contraray they both come here so that they both can spend ateast one day of their lives peacefully." Manager said

"You are saying like that you have known them from forever." Jungkook said

"Yes I have known both of them since they were kids." Manager said

"What do you mean?" Jungkook asked surprised

"Jimin and Taehyung both are the orphans. And stayed here in this very same orphange untill they decided to chase their dream of becoming an idol. More precisely it was Jimin's dream. And Taehyung decided to follow him not live his Minie alone." Manager said while looking at them fondly

"Tell me more." Jungkook asked curiously

"I still rember. I was new here. When someone dropped Tae here. He was only infant at that time. Barely few days old. Obviously he was unwanted child. Clearly a mistske." Manager said sadly

"And what about Jimin?" Jungkook asked

"He has more tragic story than Taehyung. His parents were killed in a car crash. He was 5 years old. Nobody wanted to take a responsibility of a child who has lost everything in few seconds. His greedy relatives took his father's hard earned money and all his property. And left the crying child on the street alone. One kind gentleman brought him here." Manager said

Jungkook looked at the direction of both the idols. They both looked so happy and carefree. Specially Jimin. He looked so beautiful while smiling heartily. His laugh is so contagious. Whenever he smiles his eyes would disappear. Jungkook's heart stopped beating for a moment.

"When Jimin was brought here he was so broken and lost. He wouldn't talk to anyone. Taehyung always being happy soul tried to talk with him so many times but boy didn't respond. After few days when Jimin came here he would always cry. His face is always covered with bruises but when we ask him he would always say that he fell down. But one day Taehyung caught other boys bullying Jimin because Jimin being chubby. So Taehyung immidiately informed us. And we took necessary action against those bullies. From that day Taehyung and Jimin became best friends. Totally inseprable. In their words "soulemates." Manager said

Jungkook again looked in the direction of both the idols. Now it was only Jimin playing with kids. Taehyung had stood in the corner while watching his soulmate with utmost affection. He was staring at Jimin like he us the most precious thing in the world. After few mins Jimin also stopped the game and came running to Taehyung while jumping on him. Taehyung caught him effortlessly as if he always does that. Then he gabe him piggyback ride. Jimin was laughing and giggling cutely.

"Taetae I am so tired." Jimin said putting his head on Taehyung's shoulder

"Are you hungry baby?" Taehyung asked

"Yes. Very much. Let's eat something Taetae." Jimin asked

Jungkook watched how Jimin was clinging to Taehyung very much. He didn't understand why but he disn't like them being very touchy to each other. Something inside him burnt. His facial expression became hard. And his fists are clenched.

"I know Jungkook what are you thinking! I know Jimin and I also know that his name is linked in killing Sung-hoon. But trust me this boy can never hurt a single soul. And even if the accident was caused by him there must be a reason behind it. So I would suggest it please try to find that reason." Manager said

"Only time will tell sir. What is wrong and what is right!" Jungkook said

He again looked in both the idols' direction. Jimin's head was on Taehyung's shoulder. His eyes were closed. And he looked so peacefull. A content smile was playing on his lips. This Jimin lookes so beautiful. So etheral.

Jungkook's heart was in dilemma. At one side he wanted to punish Jimin eventhough he had decided to believe Jimin and at the other side he wanted to do anything so that Jimin always keep smiling.

Jimin was smiling contently by resting his head on his best friend's shoulder not knowing the pair of doe eyes is watching his each and every step carefully.

Okay so this the 12th chapter.

I hope you like it. 💛❤💜

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