Chapter 11

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Jimin was somewhat relieved. Stephan got only one year imprisonment. Yes he was still feeling guilty for killing Sung-hoon. And it will forever haunt him that he killed an innocent person. But Stephan's verdict has lessened sone of the heavy load on his heart.

He was here in Busan for his upcoming concert. He was practicing dance and singing. Suddenly he heard loud clapping. He turned around and saw Jungkook. He was injured badly. His heart crushed. He can't see the love of his in such a condition. But Jungkook's next words really broke his heart.

"You killed some one with cold blood. Now you have audacity to dance and sing without any care in the world." Jungkook said

Jimin felt really sad seeing his Kookie in such a condition. Tears pooled in his eye.

"Mr. Jeon. Oh my god. What happened to you? Did those wounds hurt a lot?" Jimin asked worriedly caressing Jungkook's wounds

Jungkook didn't answer anything. Instead Jimin felt Jungkook's eyes on his lips. Jimin smiled inwardly. He felt so shy. But before he can understand anything Jungkook captured his lips in his own. But this time he was kissing him gentally and with lot of care.

Unlike the last time, this time the kiss was gentle and sweet yet so passionate. Jungkook was surprised with himself. Can it be the reason the dream that he saw previous night?

After that kiss Jungkook joined their foreheads. Both were breathing heavily. Their eyes closed. Tears fell from Jimin's eyes. His Kookie was injured.

Soon Jungkook came out from his trance. He felt angry yet again.

"No no Jungkook. You can't be weak." He thought

"I wish instead of my Sung-hoon it's you should have died. You know yesterday my Sung-hoon had appeared in my dream. He told me to let it go. He told me to forgive you. He told me that you can't kill some body. You know you are safe from me Just because of my Sung-hoon."  Jungkook said

Jungkook'd each and every words were stabbing in Jimin's heart. But he knew he deserved Jungkook's hate.

"You didn't tell me what happened To you Mr. Jeon? You are hurt badly." Jimin asked

"Some goons attacked me. My hyung said the idol Yong was involved in that. Why he has to attack me! I have never met him. Then why! But what was more surprising that while his men were beating me, some other men rescued me." Jungkook said

Jimin gasped at that. He understood that Yong must be anxious enough to get rid of Jungkook. He must knew that Jungkook has been searching for proofs by himself. Thank god he has his soulmate. Unconsiously he had dragged Jungkook in the trap in which he himself was trapped.

"I am really sorry." Jimin said his eyes filled with tears.

Jungkook was shocked at Jimin's apology. Whenever they meet each time Jimin would act in such a way that Jungkook has to think thousand times that whether Jimin is guilty or not!

"Why are you saying sorry? You were't the one who attacked me." Jungkook said

Still Jimin kept chanting sorry again and again while caressing Jungkook's cheeks tenderly, tears still falling from his beautiful eyes. He was angry at himself

Jungkook was in trance. Jimin was looking so etheral even while crying. The worry and sadness in his eyes for him had somewhat broken the barrier of hatred within him.

He himself couldn't help but wipe the tears falling from Jimin's eyes.
His hands were caressing Jimin's soft cheeks.

  I want to believe it. My heart says to believe it but my mind says not to. I am choosing my heart over my mind. I am believing you. I am accepting the fact I may have heard wrong while my Sung-hoon died. But one thing I really swear Park Jimin, a single step wrong from your side, I won't ever forgive you. Mark my words Park Jimin." Jungkook said


If any person who had been in Jimin's place must have felt the breath of relief. But not Jimin. He felt more guilt now. Jungkook had decided to beileve him. But his heart wasn't at piece.

First Jungkook's fiance was died. Now Yong was after his blood. He felt restless. He knew Yong would never let go easily. So he felt worried about Jungkook's safety. So he immidiately called his soulmate.

"Taetae you saved him. You saved Kookie. Thank you baby bear." Jimin said

"Ofcourse Minnie I had to. I was keeping eye on him. I knew Yong would strike at any moment. And I..I know you would have been sad if something has happened to him." Tae said lump formed in his throat

Jimin felt sad for hurting his best friend. Yes he knew his best friend was in love with him. But he can't do anything! He has always treated him as a best friend or soulmate.

"Taetae can we go and visit..." Jimin started to say

"Ofcourse Minnie you don't have to say that. We will go and visit there." Taehyung said


Jungkook was feeling so down and sad. He was missing Sung-hoon miserably. He was crying non stop remembering his deceased fiance. So he decided to visit the orphanage where Sung-hoon has grown up. He thought he would get the peace for his mind.

But the moment he entered he immidiately regretted his decision to go there.

Yes there stood none other than Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung.


So the 11th chapter is up. I hope you guys will like it.

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Thank you. 💜❤💛

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