Chapter 8

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"Are you serious Park Jimin? Jungkook aksed somewhat shocked and somewhat happy

"Yes I am here to tell you the truth. So the truth you want to hear is..." Jimin started

"Wait let me just set the camera. So I can have a proof of your confession." Jungkook said

Jungkook set up the camera on his tripod stand and started the recording. But as Jimin was about to speak, his phone started to ring. Jungkook menatally groaned at the intruption.

Jimin was thinking whether to pick it up or not. It has already took his lot of courage to tell the truth to Jungkook. So he hesitantly picked up the call.

"Jimin where are you now? Please don't tell me you are meeting Jungkook. If you are with him right now then please don't speak anything and just listen to me. If you decided to tell him the truth then please don't tell him anything." Namjoon said

"But why hyung?" Jimin asked desperately

"Because if you tell him the truth then your Taetae and Stephan will be in big problem. Mostly Tae." Namjoon said

"But how hyung?" Jimin asked

"See if you will tell the truth then Stephan and Tae both will be charged as guilty for giving false statements. But Tae will charged more than Stephan because he would be also found guilty for destroyimg cctv footages." Namjoon said

Jimin gasped at that. He didn't want to suffer his soulmate because of his own deeds. He now realized what a grave step his best friend has taken to save him but then he thought about his innocent driver Stephan.

"But what about Stephan hyung?" He whisperd slowly so that Jungkook can't listen

"I will try to reduce his sentence. You know that I have never lost any case. Tell me Minnie your Taetae will be in trouble because of you now do you want that?" Namjoon asked softly

"No hyung never. Ok I will do as you say." He whispered again snd cut the call

Jimin closed his eyes and took the deep breath. And prepared himself for Jungkook's outburst. Because he knew that after giving him false hope, he was backing out now. Jungkook was expecting the truth but he can't say the truth for his best friend's sake.

"Are you done? Can we continue now?" Jungkook asked impatiently

Jimin noded slowly.

"So as I said earlier that is the truth only. It wasn't me who was driving the car but it was Stephan my driver." Jimin said

"Absolutely Rubbish. I don't believe it. Are you really serious Park Jimin! Is someone's death a joke to you? Don't you have any humanity left? Jungkook said completely outraged

"This is the truth only. Please accept it Mr. Jeon." Jimin said

"No never. I know you wanted to tell the truth before you got the call. After that only you changed your mind. Tell me who was that? Show me your phone." Jungkook said while try to snatch Jimin's phone

"You are being ridiculous Mr. Jeon. I already told you the truth so many times. It's you who doesn't want to accept it." Jimin said

"No I won't accept it ever because I know it's a complete lie." Jungkook said while snatching Jimin's phone

Jungkook immidiately searched for call history. He found that last call was from someone called Moni hyung. He couldn't conclude who could be this Moni hyung!

Jimin try to take back his phone but was unsucessful as Jungkook lift it higher in the air thus making it out of reach for Jimin.

"Who is this Moni? Tell me Jimin. Otherwise consequences won't be good." Jungkook asked

"That's none of your business. Now give me back my phone. And I don't care because I know I am right." Jimin said

"Oh is that so? Do you want your phone back? Then take it back by yourself." Jungkook said

With that he went to the balcony attached to his office he bent down and put the phone on the shade of the window.

Jimin gasped at that. For him his phone was not important but the data in it was much more important. His pictures, the rough drafts of songs written by him and other valuable things.

So Jimin tried to take his phone back from the shade. He bent down and tried to take it but since he was smaller he couldn't take it back. So Jimin crossed the railing of the balcony and stood on the small shade of the window. He again tried to take his phone but due to fear his foot slipped and he was about to fell but he was saved by none other than Jungkook himself.

Jungkook was enjoying Jimin's futile attemps to take his phone back. But then the worst happened. Jimin's foot slipped. For a moment Jungkook's heart stopped. He felt like his dear Sung-hoon was dieing in front of him. So he immidiately rushed to save him. He immidiately held Jimin's hand and then with the lot of efforts he pulled Jimin back in the balcony. But due to impact both fell flat on the surface with Jimin lying on top of Jungkook.

For a moment both couldn't speak anything. Their breathing was harsh. Both were trying to gain back their breaths at normal speed.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt some where? Are you an idiot? Just for a mere phone you were about to risk of your life?" Jungkook asked

"No the phone is not important for me. It's data in it is important for me." Jimin said

For a moment they both were lost in each other's eyes then Jungkook come out from the trance. He immidiately dragged Jimin inside his office.

He then he pushed Jimin harshly to the nearest wall. And held both of Jimin's hand in his own hand above Jimin's head. His other hand went inside Jimin's top and held his thin waist tightly.

"How does it feel Park Jimin? My Sung-hoon must have felt it. I hope you pay consequnces for your deeds." Jungkook said

And with that once again Jimin's lips were captured in brutal punishing kiss.

Jungkook's hand was now playing with the beads of waist chain worn by Jimin. Jungkook broke it with one strong pull. The chain broken down. All the beads litrered down on the ground.

Jimin gasped in their kiss. The dominance Jungkook was showing was terrifying. But worst was yet to come. Jimin struggled to come out from Jungkook's grip but it was worthless

Then Jungkook's hand roamed further below. He immidiately groped Jimin's fluffy peaches.

Unknown to both of them their whole moments were captured in the camera set by Jungkook.

So here's the 8th chapter. I hope you like it.

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