Chapter 5

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"What? Are you sure hyung? There's not any single cctv footages which can prove that Park Jimin was driving the car himself?" Jungkook asked seething

"Unfortunately no Kook. All cameras are malfunctioned. The all cameras have the footages of 2 days back. No traces of the past two days." Taemin said

"Of course what else it could be hyung? That Jimin must have done it. To hide his crime he must have disable them. What else can you expect from such rich spoilt brats!" Jungkook said

"It's okay Jungkook. Don't worry. We will find some other proofs." Taemin said

Jungkook decided that he himself would keep an eye on Jimin, collect the proof and prove him guilty.


"Why did Jimin reacted like that? Didn't he remember what has happened?" Yoongi asked worried

"The after effects of drugs in his system made him forget about that." Jin said

"You mean anything would have happened and Jimin wouldn't have any idea about it!" Namjoon asked in horror

"As much it sounds bad but it's true. " Jin said sighing

"Btw who was the guy?" Namjoon asked hesitated

"He used to work as waiter in our cafe. His name was Sung-hoon. The boy was so good. And worst part is that he was engaged and about to get married." Yoongi said

"Fortunately Tae has taken care of everything. So Jimin wouldn't be in that much trouble. But still we have to keep our guards up." Hobi said

"But Yong has given statment against Jimin that he was the one who drove the car." Jin said

"That won't matter. People will believe Tae's words more." Yoongi said

"And we have Namjoon. So we don't have to worry." Jin said

"I swear from now on we will never leave Jimin alone. He is to fragile for this cruel world." Taehyung said joining them

Unfortunately for them Jimin would meet the right guy at wrong timing.


Jimin woke up after sometime due to nightmare. His head was aching badly.

"Hyungs. Taetae." Jimin shouted

"I...I saw a nightmare. I...I saw that I killed someone by crushing him with my car. It felt so real. I am so scared." Jimin said while crying

His hyungs exchanged lookes with each other.

"Shhh baby. Calm down. It's okay it was just a dream. Don't cry." Taehyung said while consoling him

Jin made Jimin eat soup and then made him sleep again giving him medicines.


After sometimes Jimin woke up again. Since he amost slept throughout the day he decided to check up his phone.

As soon as he unlocked his phone. His phone started to buzz continuously and wouldn't stop.

That's strange. Of course he was idol. But this was off limit. So he checked the tabloids.

After reading it he couldn't stop crying. He started to remember everything. As he read the news he called his soulmate.

"So the dream I saw was not a dream at all. It was reality. I actually killed someone. Didn't I?" Jimin asked

"Listen to me Minnie. It was just an accident. It wouldn't have happened if you werent drugged." Taehyung said

"But still Taetae I am a murderer. Drugged or not, one life is taken because of me. And I can't forgive myself for that." Jimin said

"Please calm down Minnie. And don't think so low of yourself. You have done nothing wrong." Taehyung said

"No Taetae I can't forgive myself. How can I repay? I want to do merit otherwise I won't able to live peacefully. Please Taetae I beg you." Jimin said

"Okay okay. Relax Minnie. I got the news that his fiance has conducted his funeral on the day after tomorrow. I will take you there. Is it fine? Now rest common. For me please!" Taehyung said


Next day Jimin was practicing for his upcoming concert. He had his reharsals going on. But he was being cautious. He started to feel that he was being watched. It was obvious to have his fans gathered in the stadium. But that prickly feeling wasn't going.

He started to observe in the crowd untill a pair of doe eyes was staring at him intensely with hatered in his eyes. As their eyes met, the doe eye man moved forward but was immidiately stopped by the guards. So the man walked away from there.

Jimin had never seen this much handsome man in his entire life. Ofcourse his all hyungs and his Taetae are handsome but this man was something else. His heart started to beat faster. He couldn't stop himself from staring at that man. For a moment they were lost in each others' eyes. But then doe eyed man shake his head snd stared at him angrily. Why he was looking at him with so much hate!

Jungkook wanted to expose Jimin infront of his fans but was stopped by the gurads so feeling helpless he went away from there.


Next day Jimin and Taehyung went to Sung-hoon's funeral. There were hardly 10-12 people. Some of Jungkook's and Sung-hoon's common friends. Jimin found it strange.

"Taetae why there are so less people?" Jimin asked

"Well Minnie. That guy was orphan that's why. And btw you know him well. Remember Sung-hoon?" Taehyung asked hesitantly

Jimin gasped at that. He clearly remembered. He worked as a waiter in "EatJin" and once asked very politely to give him autograph. So Jimin and Tae hadn't just gave him autograph but also took a selfie with me.

Jimin couldn't believe that he had killed that innocent person. He was deep in his thought untill a loud shout broke the chain of his thoughts.

"What the hell are you doing here? Wasn't it enough that you killed my fiance mercilessly? Still you decided to show your ugly face here?" Jungkook shouted angrily

Before anyone can understand anything Jungkook took the wrist of Jimin in his tight grip and started to drag him then pushed him harshly outside. Due to the force Jimin fell down on the floor.

Taehyung immidiately pulled Jimin up.

"How dare you to touch him like that?" Taehyung shouted angrily

"And how dare he to kill my fiance and then come here without any shame as if nothing happened?" Jungkook shouted equally angry

"He didn't kill anyone. Jimin wasn't even driving the car." Taehyung said

"Lies. I heared his little cofession after he killed my fiance. Don't worry you can fool everyone but I myself know the truth so you won't be able to save your boyfriend." Jungkook said

Jimin and Taehyung become shocked. Jimin was literally broken. The ever first guy who caught his interest for the first time, was thirsty for his blood.


So here's the 5th chapter. I hope you all will like it.

Plz if possible vote and comment on it.

Thank you dears who have voted previously.

Tysm. ❤🥰💜💛😇

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