Chapter 3

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"They are my men Jimin. Many times you have escaped from me. But this time you can't. I have a executed the perfect plan to trap you this time." Yong said smiling evily

"W...hat do you mean? W...what plan?" Jimin asked frightened

"You see this was your album's success party so I knew you have to come any way. But I made sure no one would accompany you. I knew you had sent your manager and producer on the trip. Then I knew your lover boy Taehyung had shoot. So all I just hade to remove your lawyer and his husband from the picture." Yong said now laughing evily

"You mean Namjoon hyung's cousin's accident was done by you?" Jimin gasped

Just two days ago before his concert, Namjoon's cousin got injured in the accident. He was the victim of hit and run case. He was admitted to the hospital. So NamJin had to rush to Namjoon's hometown Ilsan immidiately.

"Not just this, but I was the one because of whom your car was broken down. And that's how even your assistant and driver couldn't join you. You see babyboy, I didn't want to give you any chance to escape." Yong said smiling cruelly

Jimin was scared still he tried to run away but Yong's men encircled him. He was one against eight people. Two of Yong's men tightly hold Jimin by his arms. He started to free himself from but it was futile.

"Tch tch tch. You can't run away. I have spiked your drink. Soon the effects of the drugs will be started. You have hardly 20-25 mins Jimin. Then you will be in my arms unconscious and then I will have my ways with you." Yong said laughing maniacly

Hearing this, Jimin started to cry desperaty now panicking more and started to free himself with more efforts. With all his might Jimin hit one man in his stomach using his knees and he hit another man on his face using his bag and freed himself. Then he took out his small licenced gun which he always keep in his bag on Tae's advise for safety purpose and pointed towards them.

"Don't come near me. Otherwise I will kill all of you." Jimin said while moving back slowly

"Tiny babyboy has some guts I see. That's what I like about you. Beauty with brain. But what you can do! You are alone against us." Yong said

Yong and all his men started to laugh at his statment when they were busy in laughing, Jimin took the oppertunity and started to run as fast as he could. He immidiatly reached to his car and started to drive.

"Shit this shouldn't have happen. Now what are you waiting for? Follow him now." Yong barked

Soon Yong's car started to follow Jimin's car. So Jimin started to drive his car more faster. Luckliy it was almost midnight. So there were hardly any vehicles. He was continously checking in his rear mirror while crying bitterly.

After 15-20 mins Jimin's head started to spin. And after another 5 mins his eyes started to feel droopy. He was now trying hard to keep his eyes open. But the following didn't stop. So without any choice Jimin called his best friend Tae. But the call went unanswered.

Then he called in his group. But again his call went unanswered. Now Jimin was literally having difficulty in keeping his eyes open. After trying to call to his best friend 4-5 times finally he picked up the call.

"What happened Minnie why did you call me so many times? Are you alright? Did something happen to you?" Tae bombarded his best friend with questions

"I am not okay Taetae. Yong's men are following me. He spiked my drink and wanted to take adavntage of me. I am not able to keep my eyes open. I have taken the route of your studio only. But I..I don't think I will be able to stay conscious any longer. Please Taetae save me." Jimin said while crying

"It's okay baby I will save you don't worry. Turn on your location. And lock all the doors of your car. And please stay on the main road only. Please keep yourself up for few mins more. And send me your current location. I will come and save you don't worry." Tae said

Tae himself was scared but he has to be strong for his best friend his Minnie. He immidiately rushed to save him. Thank god he was wise enough to chose his studio route.


Jungkook was trying to sleep. But sleep was far away from his eyes. A certain male's face was appearing infront of his eyes again and again. No matter how much he try he wasn't able to remove it.

His milky white porcelain skin. His natural pouty pink pillowy lips. His chubby cheeks with natural blush. His cute button nose. His tiny waist. His mighty Jibooty. The thick thighs. So small chubby hands. His crescent eye smile. Soft melodic voice. The boy is completely ethereal.

On the top of that he found that the boy is very kind. He had donated so many times for charity purpose. One thing he didn't like the that Jimin's name was linked with his best friend Taehyung. Their fans shipped both of them alot. "Vmin" is one of the hot trend on daily basis. Jungkook couldn't help but feel agitiated and jealous at the thought of Jimin being with someone else other than himself.

"No no no Jungkook. What are doing! You can't think about any other man like this! You have your Sung-hoon. Plus Jimin is an idol and you are a common man. He won't even spare a glance towards a commom man like you. So come out of your dreamland and focus on your Sung-hoon." Jungkook mentally scolded himself

And with that he called his fiance.

"Hey baby what's up!" Jungkook asked

"I am good Kook. I am finally free. So that I can go home now." Sung-hoon said tiredly

"Should I come and get you? It's too late." Jungkook said worriedly

"It's okay baby. I am not a kid. I will call a taxi." Sung-hoon said

"Okay but please keep talking to me. I am worried for you." Jungkook said

Only if Jungkook hasn't requested this thing!!!


Jimin was feeling more dizzy, he knew he would loose his consciousness anytime. He hoped his Taetae would come soon. So he drove his car with more speed.

But what he failed to see that a man was crossing the road without paying attention while talking on his phone. And when he saw him it was too late.

Jimin tried his best to pull the car's breaks but no use cause it was in a full speed. Instantly the car crushed that man who flew in the air 5-10 feet up killing him on the spot.

With blurry vision due to his tears and dizziness, Jimin came out of his car and crouched down beside the man who was taking his last breaths.

"Please don't die on me sir. I swear I didn't mean to kill you. I swear I tried to pull the breaks but I couldn't save you. I beg of you sir please don't die. Please sir." Jimin said

Jimin begged again and again while crying continuoisly and with that he lost his consciousness.


One min Jungkook was talking to his fiance and another min he heard the loud sound of bang and crash. After that he wasn't able to listen anything other than

"Please don't die on me sir. I swear I didn't mean to kill you. I swear I tried to pull the breaks but I couldn't save you. I beg of you sir please don't die. Please sir."

But wait why does that voice sound familier! Wasn't the voice belong to PARK JIMIN!

Okay dears. So this is the 3rd chapter of the story. I hope you all will like it.

Please vote and comment on it. And if possible recommend it to others.

To those who have voted previously thank you so much guys.

I hope you will support this story just as much like the first one.

The story is completely fictional. Whatever would happen in this story has nothing to do in real life.

Thank you. ❤💜💛❤💜❤💛❤💛💛❤💜

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