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Your ears perked up with the sound of an irritating groan which escaped from between Jungkook's lips as soon as he walked inside his bedroom from the washroom. You slightly shook your head at his subtle yet evident behaviour but chose to not pick up a conversation with him.

"Don't even think about sleeping on the bed. I am not sharing." He remarked as soon as you were about to enter the washroom to freshen up. You halted, took a step back and heaved out a tired sigh before turning around to face him.

"Jungkook. We need to talk." You muttered, standing before him, looking directly towards him. "Surely we do." Jungkook replied. "Firstly, stop thinking of me as your rival because we aren't in college anymore-" "You are my rival. Always." Jungkook deadpanned.

You blinked your eyes in disbelief, analysing the immaturity of the 25 year old guy standing in front of you. "Jungkook…" You spoke again calmly. "We are not in a fantasy world where you will strive with this hatred of yours. You are in the real world Jungkook where unnecessary hate and anger leads you to nowhere." Jungkook patiently heard you with a frown.

"Then what do you want me to do? Love you?" He scoffed, making you widen your eyes. "No! Of course!!" "Why not? Did you marry me because you still like me Y/n?" He asked, this time with an amusing and proud smirk lingering on his lips.

"Don't speak nonse-" "Your old college love for me is still there…. isn't it? When my friends told me about you liking me, I didn't believe them but now when I rethink about it….you are quite a sly girl." He smirked, pushing his hands inside his pockets.

"Cherry on the top, you got to marry a rich guy….what more can you ask for... isn't it?" He stirred the irking nerve of your brain cell while trying to provoke you. You looked at him with a staunch glare. "Mr. Jeon Jungkook….are you that desperate for me to love you?" Your one question swiped away the smile from his lips.

"You really want to believe that I am head over heels in love with you and that's why I agreed to marry you. Isn't it? Then sure. Go ahead and create the fantasy bubble around you. I don't have any objection. With all honesty, I once had a crush on you. I did. Because undoubtedly you were handsome and charming. It's usual for girls to normally have a crush on you. But why do you ignore the fact that just the way many girls have a crush on you, similarly every girl has many crushes as well?"

You spoke while folding your arms above your chest, while he kept quiet, hearing you. "Now you realise where you stand in that 'crush' list? Stop hyping yourself up for nothing." The nonchalant look on your face irritated him the most.

"And just to tell you, my crush for you crushed the day you opened your mouth in front of me because I realised that you are filled with nothing but trash." Jungkook's eyes widened into a glare as soon as you mocked him and he held your arms in reflex.

"How dare you insult me?" He yelled at you. "You have no respect in front of me to begin with." You didn't even flinch as he pulled you closer while gripping your arms. "You are speaking too much!" "I am stating facts." You wriggled in his hold a little before freeing yourself.

"Then why did you marry me? You knew how much I hated you yet you agreed? Why? Because of my money?" Jungkook questioned once you tried to turn away. "Delusional. You are plainly delusional Jeon Jungkook." You shook your head.

"I am the general manager of the Seoul division of Jeon Enterprise. I am a self made woman. You really think I need your money?" You let out a sarcastic chuckle sealing up his lips as he controlled his frustration by fisting his hand.

Jungkook let out a frustrated groan as soon as you entered the washroom while you pinned your back to the door of the washroom, heaving out deep breaths. Keeping your palm over your chest, you tried to calm yourself down.

Your lips went dry and you felt like crying realising how difficult it was to act strong and confident in front of someone whom your heart yearns for while that same person bores hatred and dislike for you.

Small beads of tears formed in the corner of your eyes, yet you didn't let any drop to roll down your cheeks as you made a resolution to yourself to never fall weak in front of him. Come what may!


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