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Jungkook wasn't able to utter another word the entire dinner and had his lips sealed while you didn't bother to spare a look at him. Your inner turmoil was creating enough havoc inside your heart and looking at him was the least thing you wanted to do now.

"It's alright Y/n. It's not like he ever committed to you that you are feeling cheated." You spoke to yourself, gulping down tears while on the other side Jungkook kept changing sides, closing his eyes shut to get some sleep but to no avail.

"It's not my responsibility to clear her misunderstanding!! Then why the hell is it bothering me?!?!" He murmured with gritted teeths, wanting to scoot towards your room and knock some senses in your brain but at the same time, didn't want to lose in the ego game.

The next morning brought nothing but a headache for Jungkook as he groaned, massaging his temples after waking up. Somehow after getting ready for office, he scooted downstairs, only to find you, hurriedly arranging the dining table.

You woke up a little late and hence were lagging in time but the open haired girl, wearing a simple dress shirt and pencil skirt, with a face so refreshing yet tensed with no tinge of a makeup and hair tips dripping with water, tucked at the back with just a clutcher, was successful in increasing the heartbeat of her husband.

The more Jungkook came near to you, the more he kept gawking, no matter how many times he looked away, only to find a way back to look at you again. Just when he stood behind you, his nostrils hit with your aroma, to which he was quite accustomed to.

You, unaware of his presence, turned behind, only to widen your eyes and step back in surprise but tripped on your own steps. Jungkook was quick enough to hold your wrist but he pulled you towards him, making you crash on his chest, leaving you and himself dazzled.

He gulped, feeling you this close to him while your heart started beating abnormally. Your eyes locked with his and now that he was able to see your full face properly since yesterday evening, he felt a strange sensation build up inside him.

You were lost in his eyes for a moment, until yesterday's scene hit you like a truck. You viewed yourself in the same position as that girl from yesterday and in a reflex your nose scrunched up in slight disgust before you pushed the man away lightly.

Your small action didn't go unnoticed by him and he was quick to catch the change in your emotion where your eyes went from surprise to soft and then blank. What pinched him was how your face scrunched up before pushing him away as if he was some kind of a garbage.

He saw that disgust on your face.

He doesn't know why but it pained him badly and he quickly held your wrist. "Why did you make that face to me?" He tried looking into your eyes but you looked away, not wanting him to read your eyes and see the vulnerability in them. Though you doubted if he could do so.

"Nothing…" You gripped his fingers with your other hand, trying to free yourself but he held your waist instead, pulling you closer to him with a swift movement. You gasped audibly as he had you locked in his arms while he breathed irregularly, holding back a mirage of emotions.

"Just because you saw me glued to someone doesn't mean I have anything to do with her." He whispered while his jaws clenched. "I wasn't willing to give any explanation to you but…" He gritted his teeths, gripping your wrist tighter while your heart felt a little warmer.

"Your husband is just too handsome to handle that girls aren't able to control themselves….is that my fault baby?" He smirked after sometime, throwing a shade while your heart couldn't help but skip a beat at his choice of words.

Though you were aware that he was just flirting and meant nothing to what he said, still your heart, full of love for this man, was a fool to only pay importance to his words. Still, holding yourself back, you put on a poker face before stomping on his foot making him lose contact with your body and stumble back in pain.

"Aahhh…" He let out a low scream of pain, scrunching his face hard while you stood there smiling sweetly at him. You felt good giving him a little pain but your smile started fading when he held the pillar for support and opened his shoe, rubbing his toes.

"J-Jungkook…" You stepped towards him, worry lacing your voice. "I was already having a headache and now you hurt me on my foot too." His voice came out low and you saw his lower lip slightly pucker out in a small pout.

You held his hand, your fingers unintentionally twining with his and made him sit on a chair of the dining table. Without giving any other thoughts, you landed your fingers on his temples.

An ecstatic groan left his lips as soon as your fingers started massaging his temples and you couldn't help but smile a little at his slick attempt to get your attention towards him. He thought that he played you in this but he wasn't aware of how good you were at reading him.

It was then that your heartbeats increased again when he decided to take the massage with open eyes, which made him look at your face from beneath. He kept looking up at you, his eyes holding so many unspoken emotions that you couldn't help but close his eyes with your palm.

He held that palm of yours in a perspective to remove the obstacle and he did. Sighing, you continued massaging his head while he continued looking at you, realising how badly you and your every action were affecting him.


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