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People say that a new morning indicates eradication of darkness with the arrival of the bright sun rays but the same was not applicable for the newly wedded couple of Jeon mansion.

"I need to use the washroom right now Y/n. I don't care but get the hell out of my washroom. Immediately!!" Jungkook yelled at the top of his voice, vigorously knocking at the washroom's door.

It wasn't like he was actually under emergency but just to pick up a useless fight with you, alongside trying to prove his rights over his bedroom, he was messing up with you.

"Y/n I said come o-" "Why are you so childish?" You sneered with slight irritation, opening the washroom's door wide, wearing a silk peach coloured bathrobe while carrying a white towel.

Jungkook halted in between, moving his eyeballs from your wet hair down, till your slippers before looking back into your eyes. "It's not like there aren't any more washrooms in this house. Couldn't you use one among them?" You frowned.

Grabbing the towel, you dried your hair with light strokes as he stood quietly, staring at those wet strands stuck on your weathish skin. "It's my washroom." He rebuked back after gaining his senses while you shook your head slightly.


Clicking sound of your heels echoed in the long corridor as you walked with rhythmic steps towards the conference room. "Good morning everyone." Flashing a small smile at all the board members, you sat across the table, opposite to Jungkook.

Being the general manager of the Jeon Enterprise, you were handling all the corporate affairs of the company while the aspiring CEO, Jeon Jungkook, was getting reported by you.

Giving you a crooked smile, Jungkook looked away before beckoning his secretary to conduct the meeting. "Good morning everyone. I am Chae Jessi, Sir Jeon Jungkook's personal assistant, and today we are holding this meeting to discuss the upcoming stocks, business and marketing of our company's products."

Jessi respectfully bowed before you stood up and walked towards the projector screen. Your assistant set up the presentation and you started speaking as soon as the slides started appearing.

Jungkook keenly heard you, along with the other board members, who had their attention paid to whatever you were sharing about the targeted topics. Your poised posture and sharp gestures along with your detailed knowledge was estimable even to Jungkook.

"This is it from me. Any questions?" You completed your presentation and as expected, the aspiring CEO countered back. "I still think that getting more raw materials beforehand will be efficient." Jungkook spoke, gaining everyone's attention.

"But storing them for a longer period of time would be fatal. Those materials will ultimately decay sir." You put forward your opinion. "Then we need to do proper calculations and set up good inventory to store the materials. At least we will cut off transportation costs." Jungkook was adamant enough to not agree with you.

"We have already created more than enough inventories. It would be proven to be a loss in the end." You looked at him as he glared at you. "What do you all think?" Jungkook asked the other members who were present in the meeting.

Few agreed to you while maximum sided with Jungkook, in the hopes of trying to remain in his good book. Jungkook smirked at you as the majority supported his decision. "In that case sir, with all due respect, I will have to take this matter to the current CEO Mr. Jeon Jaemin because I clearly have issues with your plan."

With a lip tight smile, you bowed in front of him before exiting the conference room while he clenched his jaws in anger.


"What the hell was that?" Jungkook barged inside your office cabin which you were somewhere expecting. After disagreeing with him, you knew you were calling for trouble.

"You think that you can impose your decisions on me just because you are  my wife now?" "Absolutely not sir. I believe that I can state my opinions because I am the general manager of this company and my vote matters." You folded your arms, looking directly towards him.

"Y/n!!! I am the CEO of this company." Jungkook pointed his finger at you, his eyes throwing daggers at you. "Aspiring. Aspiring CEO for now." You correcting him made him more furious. "Still. I am anyway gonna be the CEO."

"Then learn to develop the business by keeping aside your childish ego..." You firmly retorted, your face dripping with calmness. ".....sir." You gave him another tight smile. "You!!" Jungkook flared his nose and took a hasty step towards you but his feet got stuck on the crooked portion of the floor carpet.

You saw his body disbalance and before he would kiss the floor, you held his arms, balancing him back, avoiding him from falling. Jungkook was left surprised as he held onto you in reflex for support. His wide eyes met your worried ones and he found himself getting lost in a trance before he blinked back to reality.

"Aww!! Was the CEO about to fall?" You suppressed a smile, looking at him with fake innocence and that was Jungkook's last straw to push you away slightly before straightening his posture.

He let out an awkward cough, looked here and there before glaring at you again. "Don't you dare smile!! I hate to see it." He fumed while you nodded your head in compliance. "Okay sir." You stretched your words irritating him more.

"You!!" He again took a step towards you but stopped in between, gritting his teeths and fisting his hand. "I will see you." He snarled, warning you and you let out a chuckle after he left your cabin.

Jungkook was about to dash against a peon who was about to enter inside your cabin with your coffee. "Yaah!! Can you be more careful?" He quivered his brows, glaring at the peon who panicked after seeing him.

"I am sorry sir. I didn't see you." He replied meekly. "You are taking this for Y/n?" He asked, pointing at the coffee mug to which the peon nodded his head. Jungkook smirked before taking the mug for himself and walking away with it while the peon stood there dumbfounded, looking at Jungkook's retreating back.

"Madam...sir took your coffee." The peon blinked in confusion while you sighed after learning about Jungkook's childish comeback. "He is really immature. Who told him to be the CEO?" You murmured under your breath after telling the peon to bring you another coffee.


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