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New morning brought new hopes and happiness with it in your life. Your ears rang with the shrill noise of the alarm and you stretched your arms lazily, moving your hand towards the side table to hold your phone and stopped the alarm.

You laid still for a moment, fluttering your eyelashes, slowly opening your eyes. A small smile appeared on your lips as soon as you remembered the long and steamy kiss which you shared with him yesterday night and slowly turned on the bed, only to look at his morning sleepy face.

Yesterday night you two didn't just kiss for the first time but also shared the bed together. Your cheeks heated up while he was unaware of the adoring gaze with which you were showering him with. "I can't believe that I am living this moment." You thought to yourself, letting out a small sigh.

"I was setting up my brain to detach myself from you but you chose to love me instead." You bit down on your lower lip as your eyes started forming small tears. "I love you Jungkook." You say, ever so lightly and scooted closer to him, dropping a dewy kiss on the tip of his nose.

He stirred a little in his sleep, feeling some sensations from your touches and slowly woke up, only to break into a big bright smile as his sleepy and half open eyes fell on you, caressing his cheeks. "Good morning." His morning voice was heavy and husky as he held your waist and pulled you closer, resting his head on your chest while you stroked his back lightly.

"Good morning…." You mumbled softly. "...hubby." You added a little later, lowering your voice and he held you tighter, dropping a few morning kisses on your neck before resting his head again and falling into another slumber.

The entire day passed away in a jiff, where you two spent the maximum possible time together, apart from attending an important meeting or two. The next day, you accompanied Jungkook till the airport to drop him. You two felt gloomy as separation now was striking more hard.

"Come back soon." Your voice was heavy as your teary eyes glanced upon him. "I will." He whispered, his own eyes saddening up before he pulled you into a bone crushing hug. "It wasn't so difficult to let you go the previous time. Why did you make me so weak?" You complained, making him snort lightly.

"Yaah!! I can say the same thing wifey!!" He jerked you lightly in his arms and you tightened the hug. Looking up at him, your lips met his in a blink of an eye and you gave him a proper goodbye kiss.


This time, Jungkook has been gone for two months and already two weeks have passed by now. You two were missing each other like crazy but you also couldn't deny the heaps and loads of work that was left behind in the absence of the CEO.

You weren't getting time to even breathe properly while your husband, who was almost like a lovesick puppy, craved for nothing as much as your attention. "I am so sorry Jungkook, I was really busy." You apologised as soon as you called him after ignoring 10 missed calls from him.

"I won't be surprised if you stop calling me after a week because that's how the graph is going." He spoke and you could easily sense the disappointment in his voice. "No Jungkook, please don't think like that….you know the current project is so hectic and all the sub works are delaying for some or other reason...also the new guy, Woobin is yet to be trained properly-"

"Can we please not talk about work now Y/n?" He interrupted you and you immediately shut your lips and sighed before letting out a smile and changed the topic, hence changing his mood as well.

A few more weeks rolled down and as Jungkook anticipated, you weren't getting enough time to spare for him. Not like he was always demanding for your time, but at the end of the day, even a two minutes of conversation was his booster but here you were not even having any sleeping schedule.

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