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Your pupils dilated at the sight of him. Seeing him after two weeks felt like an eternity to you. You couldn't help but smile when he walked inside the conference room with all his charisma while the employees stood up in respect, greeting their CEO.

"You here?" You whispered once Jungkook came and stood beside you after smiling and greeting others. He didn't reply, instead slickly winked at you making your eyes go wide at his action. You decided to keep mum after his small act and continued with the meeting.

It was a quarterly review meeting of the ongoing projects which included the project owners of different sections and your assistant conducted the entire review in the presence of the CEO.

Jungkook was feeling all giddy inside him while sitting beside you. He wanted to laugh at himself and at the same time slap himself for being this crazy to come back to South Korea on such short notice.

Not that he abandoned his work at the States and returned but he worked like a sole workaholic, day and night, sticking to his laptop, glued to his office chair, conducting meetings and finalising projects that he wrapped up a couple of days job in a single day and took the next possible flight to land to his country. Be it for a few days.

Jungkook could feel his back muscles strain because of the tiredness that he felt in the last two days staying in the States and then a long tiring flight completely jet lagged him but still the energy that he felt after seeing your face felt surreal to him.

He felt like the fresh bloom of a flower on a dewy winter morning, flourishing its petals with every ounce of warm sun rays falling on it. He felt like the first shine of the sun, rising from between the valley of the vast sea, excitement and enthusiasm blossoming within him.

"Will you please tell me now? Why didn't you inform me about your arrival?" You literally had to suppress your squeal of happiness while talking to him. "I came for business, of course." He smiled, a mischievous one.

The conference room was left with just the two of you after the review meeting came to an end and you couldn't hide away your questions from him. "What business?" You folded your arms, throwing a questioning look at him.

"The Swiss Clients. I rescheduled my meeting with them tomorrow." He shrugged his shoulders. "But why??? I already convinced them to schedule a meeting after three months." You were confused on why he was burdening himself with workload.

Jungkook didn't feel like talking much, instead, ironically, he wanted to hold you closer, embrace you, feel you close to him and he felt quite suffocated because of this. It's not like he was confused with his feelings anymore because he realised that he has started liking you very badly but seeing the effect that you had on him was making him go bonkers.

Making you zip up your lips, he held your wrist and pulled you closer. You gasped as your petite frame crashed on his firm chest and your breaths shortened quickly as your heart started beating fast. "Shhh!!!" He hushed, keeping his index finger on your lips, his eyes staring down at you.

"You are talking too much Mrs Jeon." He whispered slyly, his jet black eyes never leaving your hazel brown ones. "Greet your husband who worked hard to take a short leave and came rushing to you…..and for what….?" He almost murmured but his voice was crystal clear to you.

His fingers now traced your jawline, sending shivers down your spine as he moved his hand towards your cheek, caressing it. "...for getting a glimpse of this face?" He completed, mostly questioned and you were lost in this question of his.

"Isn't it too much drama?!" He crooked his brows, sliding his hand towards the back of your neck making goosebumps erupt on your entire skin grail as he grabbed your neck from behind and pulled you closer.

Your chest heaved up and down in anxiety of standing this close to the love of your life, for the very first time, that too with all his will. Your breath mixed with his as you crumpled the cloth of his shirt near his chest with the fist of your hand.

"Jungk-Jun…" You stammered but couldn't speak as you saw him leaning closer to you. Jungkook stopped when he saw you shut your eyes tightly and a small smile crept on his lips.

Instead of kissing your lips, he tilted his head towards a little left, placing his warm lips on your cold cheek. Your eyes opened wide at his action and you held him tighter, your insides churning up with all sorts of jittery feelings.

"You want to kiss me Mrs Jeon?" Jungkook smirked and it was enough for you to break out from a trance that you slapped his chest lightly. "Nonsense." You twisted your lips, hiding away your reddened cheeks and turned back to leave.

He sensed the moment and immediately pulled you back, engulfing you in a back hug. "Sorry but I didn't work so hard for nothing. You gotta give me something in return." He held you closer properly. "Oh hello?! I didn't ask you to do so….stop asking me for any kind of favour." You faked an attitude, trying to free yourself but to no avail.

He instead, wounded your shoulders with one hand and your waist with another, gripping you tight. "I am very tired Y/n-ahhh…" He whispered, close to your ear, attaching the side of his head with yours.

Your heart immediately melted at his tired voice and you slowly turned around in his embrace, looking at his strained eyes properly. "Who told you to be this crazy?" You questioned, your hand involuntarily raising to caress his hair but instead of any reply, all you got was a small sparkly smile and eyes full of twinkle.


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