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"I will be away for business in the States." Jungkook let out in a low voice as the two of you were having your dinner one prior night. "I know." You chirped, getting yourself a little more rice to eat. "For three months." He looked at you this time, holding a lot of sadness in his eyes.

Your movements stopped for a sec and this time you raised your lashes to look at him. A lot of thoughts crossed your mind but your lips spoke none. Instead you let out a low chuckle making him confused. "Good for you….you won't have to bear me for a while." You smiled, making him frown.

He scoffed at your remark and started resuming his eating. "Come on JK!! I know you are happy and hiding it." You squint your eyes at him, trying to lighten up the atmosphere but he was not in a mood to take any jokes. "I wish you would stop speaking anymore because clearly you are spitting sh*ts!!"

His retort actually shut you up and the surrounding became more gloomy than before. You tried looking at him from the corner of your eyes but Jungkook was finishing his dinner aimlessly, looking into oblivion, as if running a lot of thoughts inside his brain.

"Good night" You wished him as he was about to move towards his room, which was adjacent to yours. He halted his steps and spared you a look. You could feel his eyes hurling sadness but you didn't want to get your hopes high.

"It's just a matter of three months and you are doing this for the betterment of your career."  Even without your knowledge, words flew from your lips as your heart wanted to console him. He stood there steady, listening to you.

"You will get to lear-" You stopped speaking when he dashed inside his room without listening to you. A sigh escaped your lips as you retired back to your room. No matter how much you two fight or bicker while staying under one roof, he still was your companion.

"I will miss you." You whispered to yourself as a lone tear escaped from the corner of your eye which you wiped away immediately.

Time brewed down as fast as it could and you found Jungkook and his dad, Jaemin, all decked up for the flight to the states as two househelps pulled their luggages outside towards their car. You and your mother-in-law stood at the foyer of Jeon mansion, ready to bid them a goodbye.

"I don't think I need to tell you to take care of your health." Mrs Jeon spoke and you saw your father-in-law hold his wife's hand lovingly while smiling at her. "Of course my lady." His voice and eyes held adoration for her which made you smile at them and their love.

Evergreen love.

Jungkook's lips also curved a little at his father's romantic gestures but his eyes fell on that someone, for whom his heart was paining since he learnt about the news of him having to go to the states for three months. You.

His eyes dilated as he saw you smile slightly at his parents. You felt so warm to him that his heart started beating at a fast pace. He wasn't able to understand the games his heart was playing as he thought that he would be happy being away from you but a hollow emptiness was eating him up as the departure time was nearing.

Jaemin cleared his throat to grab his son's attention, who, much to his pleasure, was lost in you. "Shall we leave?" Jungkook gave a difficult nod before hugging his mother tight and looked at you from the same position.

You were also not in a very good condition either but with time, you have expertise in hiding emotions so this was not that hard for you. "Bye." Jungkook says, still hugging his mother but looking at you. You chose to look at him only to see his eyes watery.

He is crying. What??

Holding back his tears, he cursed himself, before breaking the hug and straight away walked out of the mansion while your heart yearned to talk to him and more, hold him for once, to feel his warmth but you knew better.

Jungkook sniffed a bit, before sitting on the backseat while his father sat beside him. He looked out of the window to see a glimpse of you, waving at him. As the car started, his palm automatically lifted up to bid a goodbye.

"He will be back soon." Your mother-in-law held your shoulders from behind, smiling at you as you wiped your tears. "No, it's fine omma." You smiled as she reciprocated the same.

Couple of hours died down the horizon and you couldn't sleep properly, waiting for a message of their arrival. You were counting on the time, calculating how long it would take him to land and waiting for his one message but when it didn't come, you decided to message him yourself.

"Did you reach??"

Your message was delivered to him but your heart squeezed a little in pain when he left you on read. "Maybe he is tired." You reasoned to yourself, consoling your heart but it was of no help as you knew that replying to one message wouldn't take a lot of his time.

Just when you were about to leave the matter, your phone buzzed with his caller ID and your lips couldn't help but form an instant bright smile.


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