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"Dad!! Why do you always have to support her?" Jungkook sighed with irritation as his grip over the phone increased. "Because unlike you, she is correct." His father chimed nonchalantly making the brown eyed man clench his jaws as he entered into his lavish mansion.

After the small disagreement between the aspiring CEO and the general manager, the discussion was taken further to the present CEO, who as needed, supported your decision, which wasn't, as expected, taken up well by Jungkook.

Though he knew somewhere that your business approach was way better than his, yet his mountain like ego was painfully high to make him overlook beyond. When his eyes laid on you after entering into the hall room, he hissed out his irritation.

"Just her face is enough to ruin my day.." He murmured but couldn't help watching your calmness dripping face which was currently concentrated in eating something which he has probably no idea about.

"If you want to eat then you can have a seat...staring at me won't quench your hunger." You spatted without sparing him a look, making him barge out of his little imagination. "Huh!! As if you got so lucky to eat together with me." He growled in pride before leaving.

"Brat!" You murmured under your breath, continuing to eat, unbothered. Walking down after a couple of minutes, Jungkook sat across from you, fiddling with his phone, waiting for the cook to serve him his dinner until he realised that your dish looked completely different from his.

"What the f*ck are you eating??" He couldn't hold back his curiosity seeing you enjoy your food while he was served with some grilled meat and salad, just as he prefers. "Something delicious." You pressed a smile at him, before scooping out a handful of steamed rice buns, wrapped with lettuce and seasoned with flavours.

"You are unhygienic and gross." He remarked, scrunching up his face, looking at you eating with bare hands. "And you are boring and unhappy." You blurted out immediately, making him clench his fist in anger. "You don't have any manners regarding the way to behave with your husband." He accused, making you raise an eyebrow.

"Excuse me, what??" You sassed until he blinked in realisation of what he blurted out. "Whatever!!!" He snapped and went back to eating, not forgetting to spare glances at you in between.

Retiring back to the room, he saw you collecting your pillow and duvet and walking out of his room and then returning back again. "Good to see that the trash is taking herself out of my room." He smirked, sprawling all over the bed, eyeing you shuffling through the wardrobe.

"Uncle left today and it was my limit of bearing you. Also I keep promises." You spoke, arranging your suitcase. "Then make a promise to me too …..leave me!!" Jungkook spoke with a firm expression as all the playfulness swiped away.

You halted your actions and looked at him properly. Jungkook's body moved involuntarily as he was alerted of your dove shaped eyes, gawking at him with a strange shine in them. "This is the first time you asked something from me." You whispered as he walked down the bed and took a few steps towards you.

"I cannot confirm at this moment…." You continued, still looking at him, while Jungkook felt a weird uneasiness within him. "...but I promise that I will try." He gulped as you finished speaking.

He wanted to smile madly as he saw a hope of separating his path from yours but the smile didn't turn up onto his lips. Strangely, a sigh escaped his mouth as he saw you walking out of his room to a different one.


Days metamorphosed into weeks and weeks died down into months. Your days started with hearing his taunts and his nights ended up with experiencing new emotions regarding his forced wife and towards the unwanted bond with her.

Above all, what irritated him the most was the calmness, yet the savageness with which you handled him.

Why were you so unaffected??


"You still have a crush on me…. isn't it??" Jungkook's male ego rebuked with a smirk as he saw you blowing the hot soup to cool it down a little before feeding him. He was caught up with fever for two days, resulting in you attending to him.

Because no matter what, you can't see him suffer.

"Do you want me to like you?" You replied, still concentrating on feeding him, while your heart played havoc inside your chest with his question. "I don't need to want something which I already have." He chimed proudly, while sniffing.

Your lips broke into a slight smile which Jungkook couldn't decipher as a positive one.

"When a person stops wishing for what he already has, its value decreases and so does its requirement…"

Jungkook listened to you carefully as you wiped his lips, which were smeared with a little bit of soup.

"But I have wanted you even after getting you…."

Jungkook's eyes widened a bit after hearing your confession as those words rolled out of your tongue naturally.

"You won't understand but it's okay….i don't regret anything…."

You put a palm over his cheek before tapping it lightly while he gawked at you as if he saw a ghost.


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