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"I thought you slept." You spoke right after picking up his call and heard him chuckle from the other side. "Already missing me?? Tch Tch! Too bad." He replied, making you roll your eyes before dropping yourself down on your bed.

He too let out a tired sigh and plopped himself on the hotel's bed into which he checked in. "Hope you are wearing something warm." You mouthed as he covered himself with the duvet. "Don't tryna be my mom now." He irked.

"I am of course. Thankyou for packing my needs." He says after some time, sensing your silence. "Whatever. Bye." You felt moody. Though he was always rude and cocky yet today you felt moody…… maybe because he was miles away from you.

"Wae! Wae! Wae!?!" He sat up on the bed, becoming serious as he wanted to talk longer. "Because I am sleepy." You skimmed and he saw the time. "What do you mean by sleepy? Aren't you at the office?" He asked, confused.

You kept quiet, not knowing how to explain it to him that you didn't sleep the entire night, worrying about him and that you took a day off. "I called in sick." He let out an amusing chuckle at your response. "I am your boss, then whom did you call in sick Y/n-ah?"

"You need to know everything, Jungkook?" You were getting irritated and also flustered. "You are taking advantage of being my wife." He teased you and you scoffed, yourself knowing that he was correct. "Huh, whatever. I have done lots for the company as well." You smiled a little, relaxing on your bed.

"Hey!! That's mean. It's not like you did anything for free." He too laid down, clutching his phone tighter while the smile on his lips spread broader while talking to you. "Jungkook, good night." You twisted your lips in annoyance but smiled after hanging up.

Your heart relaxed knowing that he was fine and they reached but it also saddened the next moment, realising that he was gone for a long time. Just when you were about to sleep, your phone buzzed again and this time it was a video call from him.

"How dare you hang up on me Mrs Jeon??" He creased his brows as soon as your face came on view. You smiled lightly seeing him, sleeping on one side of the bed, with his left cheek squished with the white pillow.

"Aren't you tired? You still can't keep yourself from fighting with me even after staying miles away." You shook your head, changing sides on the bed and looking at him with hooded eyes. "That's my favourite job." He smiled, his bunny teeths full on display for your eyes.

"Don't you think that I ignored the fact that you called me Mrs Jeon…" You spoke again and you saw his smile falter bit by bit. "What is up with you Mr Jeon? Are you out of your 'Hate Y/n' phase??" You smiled a little, squeezing your shoulders.

"Make it out yourself. Aren't you smart enough to understand?" He says calmly as you could see his eyes shimmer with authenticity. "I don't…." Your words suddenly leaped from your lips and you fell short of them and later looked at him properly.

He waited for you to speak because he wanted to hear you. Hear you for a very long time. "I don't want to get my hopes high." You spoke your heart feelings and he blinked his eyes in slight pain. This feeling of yours brought pain to him.

"Will it be bad and weird if I say that…" He halted for a second as you heard him with all your concentration. "....I want you to hope." You let out a shaky breath as he too said his inner feelings.

This one night of separation, strangely brought some courage and honesty in you two to speak your heart out and now that you two did, realisation hit you two that it was never a difficult task to do.

"You really need some sleep, I guess." You  chuckled, making him smile as well. "Which means my words didn't impact you Mrs Jeon?" Your heart skipped terribly everytime he addressed you with his surname.

"I didn't sleep the entire night because I was worried about you." You confessed, giving him assurity about the impact of his that laid within you. His heart swelled in unknown happiness which directly reflected in his eyes.

The night at Jungkook's place grew darker but the two of you kept talking and you didn't even realise when you dozed off, putting an end to your conversation with him. He saw you sleeping and felt as if he was just beside you, close enough.

Though he was tired, he still wanted to keep looking at you. "Y/n-ah….I have a meeting tomorrow first in the morning and I gotta sleep for that." He whined a little but didn't hang up. "I am also not sleeping I guess." He chuckled, shaking his head, watching you snore softly.

Days passed slower than it could or maybe Jungkook felt that way because he was away from home and missing the warmth of being at a certain someone's vicinity. "Do you think that I miss you?" He looked at his phone with which he rang you up for the upteemth time of the day without any embarrassement.

He smiled after his call was answered and your daily conversation with him started. This separation, strangely, bought you two closer than expected and not to lie, you two were loving the difference.

"There is a good amount of progress in the project sir. Materials are already delivered and production will start positively by next month." You boasted proudly as you were leading this project and Jungkook smiled at your enthusiasm.

"And what about the Swiss Clients?" He questioned, a part of him actually wanting to talk business but a major part of him just wanting to speak to you. "I have rescheduled their meeting and postponed it till you arrive. It was so difficult to convince them." You let out a sigh, signing some papers.

"I am so proud of you wifey." Your heart skipped again because of his one liners and you were about to give it back to him but an employee knocked at your cabin so you had to hang up. The smile on Jungkook's lips faded away and he hissed.

"Gosh!! What's this now?! I am behaving like a teenager." He chuckled to himself, shaking his head before resuming his work but it didn't stop him from calling and talking to you again later after a couple of hours. It has become a routine.

Two weeks rolled down and you were at the office, arranging your files for a meeting in the conference room when a few employees gasped and stood up from their chairs greeting someone who just entered.

Raising your head, you felt your heart stop beating for a second before it fastened its pace seeing him stand at the threshold of the conference room. Your lips fell a little apart and you slowly stood up as he smiled and walked inside, locking his eyes with you.


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